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E-learning Conferences Worldwide Upcoming events in internet-based education, educational technology and related fields

E-learning Conferences Worldwide Upcoming events in internet-based education, educational technology and related fields

Flipped Classroom How flipping works for you Save time; stop repeating yourself Record re-usable video lessons, so you don't have to do it again next year. It's easy to make minor updates to perfect lessons over time once the initial recording is done. Let students take control of their learning Not all students learn at the same pace. Spend more time with students Build stronger student-teacher relationships, and promote higher level thinking. Other teachers are doing it, you can too Stacey Roshan found that the traditional classroom model wasn't cutting it for her AP students, so she flipped her class. Watch Stacey's Story Crystal Kirch started using videos as instructional tools in her class but soon realized the real value of flipping lectures was being able to spend more face-to-face time with students. Read Crystal's Story Tools You Can Use

IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Syste WHAT is the Flipped Classroom? | Center for Teaching and Learning CTL is partnering with ITS to help implement the new Canvas LMS, creating the Canvas Training Center, a new online resource. more on Canvas... CTL administers a number of grant opportunities to develop and nurture promising innovations in undergraduate and graduate education. more on CIG... OnRamps is a blended-learning initiative that offers rigorous coursework and cross-disciplinary skill building to prepare high school and community college students for university-level success. more on OnRamps...

IADIS Mobile Learning 2010 Thomas Steele-Maley Thomas Steele-Maley Is the founding executive director of the Institute for Global Civic Culture, a non profit organization dedicated to ideation, research, development, and deployment of new learning ecologies focused on the individual and our interconnected world. Thomas has spent over eleven years working with young people in and out of the classroom in Alaska, Washington State, and Maine. He has become a prominent voice for creating a new vision for place based and international learning outside of the traditional school. Thomas serves as co-founder of Global Civ, a wall-less set of learning spaces that encourage the individual to take control of their learning through the co-development and design of programs and collaborative spaces for learning. Thomas lives in Midcoast Maine and enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife and two children.

IMCL - Interactive Mobile And Computer Aided Learning i-Society 2011. International Conference on Information Society
