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Le digital, un canal indispensable à la relation client - e-mark Bien qu’elle soit moins médiatisée que l’année dernière, la crise semble avoir eu un impact sur la satisfaction client. Tel est le constat de l’étude réalisée chaque année à l'occasion du Podium de la Relation Client, organisé par TNS Sofres et BearingPoint. «Cela ne signifie pas que les entreprises aient moins bien agi que l’année dernière et qu’elles soient sous-performantes. Mais c’est une façon pour le consommateur d’entrer dans la crise et d’étudier de manière plus détaillée ce que les entreprises vont faire pour rendre leur relation client plus simple», observe Édouard Lecerf, deputy general manager de TNS Sofres. En 2010, les 11 secteurs étudiés ont vu leur indice de satisfaction baisser, sans pour autant que la hiérarchie entre eux n’ait été bouleversée. Prêts à entendre les marques en échange de concret Parmi les nombreux critères qui participent à la satisfaction, la réclamation reste un élément déterminant.

Tumblr users baffled by tacky banner ads Plagued... Our People | Kate Lucente Kate Lucente focuses her practice on issues related to privacy, data protection, data security, communications, e-commerce, telemarketing and marketing compliance. Kate helps companies achieve compliance with complex and rapidly evolving state, federal and international privacy, data security and e-commerce laws, and routinely advises national and multi-national companies on issues relating to privacy, data protection, security, marketing and media law issues. She also routinely prepares privacy policies and terms of service, negotiates cloud services and other business services agreements, and helps companies to analyze and respond to security breaches. Kate's experience also includes helping companies to analyze and implement records management programs, electronic discovery programs and whistleblower programs, from a multi-jurisdictional perspective.

Werbeträgerdaten - Online-Nutzung Werbeträgerdaten - Online-Nutzung Für die Leistungskontrolle von Digital-Werbeträgern stellt die IVW im monatlichen Rhythmus die Anzahl der Zugriffe von Nutzern auf Webseiten fest. Dabei wird für die einzelnen Digital-Angebote ("klassische" Online-Angebote, Mobile Enabled Websites und Apps) die Gesamtzahl der von Nutzern abgerufenen Seiten (PageImpressions) sowie die Summe der einzelnen zusammenhängenden Nutzungsvorgänge (Visits - Besuche) erhoben. Die Nutzungsdaten der einzelnen Angebote werden von der IVW in einer Online-Datenbank veröffentlicht. Aktuelle Nutzungsdaten IVW-geprüfter Online-Angebote Informationen zum Messverfahren, Messgrößen und zur Struktur der Ausweisung der Nutzungsdaten zu "klassischen" Online-Angeboten für das stationäre Internet Informationen zur Ausweisung der Nutzungsdaten von Mobile Enabled Websites (MEWs) und Apps (Angebote für das mobile Internet) Ausweisung von Prozentanteilen zu PageImpressions der Einzelbestandteile von Angeboten Vergleich:

IAB 101 Guides Standards & Guidelines The document below provides answers to frequently asked questions about the Viewable Impressions standards. An update on viewable impressions/viewability in light of today’s release from MRC/3MS/IAB’s US on standards for the US market. Case study Merlin Cycles needed to maximise advertising budget efficiency while targeting both new customers - including shoppers in a new market, the US — as well as previous buyers who had not purchased in an extended period of time. This study was intended to demonstrate the results of a five-week test period in which Office compared the results of the Sociomantic Labs dynamic display campaigns to the performance of its Incumbent display campaigns. IAB UK advises that trading of viewable impressions be postponed until further notice. Unibet needed to re-engage with it's user on second screen, so they took a step forward and launched mobile RTB campaign. White paper Research

Comscore : rapport 2010 et réseaux sociaux Le rapport ComScore au premier semestre 2010 vient de sortir et nous dévoile les chiffres du web : population des internautes en 2010, que font les internautes sur le web, tendances sur les réseaux sociaux en 2010, évolution du e-commerce et bien d’autres sujets sont aux rendez-vous ! Organisé en 14 points principaux, le rapport 2010 de Comscore consacre plusieurs d’entre eux aux réseaux sociaux. Retrouvez le rapport Comscore : Après la messagerie instantanée (12,3%), les réseaux sociaux arrivent en deuxième position des usages les plus fréquents par les internautes mondiaux (12%). Facebook atteint ainsi en 4ème position des sites les plus visités en 2010, avec une croissance des visiteurs uniques de +111% par rapport à 2008. Les deux derniers points du rapport évoquent les tendances de l’internet mobile, tout comme l’étude GroupM et SFR Régie que nous vous partagions récemment. Pour télécharger l’étude Comscore, rendez-vous sur le site officiel de Comscore.

