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9 Tips for Running Successful Facebook Contests

9 Tips for Running Successful Facebook Contests
Have you considered using a Facebook contest? These days, it seems like just about everyone is giving away something on Facebook. iPad or $100 gift certificate, anyone? Keep reading to learn nine tips for making Facebook contests more successful. Do Contests Really Work? Some business owners recognize that contests can increase the number of people who Like their business, and even more importantly, they realize that contests can provide valuable customer information. So do contests work or not? They do—but only if you do them the right way, with a reason for your fans to want to interact, a good prize and a clean design like Pocono Mountains features in their latest contest. Pocono Mountains offer an interactive contest where fans are asked to create a "life's greater" equation then enter for a chance to be featured on a billboard in Philly and/or NYC. The businesses that are disappointed in the contests they’ve run have probably made a couple of fundamental mistakes. #6: Keep it Simple

Comment supprimer les applications sur Facebook Les internautes un minimum concernés par l’actualité d’internet le savent, le nerf de la guerre sur Internet, ce sont vos données personnelles. Et les applications rivalisent d’ingéniosité pour y avoir accès et ainsi proposer des publicités ciblées. Dans cette optique, Facebook serait donc un genre d’Hyper marché des données personnelles ou chaque application chaque login sur un site utilisant le Facebook connect se monnaie à coup d’accès aux données personnelles laissées sur le site par les utilisateurs. Le résultat est que toutes les applications que vous avez pu utiliser par l’intermédiaire de Facebook ou d’autres réseaux sociaux se retrouvent à avoir accès en permanence aux informations vous concernant, oui, même le test rigolo que vous avez fait il y a trois ans pour savoir quel était votre nom elfique. Il est donc grand temps de faire un peu le ménage parmi les autorisations accordées. Un clic sur « modifier » vous dévoilera la liste des données auxquelles à accès l’application

Cards Introduction With Twitter Cards, you can attach rich photos, videos and media experiences to Tweets, helping to drive traffic to your website. Simply add a few lines of markup to your webpage, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a “Card” added to the Tweet that’s visible to their followers. The Tweet embedded below shows a Player Card along with 140 characters: Drive engagement from your Tweets The different Card types each have a beautiful consumption experience built for Twitter’s web and mobile clients: Summary Card: Title, description, and thumbnail.Summary Card with Large Image: Similar to the Summary Card, but with a prominently-featured image.App Card: A Card with a direct download to a mobile app.Player Card: A Card that can provide video/audio/media. To learn more about how the Card meta tags and web crawler work, check out the Getting Started Guide. Drive app downloads from your Tweets Get started in 4 simple steps Ready to get started with Cards?

10 tools to create Facebook promotions & contests - Social Media, Online Marketing, Blogging Creating Facebook contests and promotions is a great way to build up your fan base (likes) as well as engage your audience with your brand. I have personally never executed any contest on Facebook however, I will be creating one soon. A typical Facebook promotion requires users to “Like” your page first and then be eligible for the promotion give away. It can be a white paper, coupon, a discount or anything you can come up with. This way you increase your Facebook likes and at the same time engage your fans with your brand. On the other hand, Facebook contests winners are usually selected in the basis of skills. Both tools are great to build brand awareness and push viral content for free. A tip to remember, have always at least 3 winning prizes, otherwise, if contestants see that 1 user is way ahead of the rest, the contestants lose interest, therefore, give more chances for everyone to win something. 1. My favorite, very easy to use and there is a free plan to get started. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Facebook lance les options de ciblages sur les pages Cet article a été publié il y a 1 an 7 mois 13 jours, il est possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. Facebook est en train de déployer une nouvelle fonctionnalité sur les pages Fans. Une fonctionnalité qui permettra de cibler ses posts de manière très précise. Les options de ciblage sont relativement nombreuses et riches. Dans les plus intéressantes, on retrouve le ciblage par langue, par âge (très précis) et par région géographique. On retrouve également le ciblage par situation amoureuse. Voici un screen montrant toutes le possibilités de ciblage. Pour accéder à ce menu, vous trouverez une nouvelle icône au moment de publier vos statuts. Le déploiement de cette fonctionnalité est progressif mais vous pouvez tenter de passer votre compte en US si vous ne voyez pas l’option sur votre outil de publication.

