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LED series parallel array wizard

LED series parallel array wizard

[HOW TO] Automate hid driver + CCV in background Hi guys. For few days I tried messing with the sources of both ccv and hid driver but had no luck. My goal was to get hid driver automated and ccv as well working in the background. I tried many methods and this seems to be working the best. I got the idea from cktouch’s method so, some credit to you, which can be found here: If anyone wants the hiddriver, please refer here : and how to install it please refer here: In the attachment there will be 3-5 files, which i will show how to use in the video below. Edit: I have updated ccv.exe where the path is not specified, so it no longer has to be in “c:\multitouch\”, it just has to be in the same folder as community core vision. Please let me know if i missed anything. Here is the source for ccv.exe for anyone that is interested. Thanks

How to build your own USB Keylogger Cause I've searched a lot for a project like this, and I haven't find anything around the Web, I would share my experience of my personal USB Keylogger. It's not really a pure "USB" Keylogger (cause USB HID protocol is much more difficult than PS/2 protocol), but it adapt an USB Keyboard to PS/2 port, while (of course) recording the keys pressed. In this way, even if it's discovered by anybody, it should be confused with a normal PS/2 Adapter. That's the final result: It need just a few component (SOIC PIC and EEPROM can be freely ordered as a sample from ): -PIC 12F1822 (SOIC Version) -EEPROM 24XX1025 (Any 1Mb version will be ok) (SOIC Version) -2 * 4k7 Resistor 1/8 W (Or any resistor of the same value as small as you can solder in the adaptor) -Pickit 2 / 3 (For programming the pic and reading the eeprom) -An USB to PS/2 Adapter that can be opened. And, very important: -A GOOD solder and VERY GOOD soldering abilities. Let's Start. Regards, Jamby

• Page d'index iStrat Internet Radio Guitar! - My absolutely final entry into the Give Your Hardware A Home Challenge! I had my time zones crossed and managed to squeeze in one last design this evening I have called this the iStrat ("i" because apple and "Strat" because the Fender Stratocaster!) The basic design concept is to have something cool and ornamental, whilst having the modern functions of an internet radio. The controls are rearranged to fit as the pole pieces of the pick up. All other parts are just for fun. There will probably need to be a few tweaks to the design when it's printed or CNC'd but those changes should be minimal. As a huge music fan, i could think of nothing better than having one of the most iconic guitars in my living room, and as an added bonus, this design has be certified "Wife Friendly" (by my Mrs!) The file can be downloaded here Have fun! Dave UPDATE: Can't believe I won!

FTIR Multitouch and Display Device - Experiments with Processing, OSC - Thomas M. Brand materials: - arylic plate, size that is ok for you. make it comaptible to the screensize you will use, so 4:3, 16:9 or so. i took a 640 * 480 * 10 mm plate. be careful when reading the specs on the box of cameras standing on the shelf. for instance 30 fps does not mean automatically that this framerate is available in max resolution. some cameras even seem to duplicate frames to have bigger framerates (??). -optional alternative lens to the one that is normally deliverd along with the camera. take one with a suited focal lenght and F-number for target setup. [Focal Length and Aperture Explained for the Photography Novice] normally optional lenses are sold at the same place as the camera but there are a lot of e-bayers selling different styles of them. -optional IR bandpass filter [

PingBot : Un petit robot amusant simple à réaliser PingBot est un petit robot tout droit sorti de l’imagination de Tomdf, il a été conçu avec l’esprit d’ être le plus amusant possible tout en conservant une simplicité extrême. On peut dire que le pari est réussi. Au niveau de la partie électronique, on retrouve principalement un micro-contrôleur Picaxe 08M2 qui permet de piloter chacun des éléments. On retrouve d’ailleurs : 2 moteurs permettant de réaliser le déplacement du robot.2 LED pour éclairer les yeux et lui donner un peu plus de personnalité.Un LED de réception infrarouge pour pouvoir le piloter avec un simple télécommande.Un buzzer piezo pour lui permettre de jouer des sonsUne prise de programmation et de recharge micro USB Pour alimenter le tout, on retrouve également une batterie Lithium Polymère de 3.6V et un mAX1555 pour réaliser le circuit de charge. La coque a été réalisé avec une imprimante 3D et peint à la main pour donner encore plus de personnalité à ce robot PingBot. Voici une vidéo de démonstration de PingBot.

Trinket / Gemma Space Invader Pendant Pac Man is my spirit animal. Okay, not really. But as a child of the 80’s, video arcade games were a huge cultural phenomenon of my formative years. Tiny affordable microcontrollers are a cultural phenomenon of today’s generation. This project bridges the generations to create an animated LED necklace or charm that you can customize to create a retro-style personal “totem video game creature.” This is a soldering project, albeit a small one. Adafruit Trinket or Gemma microcontroller board (if Trinket, either the 3.3V or 5V type works)Mini 8x8 LED Matrix w/Backpack (any color — we have several! Trinket or Gemma: which one should I use? Visually the effect is identical, and the boards cost the same. Can I use a “small” (1.2 inch) LED matrix instead of the “mini” (0.8 inch) version? Sure can! Can I use other color matrices? Yes! Can I use the bi-color matrix backpack?

