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The Wolfram Functions Site

Mathematik im Internet Artikel 1999 Mathematik im Internet Die Liste der Mathematik-Internet-Seiten ist natürlich eine subjektive, und soll nur der Anfang des Surfens sein. Der Organisator dieser Ausstellung ist selbst an amüsanten Seiten rund um die Mathematik im Internet interessiert und würde sich über Emails freuen, die ihn auf "Neue Seiten" aufmerksam machen. oder besucht uns direkt im Es gibt natürlich noch viele andere Seiten , doch sollen die angeführten Referenzen dich nur neugierig machen. Gerade die Suche und das Auffinden weiterer Seiten macht die Faszination des Internets aus.

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The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®) ETH - EducETH - Unterrichtsmaterial Mathematik Neue Materialien ab April 06 Die Mathematik des Jonglierens (Lesetext), publiziert im Mai 2014Populationsmodelle, Graphen und Matrizen (Lesetext), publiziert am 5. November 2012Irrfahrten auf Graphen, Matrizen und Google's PageRank (Lesetext), publiziert am 3. Oktober 2012Spieltheorie (Lesetext): publiziert am 31. Oktober 2011Rationale Gewirre (Lesetext), publiziert am 3. Informationen zur Qualitätssicherung finden Sie hier... Alle Materialien nach Fachgebiet sortiert Untenstehend finden Sie sämtliche Unterrichtsmaterialien aus dem Fach der Mathematik, nach Fachgebiet sortiert. Wichtiger Hinweis: Diese Website wird in älteren Versionen von Netscape ohne graphische Elemente dargestellt. Important Note: The content in this site is accessible to any browser or Internet device, however, some graphics will display correctly only in the newer versions of Netscape.

Encyclopedia of Mathematics Eurographics Mathematics Subject Classification The main purpose of the classification of items in the mathematical literature using the Mathematics Subject Classification scheme is to help users find the items of present or potential interest to them as readily as possible---in products derived from the Mathematical Reviews Database (MRDB), in Zentralblatt MATH, or anywhere else where this classification scheme is used. An item in the mathematical literature should be classified so as to attract the attention of all those possibly interested in it. The item may be something which falls squarely within one clear area of the MSC, or it may involve several areas. Ideally, the MSC codes attached to an item should represent the subjects to which the item contains a contribution. The classification should serve both those closely concerned with specific subject areas, and those familiar enough with subjects to apply their results and methods elsewhere, inside or outside of mathematics.

Copyright Evidence Studies have been grouped by six key copyright policy themes. There is also an opportunity to investigate more fundamental issues relating to the copyright incentive, contracts, consumer behavior and industry structure. This is still work in progress. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs DML: Digital Mathematics LibraryAlso: WDML: World Digital Mathematics Library Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs Contains links to 4609 digitized books (> 647486 pages ) and to 577 digitized journals/seminars (> 4303824 pages). (Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.) Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Library", Notices Amer. The database for this table is an ASCII based (UTF-8 extended) list, which may be parsed by this PERL script. Lists ordered by "Journal", "Repository" (Journals only) or by "Author name", "Title" are provided, as well as an overview of the repositories.

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