Why Google+ is Good For Business – and the Stats to Prove it [Infographic] Get ready for some proof that Google+ is important for your business. It’s the final day of infographic week based on our Ultimate Guide to Marketing with Infographics, and I’ll be sharing our fourth infographic example using the 12 steps that make marketing data visualization easier. This time I’ll be running through why you should be using Google+ for your business. Don’t forget the tweetable facts taken from the infographic at the end of the post. But I don’t want a 3rd sock! Add Google+ as your third business marketing sock. That title was the best quote heard at last years SEOmoz MOZcon conference – in reference to Google+ being an unnecessary extra social network after Twitter and Facebook. “On Air” video hangouts are great for broadcasting and chatting with people en masse – you can use them to train existing customers on using your product or just have an open Q&A session. And if you happen to be a Red Hot Chili Peppers fan (and a guy), you’ll know what to do with that third sock.

Contest on Facebook | How to create a contest on Facebook One of the best ways to increase your “likes” and capture leads through Facebook is to run a contest. FaceItPages offers a contest application that enables you to easily create a contest on your Facebook page in minutes. Following is an overview on how to create a contest on Facebook using the FaceItPages Facebook Contest Application. First setup an account here on FaceItPages or login to your existing account. After logged into your account click the “Create a New Page Tab” option from your members main menu. This will bring you into the first step of the page creation tool where you can name your page and choose if you would like to setup a fan gate. Next you will be presented with different layout and template choices. After choosing your template you will be taken to the editor screen. Feel free to setup other modules on your contest page such as a header banner, video, Twitter feed, etc. by clicking on the other module blocks within the template editor.

Intégrez vos sondages, enquêtes et questionnaires à Facebook Vous voulez savoir ce que pensent vos amis et vos fans ? Ce qu’ils aiment et ce qu’ils n’aiment pas ? Vous voulez leur demander directement sur Facebook, mais obtenir vos résultats dans un format facile à utiliser ? SurveyMonkey peut vous aider. Commencez maintenant → C’est rapide, facile — et GRATUIT. SurveyMonkey vous permet de facilement recueillir des opinions, des commentaires et des informations sur Facebook. Comment publier mes sondages sur Facebook ? Utilisez des sondages SurveyMonkey et notre collecteur Facebook ou collecteur de lien Web pour créer et envoyer des sondages méthodologiques et bien conçus, et recueillir des commentaires que vous pouvez utiliser à des fins commerciales ou simplement pour vous amuser. Pour ce faire, procédez comme suit : Inscrivez-vous pour obtenir un compte SurveyMonkey gratuit.Créez votre sondage à l’aide de l’un de nos modèles de sondage, ou choisissez parmi les questions certifiées de notre banque de questions. Sondages d’opinion en ligne.

Step by Step Content Marketing Ten *Real* Ways to Get More Facebook Likes Ten *Real* Ways to Get More Facebook Likes This may be the bazillionth blog post written on the topic of how to get more Facebook likes. However, this isn’t going to be a post full of ambiguos advice like ‘make your page more engaging’ and ‘create a compelling landing page’! This post is a collection of real methods for driving likes. 1. After finding out about this absolute gem of a tactic, I realised that YouTube disabled the ability to link to external sites using annotations. 2. How many emails does your company send out a day? 3. Coming from a background in helping bands promote their music, this is one of few areas in Facebook marketing where bands tend to do so much better when compared to brands. If you’re not hosting events or if your brand doesn’t naturally lend itself to this sort of thing, attend some conferences or industry events with a digital camera and take some photos. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Driving likes from the real world is the latest craze. 10.