[Tuto] Un bureau tactile | I'm not Geek Comment avoir une surface tactile innovante sur une table toute simple ? Voici un tuto complet pour vivre dans un futur tactile qui n’appartient plus à la science-fiction. Comment ça marche ? Très simple, une camera, modifiée pour ne voir que la lumière infrarouge, filme une surface. Cette surface peut être un écran ou une projection, la caméra ne voyant pas le spectre visible pour les humains ne voit donc que l’infrarouge. Donc une petite diode IR avec un bouton pressoir va être utilisée pour analyser le deplacement voulu par l’utilisateur. Un logiciel en open source multiplatforme va convertir le point blanc crée par le stylet pour en faire une information exploitable par un logiciel qui va en faire une donnée tactile pour l’OS et donc générer une souris ou un zoom. Le projecteur Et un projecteur n’est pas obligatoire, un écran LCD peut faire l’affaire, car c’est le stylet et la caméra qui ont une réelle tâche. La caméra Le stylet infrarouge Le software

Project #R³bots : Des sculptures de robots réalisés avec des élements électroniques recyclés Marco Fernandes est un artiste qui réalise de magnifiques sculptures de robots avec des pièces recyclées en provenance de divers appareils électroniques. Voici quelques photos pour découvrir ces oeuvres d’arts numériques. Et voici une vidéo nous montrant la réalisation d’un robot : Weekend Projects 2014 Even having seen photos of the Optical Tremolo 2.0 in pre-production, when I first saw Make executive editor Mike Senese hold up the project in the above video, I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Not because it's funny, but because the project build is so solid, so impressive, and that's just how I'm wired to react. Make technical editor Sean Ragan is an accomplished builder and maker, and has been a backbone of the Weekend Projects series for years now. I have insights to how he works, and knew elements of the 2.0 build were discussed after the incredibly popular original Optical Tremolo hit the feeds. But I still had a few questions lingering about his upgrade process, so I shot him some questions, and wanted to share his responses with you all. The takeaway for me is to keep iterating your ideas, and to share them. Sean Ragan: The principle of the project — how it might work — is quite clear from Make: Electronics. But all that came out of a relatively elaborate prototyping process.

24" LLP LCD Project, based on Ikea’s Expedit coffee table. WIP After mounting the lasers, it looks something like this: I’m really happy with the small footprint the “calibration mechanism” have. I mounted the main circuit board to the inner side of the side board. You can see the extended cable on the top left, running from the input board to the main circuit board, and the cables at the bottom are from the backlight. The backlight sits at the bottom of the table. I connected all the lasers in parallel, and to a USB cable. I used clear tape to hold the diffuser films from the LCD to the bottom of the plexi: You can see that the holes for the lasers aren’t so pretty on this side.. That’s all for the moment.

Les sculptures électroniques en forme d’insectes de Luca di Filippo Les composants électroniques ne sont pas seulement dédiés pour réaliser des circuits, Luca di Filippo le sait bien et il nous montre son art en les détournant de leur usage initial. Bien plus qu’une sculpture électronique, les petits insectes qu’il réalise véhiculent également un message. L’électronique est tellement omniprésente dans notre quotidien que nous ne la remarquons même plus, un peu comme la plupart des insectes qui envahissent les recoins les plus sombres de votre maison ou votre appartement. Voici donc quelques photos pour découvrir ces bêtes de silicium. Precision Laser Mount, screw adjustment : : Low cost opto-mechanical components : from ORLIN Technologies Ltd Eastern Geek: Iron Man Inspired Repulsor Beam Blaster V1.0 Homebrew repulsor beam blaster that’s designed to produce extremely intense burst of light that can be used to repulse your archnemesis, girlfriend /wife and pet cat. WARNING: The build involves high voltage and intense light so please take the necessary precautions. And please be warned that , walking around with one of this strapped to your hand may seriously jeopardize your chances with the opposite sex. Assembly The repulsor is essentially two circuits that are switched ON/OFF using a DPST switch. The source of the DC Step-up Charging Module is the good old analog cameras. The function of this circuit is to gradually step up the 3V source up until 330V, and releasing the stored charges very rapidly when triggered. Do not short the lead of a charged capacitor, it will pop in your face, literally. The purpose of the discharge switch in the schematic is to short and safely discharge the capacitor when it’s no longer in use. Assembling The Lamp The lamp reflector is a bit tricky to source.
