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Mira y Calla

Pixel Art Tutorial (Español) Bueno para comenzar una definición de nuestro amigo wikipedia Pixel art El pixel art es una forma de arte digital, creada a través de una computadora mediante el uso de programas de edición de gráficos en raster, donde las imágenes son editadas a niveles de pixeles. Las imágenes de la mayor parte de viejos videojuegos para ordenadores, videoconsola, y muchos juegos para teléfono móvil son consideradas obras de pixel art. Posee similitudes con el puntillismo, difiriendo principalmente en las herramientas para la creación de estas imágenes, computadores y programas en lugar de pinceles y lienzos. Bueno ahora unas cosas basicas Vocabulario Especifico PIXELART : Técnica de dibujo realizada punto por punto donde se pueden crear dibujos, imágenes, animaciones etc.. Line-Art : Es el dibujo o imagen hecho con líneas en blanco y negro. Gradient : Efecto que usa las variantes de tono de un color para llenar espacios, etc.. Paleta De Colores : Serán todos los colores que usemos para nuestro dibujo.

food for your eyes To celebrate the launch of Street Photography Now in the French language version, the publishers Thames & Hudson organise a ‘Street Photography Trail’ in Paris. The exhibtion curated by Nathalie Belayche, aka Food For Your Eyes, takes place from 5th to 28th November, throughout the Canal Saint Martin area. The prints are viewable by the passers-by 24/7. in locations ranging from hairdresser, bakery, coffee-shop to fashion boutiques, with all street facing windows, Selected photographs (18 photos) from Street Photography Now book show a mix of unexpected situations and beautiful moment of everyday life, sometimes humoristic, most of the time absurd, captured by a range of established and emerging street photographers. The Street Photography Trail preview is on 4th November. Booksignings are scheduled during Paris Photo Fair at Schaden bookstore booth, Friday 19th november at 2pm, and at Offprint PhotoBook Fair, Saturday 20th November at 6pm. Street Photography Links:

Almacén Interactivo 80 Beautiful Typefaces For Professional Design Every now and again designers stumble upon the very same problem: the choice of a unique and beautiful typeface which manages to fulfill three basic tasks. Support the corporate identity, enrich the visual appearance and is compatible with the overall design. However, usually there are simply too many options you can consider, which is why you need time to find the option you are most comfortable with. Although the choice usually depends on clients’ requirements, it is necessary to have some pretty starting points for your font decision. Every now and again designers stumble upon the very same problem: the choice of a unique and beautiful typefaces which manages to fulfill three basic tasks. Support the corporate identity, enrich the visual appearance and is compatible with the overall design. So which typefaces are “bulletproof”? We have answers. Further Reading on SmashingMag: More after jump! Classic Typefaces Classics of typography in a brief overview. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

box and line | a blog of visual inspiration and stimulation swissmiss: designers i like What a treat to have fellow swiss, Lars Müller, speak at one of the wonderful AIGA Small Talks here in NYC. Lars Müller is a well respected figure in the graphic design, architecture and photography publishing world. You might know or own the infamous Helvetica: Homage to a Typeface Book, which is definitely one of my favorites. Michael Bierut introduced Lars Müller, pointing out how impressed he is by the fact that even though Müller is mostly his own client, he doesn't become self-indulgent but manages to stay focused and maintain a very straight-forward, objective design sense. In his presentation Lars Müller went through his impressive roster of architecture, design and photography books he's published. , by the schweizer werkbund, a post bauhaus movement. What became clear from his talk was that Müller always builds up a close relationship to the subject, author or the artist of the book. Müller explained how he sees the designer as a 'political being'.

LOS MEJORES DISEÑOS WEB DE 2011 – by MARCA SOCIAL. « MARKETING EN REDES SOCIALES, INTERNET Y FACEBOOK. ¿Cuántas veces nos ha pasado que vemos una página web y decidimos buscar otra con información del mismo tipo pero que sea visualmente más agradable? Y es que el diseño de la página es tan importante como la información que esta contiene. Un diseño amigable con el usuario o visualmente atractivo, captará la atención sobre el contenido de la página, mientras un diseño complicado, monótono e insípido distará e inducirá a optar por una alternativa mejor. Por otra parte, un diseño artístico, que denota un trabajo más elaborado, o una digitalización de un diseño hecho a mano puede darle a una página web una apariencia única y totalmente exclusiva. Lo importante del diseño de la página es que debe transmitir un concepto acorde con el contenido de la misma. Hoy día les presentamos la selección de 12 diseños de sitios web más espectaculares de 2011. Full Digital Live HD Kusoyama Deborah Cavenaugh Esteban Muñoz Matt Salik Toucouleur Design Miki Mottes Marie Guillaumet Los colores olvidados Lea Wells

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