2012 Non-Profit Trends and Predictions: Rise of the Machines « Donor Dreams Blog This week I’m looking back upon 2011 for major trends, and then looking forward to 2012 with an eye towards making a few predictions. Today, we are looking at non-profit online giving and ePhilanthropy. Back in late July and early August, I focused my blog posts on the various faces of ePhilanthropy including: Twitter, Facebook, online videos, website, and email. Ever since writing those post, I’ve kept my eyes open for evidence of this trend, and I must admit that I see indicators everywhere pointing to: 2012 will continue the long-term transition towards online giving. Every year at this time, I read blogs predicting that the upcoming year will be “The Year of ePhilanthropy,” and every year I look back and fail to see the big transformation. The proof can be found in the data and analytics provided by Blackbaud who publishes a monthly index of online giving that compares year-over-year online giving statistics. Unfortunately, this trend is not as simple as it seems.

index ** We will be hosting a roundtable on the latest trends in Germany's data protection law. The roundtable will feature a number of representatives from Germany's data protection authorities and take place in Munich on 28-29 April 2014. This event is being hosted in conjunction with the Privacy Officers Network. Further details are available here ** Europe looking beyond its borders. Welcome to the 2013 edition of Data Protected. This edition reflects the increasing importance of data privacy laws in Asia and contains new chapters for the People’s Republic of China, Indonesia and Vietnam. The report shows data privacy has an increasingly international dimension greatly influenced by the adoption of the Data Protection Directive in the mid-90s. This report only considers issues arising out of the Data Protection Directive and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive as they currently stand, and similar national legislation outside of the European Union.

Hosting Analysis Netcraft produces a dataset which provides a worldwide analysis of hosting companies. Each of the sites found in our monthly Web Server Survey is attributed to a hosting location using reverse DNS and IP address delegation information. Data for these networks is aggregated into parent companies so that a league table of companies controlling the largest number of web sites is produced. Data is produced for a number of different metrics, allowing analysis based on the number of hostnames, active sites and IP addresses used by the company. Excerpts from January 2015 The dataset is presented in an Excel spreadsheet and provides a variety of different filters and selections allowing analysis by country, operating system, and web server software. Each release of the spreadsheet includes data for the most recent four months, along with six and twelve month views, providing a detailed analysis of hosting company trends. Largest numbers of IP Addresses, January 2015. Limitations More Information

Facts About the Internet: will be of interest to anyone marketing a Web site on the Internet. You'll find these "Quick Facts" to be both helpful and insightful for marketing your product or service. A Jupiter Communications, report sees ad revenue from Web campaigns rising from 3.5 billion in 1999. Marketers plan to raise Internet ad spending more than any other medium. About 73% of those surveyed said they will raise spending in the next 12 months. That means ad clutter for users. Two-thirds of respondents who use the Internet call it an "important" or "extremely important" source of information, according to a UCLA survey. The number of seniors online will more than triple from 11.1 million in 1999 to 34.1 million in 2004, and they will account for 20 percent of all new users, according to International Data Corp. The first quarter of 2000 marked the first time the number of women online in the US surpassed that of men, according to a report by Media Metrix and Jupiter Communications. 51% of U.S.

Mobile Group Gifting | Tellallmyfriends | Unforgettable Gifts and Experience Days Keji Giwa - Founder & Chief Executive Officer: Keji is responsible for the overall business and technology strategy for Tellallmyfriends. He holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Computer Science from Kingston University and his background is in sales, online marketing and project managing ecommerce and mobile commerce applications. His previous roles include business development manager and web project manager at award winning start-ups reevoo and moveme respectively. Daniel Agoye - Co-Founder & Chief Financial Officer: Daniel is responsible for the overall financial and operational strategy for Tellallmyfriends. Keji and Daniel have been friends since they were 11 years old, they met whilst waiting to take an entrance exam for secondary school. Whilst setting up and running Tellallmyfriends takes up most of their time, Keji does manage to fit in time to jump out of planes on a regular basis. November 2011 October 2011: Tenth of Men Don't Know Their Mum's Birthday Watch the Video Watch the Video

Schneier on Security Dernière vague de résultats de l’étude Ipsos Profiling™ 2008 04 févr. 2009 - Dans un marché Français plus mature, massivement équipé en Internet haut débit, les usages sur le Web se développent et se diversifient rapidement. La dernière vague Ipsos Profiling™ 2008 dénombre 32,1 millions d’internautes âgés de 15 ans et plus, dont 3,3 millions qui se sont connectés à Internet via un téléphone mobile ou un Blackberry au cours des 30 derniers jours Sommaire Aujourd’hui 64% des français sont internautes, soit 4 millions de plus qu’il y a un an. La progression du nombre d‘internautes a été largement portée par la démocratisation du haut débit. 93% des équipés à internet à domicile possèdent en effet désormais une connexion Internet haut débit. Communiquer et s’informer sur le web : l’heure de la TV. La consultation de vidéos en ligne et de programmes TV sur le Web, le téléchargement de jeux vidéo et les réseaux sociaux sont les usages en plus forte croissance. Consommer et acheter sur le web : toujours plus. Internet mobile : continuité des usages

Conversion Tip: Persistent Carts Help 'Wish List' Shoppers Editor’s Note: This week’s “Conversion Tip” addresses the reality of shoppers that abandon carts, and then return to them later to purchase. The author is Charles Nicholls, founder and chief strategy officer of SeeWhy, a conversion and abandonment-recovery firm. Research published by University of Glasgow showed that 74 percent of online shoppers use shopping carts as “wish lists.” Important for Holiday Shoppers It’s worth recognizing this shopping list behavior and checking to make sure that your site makes it easy for returning visitors. If you already have a persistent cart, then check the time out on your shopping cart. Related Search shopping cart abandonment