Conseils pour animer sa page sur Facebook via Voici une série de conseils pour animer au mieux sa page sur Facebook, je ne ferai que vous rappeler que ce qui marche et qui est facile à mettre en place. N’oubliez pas qu’animer et faire aimer une telle page c’est un métier, si votre page a du mal à décoller : ne vous en faites pas ! C’est normal ! Suivez ces quelques conseils, et vos fans seront de plus en plus nombreux et/ou réactifs ! Conseils « de base » : Utilisez tout les types de statut disponibles : texte, lien, image, vidéo. Posez des questions : Lancez des débats, et soyez concret : « Selon vous, quelle couleur pour la nouvelle pub de l’entreprise ? Faites réaliser des actions : A la publication d’un statut, demandez leur de mettre « j’aime » s’ils sont d’accord.Lancez des blagues, ou des débuts de blague, en jouant sur le côté ludique et défi, vous aurez des commentaires.Retournez au web1.0 : créez des sondages, ça a toujours marché et ça marche encore ! Utilisez le multimédia : Faire de la pub’ : Télécharger

Creating Ultimate Guides and Using Them to Build Your Marketing List You’ve seen them – ultimate marketing guides to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and other important digital marketing resources. Creating ultimate guides are a great way to attract traffic, links, and social shares to your blog or website. The issue most people run into is with the number of blogs out there (especially ones on online marketing) – how do you create an ultimate guide if there are already tons of posts on a given subject? In today’s post, we’re going to look at the steps to creating the ultimate guide to anything and how you can use your ultimate guide to get mailing list subscribers. Step One: Subscribe to Lots of Blogs in Your Industry Ultimate guides are successful when they are written about trending topics, and the only way to know what is a trending topic is to see what others are writing about. This is a great way to find out what is trending – the more you see the name of a product, service, or network pop up, the more it means you should be writing about it.

Agency Review: Likeable Media Loves Being Liked stumbleupon All advertising agencies want to be loved more than ever. Virtually every agency website has one or more social media feeds, a blog and the desire to be “liked,” followed and loved. Likeable Media stood out in a review of ad and digital agency social media self-promotion programs for the agency’s unabashed love of all things social. The agency was literally born at a social media event. As one might expect from a social media specialist, Likeable is on all of the major social media platforms, including SlideShare, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+ and Twitter. In the realm of agency social media programs, ubiquity alone is not enough. Here are some Likeable social stats compared to those of much larger agencies: This small agency has 31,707 Facebook “likes” (BBDO has 22,922); 28,979 Twitter followers (Goodby has 12,192); two Pinterest sites (most agencies haven’t even discovered the power of Pinterest) and 136,739 YouTube views vs. Pinterest SlideShare

« Optimiser l'animation d'une page Facebook avec Shoork » Quels types de publications favorisent le plus les interactions sur Facebook ? Quand poster des mises à jour pour bénéficier d'une attention maximale? Deux questions centrales pour les entreprises qui gèrent une page Facebook d'entreprise, et souhaitent optimiser leurs actions d'animation sur le réseau pour acquérir des fans ou nourrir le « buzz positif » autour de leur marque. Thibaut Thomas, chargé de communication web de la Gaîté Lyrique, lieu de création et de diffusion dédié à la culture numérique, utilise « Shoork Metrics », une application gratuite de veille concurrentielle sur Facebook, qui lui permet d'optimiser l'animation de la page de la Gaîté Lyrique, en suivant l'évolution de différents indicateurs de performances. Son retour d'expérience sur l'utilisation et l'intérêt de ce type de solution. CCM - Pouvez-vous présenter la Gaîté Lyrique, et son positionnement sur les réseaux sociaux ? TT - Oui. TT - Oui. CCM - Et concernant la fréquences des animations de votre page ? Shoork

Get More Tweets: 5 UX Tips for Boosting Your Site’s Virality Social networking sites account for the most referral traffic to all websites just behind organic search. So you better be optimizing for more sharing. But it’s not just slapping a Tweet button and producing link-bait content that people will Like and Retweet. Here are 5 fresh user experience ideas for boosting how much your site gets shared: 1. People are happy to share (good) content. It’s one thing to write a detailed, insightful blog post. TED has innovated on this principle by enabling sharing of memorable quotes. Notice how TED gives you unique content by just repackaging the speaker’s words. They know that aside from the videos, quotes are one of their best assets (and a type of text people love to share). 2. Custom landing pages driven by outbound sales campaigns have been around forever. Showing a “Hey – thanks for visiting us from Twitter. A great example of this in action is with Twitter Bootstrap 2. Let’s take a closer look. 3. It may cannibalize some traffic. 4. 5.
