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A Place for Translators, Interpreters, Voice Talents, Other Language Professionals and Their Clients.

A Place for Translators, Interpreters, Voice Talents, Other Language Professionals and Their Clients.
Visitors to TranslatorsCafé.com will find a new and very convenient way to connect with others in the international linguistic community. Offer your professional translation and interpretation services to registered translation agencies. Access useful linguistic news and resources. Or chat with other linguists about issues of the day. Enjoy your visit and don’t forget to add this site to your favourites. Are You a Language Professional? Sign up now if you are visiting for the first time—registration is free, or log on and enjoy the full search capabilities of this site. Do you have difficulty translating a term or phrase? Ask a Question Recent TCTerms Questions and Answers Are you tired of being lonesome? Are You a Translation Agency Representative? Add your company to our list of translation agencies or find a translator or partner here. Do You Need a Professional Translator, an Interpreter, an Editor, a Foreign Language Teacher, a Voice-Over Artist or a Multilingual DTP Expert?

RhinoSpike : Foreign Language Audio on Demand! Av-kääntäjät EuroVoc EuroVoc es un tesauro multilingüe y multidisciplinario que abarca la terminología de los ámbitos de actividad de la UE. Contiene términos en 23 lenguas oficiales de la Unión Europea (alemán, búlgaro, checo, croata, danés, eslovaco, esloveno, español, estonio, finés, francés, griego, húngaro, inglés, italiano, letón, lituano, maltés, neerlandés, polaco, portugués, rumano y sueco), así como en tres lenguas de países candidatos a la adhesión a la UE: македонски (mk), shqip (sq), y cрпски (sr). Administra EuroVoc la Oficina de Publicaciones, que ha pasado a aplicar una gestión de tesauros basada en ontologías y tecnologías de web semántica acordes con las recomendaciones del Consorcio World Wide Web (W3C) y las últimas tendencias en materia de normalización de tesauros.

75 Free Language Learning Resources Online Whether you’re trying to learn English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Italian –you get the picture – it’s good to get free help along the way. Luckily, there are tons of free online resources out there. Here are 75 to get you started … 1. – Learn basics like vowels, consonants, phrases and vocabulary for various languages like Arabic, Bambara, Cebuano, Estonian, Icelandic, Latvian and Serbian. 2. – 123TeachMe offers free learning materials, including games, quizzes, vocabulary builders, mp3 study lists, RSS vocabulary lists and more for adults and children. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. – While the site isn’t completely free, it does offer free resources for various languages, including grammar guides. 17. – A huge resource for learning multiple languages, including Dutch, French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Korean and German. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31. 32. 34. 35.

SDI MEDIA - Specializing in Language Dubbing, Translation, Voice Over, Subtitling and Closed Captioning Bookmarks DocuTradSo nace como una propuesta de clasificación de fuentes de información en línea para la actividad traductora. En este sentido, es fruto de una revisión meditada y de un análisis crítico de las necesidades y demandas informativas que desarrolla el traductor en su actividad, ya sea en su etapa formativa o en la profesional. Al hilo de esta observación, el grupo PACTE, de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (dir. 1.1 Portales 1.2 Directorios o índices 1.3 Motores de búsqueda o buscadores 1.4 Compiladores de buscadores 1.5 Metabuscadores 1.6 Directorios de búsqueda especializada 1.7 Anillos temáticos 1.8 Listas y foros de discusión 1.9 Redes temáticas 1.10 Recopilaciones temáticas 1.11 Bibliotecas de referencia en línea 1.12 Sitios web de recursos para traductores 2. 5. 6. Sistemas de búsqueda de información o localización de recursos en Internet 1.1 Portales 1.1.1 Directorios 1.1.2 Recopilaciones Biblioteca Virtual - Portales Terra Wanadoo

100 Free Foreign Language Classes Online March 1st, 2010 If you have always wanted to learn a language but were too put off by the high cost associated with most classes, then take a look at all these great opportunities to learn a foreign language online, at no cost to you. With so many learning opportunities online, it is a shame not to take advantage of all that you can, so be sure to spend some time with these classes. Whether you want to learn one of the major world languages or want something a little less popular, there are sure to be lessons here to help you start to speak whatever language you are interested in learning. French If you want to learn French, no matter your experience level, then check out these free classes. BBC Languages French. Spanish From the basics to more advanced college courses in Spanish, see what is available in this listing. Learn Spanish. German Learn German from these free classes. BBC Languages German. Italian Italian Language Course. Portuguese BBC Languages Portuguese. Japanese Chinese Chinese I.

Suomen kääntäjien ja tulkkien liitto – Finlands översättar- och tolkförbund ry - Suomen kääntäjien ja tulkkien liitto Base de datos de libros editados en España Esta base de datos contiene referencias bibliográficas de los libros editados en España desde 1972, año en que nuestro país se unió al sistema ISBN. Está gestionada por la Agencia Española del ISBN. Los datos los proporciona el propio editor al tramitar y remitir a la Agencia el impreso de solicitud del ISBN. Contiene las referencias de las publicaciones monográficas editadas en España que llevan ISBN, tanto disponibles como agotadas, editadas en distintas lenguas y diferentes soportes. Es una base de datos viva que diariamente incorpora nuevos registros. Existen dos opciones de búsqueda: sencilla y avanzada. Dispone de Ayuda por si tiene alguna duda a la hora de realizar una búsqueda.

Top List of the hardest languages to learn We had so many interesting responses to this article that we decided to create a poll to see what people think the hardest languages to learn overall are. We also wanted to find out what people think the hardest language to learn to pronounce correctly and the hardest language to learn to write correctly are. The hundreds of votes have now been counted! Take a look at the results of the hardest languages to learn poll, to find out what languages people voted for. 1. Basque 2. There are some controversial questions which to some extent may never be satisfactorily answered. As so often is the case, the answer to this question lies partly in the eye of the beholder. While the common consensus tends to describe Chinese and Russian to be among the most challenging languages, a survey conducted by the British government has shown that this is not necessarily true. *Top List based on forum discussions in 23 countries You might also like:
