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Il sito ufficiale dell'Unione europea

Il sito ufficiale dell'Unione europea

European Council The European Council is the Institution of the European Union (EU) that comprises the heads of state or government of the member states, along with the council's own president and the president of the Commission. The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy also takes part in its meetings.[1] Established as an informal summit in 1975, the council was formalised as an Institution in 2009 upon the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon. The current president of the European Council is Donald Tusk. Scope[edit] While the European Council has no formal legislative power, it is a strategic (and crisis-solving) body that provides the union with general political directions and priorities, and acts as a collective presidency. History[edit] The first summits of EU heads of state or government were held in February and July 1961 (in Paris and Bonn respectively). The summits were only formalised in the period between 1974 and 1988. Powers and functions[edit] Notes

Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid European Commission decides to create a Support Group for UkraineThis Support Group will provide a focal point, structure, overview and guidance for the Commission's work to support Ukraine. More Mobile laboratory funded by EuropeAid to fight Ebola outbreak in GuineaAs part of the international response to the current Ebola outbreak in Guinea, WHO and its Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) have requested lab experts of the European Mobile Lab (EMLab) project to support the Ministry of Health of Guinea. Read more EU-Africa Summit - Nutrition side eventEU, World Food Programme and UNICEF address issue of malnutrition in Niger during EU-Africa Summit side event. Read the joint article European Year for Development 2015 - Parliament vote“I am delighted that the initiative to organise a European Year for Development in 2015 has received widespread inter-institutional support, as shown by yesterday's vote in the European Parliament."

Portale del Consiglio d'Europa Bandi aperti Cos'è Europafacile Autore del sito Credits Contattaci Aggiungi ai preferiti Faq L'UE online Progetti Ricerca Partner Spazio Twinning Registrazione Recupero password Newsletter Consultazioni dell'UE Erlai First Spazio Europa Risultato della ricerca - Agenda Bandi Programma per l`apprendimento permanente - Bando generale 2013 Aperto Attori non Statali e autorità locali nello sviluppo - Bandi 2013 per Paese **Aggiornati 08/02/2013** DCI 2007-2013 - Attori non statali e autorità locali Sicurezza alimentare - Bandi 2013 per Paese **Aggiornati 08/02/2013** DCI 2007-2013 - Sicurezza alimentare EIDHR - Bandi 2013 per Paese **Aggiornati 08/02/2013** Strumento per la democrazia e i diritti umani 2007-2013 LIFE+: imminente la pubblicazione del bando 2013 7° programma quadro di RST - Bandi 2013 programmi specifici `Idee`, `Persone`, `Capacità` PROGRESS - Bando per progetti sulla sperimentazione sociale Fondo europeo per i rimpatri - Bando 2012 per Azioni comunitarie Partenariato UE per la pace - Bando 2013 Salute 2008-2013

Dipartimento politiche comunitarie: Club di Venezia Il Club di Venezia è un organismo informale che riunisce i responsabili della comunicazione istituzionale degli Stati dell'UE (membri e candidati) e delle istituzioni europee (Commissione, Parlamento e Consiglio). Il Club è una occasione importante di collaborazione e scambio di best practice tra addetti ai lavori. Membro per l'Italia è il Dipartimento Politiche Europee, responsabile nazionale del coordinamento della comunicazione sull'Europa. Fondatore e presidente onorario è Stefano Rolando, mentre il coordinatore è Mike Granatt (Regno Unito). Il Club si riunisce due volte l’anno per discutere argomenti di interesse comune, scambiare informazioni sui metodi adottati, pianificare e attuare campagne di informazione pubbliche. Le due sessioni annuali si tengono in primavera, solitamente nel paese che detiene la Presidenza del Consiglio UE, e in autunno a Venezia, dove il Club è stato fondato. What is the Club of Venice? Le ultime sessioni plenarie del Club Workshop tematici

Città di transizione Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Le città di transizione (Transition Towns in inglese) rappresentano un movimento fondato in Irlanda a Kinsale e in Inghilterra a Totnes dall'ambientalista Rob Hopkins negli anni 2005 e 2006. L'obiettivo del progetto è di preparare le comunità ad affrontare la doppia sfida costituita dal sommarsi del riscaldamento globale e del picco del petrolio.[1] Il movimento è attualmente in rapida crescita e conta centinaia di comunità affiliate in diversi paesi.[2] Storia[modifica | modifica sorgente] Il concetto di transizione matura dal lavoro fatto da Rob Hopkins (esperto di permacultura) assieme agli studenti del Kinsale Further Education College, culminato in un saggio dal titolo Energy Descent Action Plan. Questo tratta di approcci multidisciplinari e creativi riguardo a produzione di energia, salute, educazione, economia e agricoltura, sotto forma di "road map" verso un futuro sostenibile per la Città. Futuro del progetto[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Participants Paolo Mancini PhD (born in 1948) is a full professor at the Department of Institutions and Society, faculty of political sciences, University of Perugia. Mancini's scientifical interests are focused on political communication and more generally on the relationship between politics and communication. He has conducted comparative research looking essentially at the US and Europe. His major publications include:"Videopolitica. Telegiornali in Italia e in USA" (Torino, ERI, 1985), "Come vincere le elezioni" (Bologna, Il Mulino, 1988), "Sussurri e grida dalle Camere" (Milano, Angeli, 1994), "Politics, Media and Modern Democracy" with David Swanson (New York, Praeger, 1996), "Manuale di comunicazione politica" (Bari, Laterza, 1996), "Il sistema fragile" (Carocci, 2000). Rolando Marini PhD (born in 1955) is a researcher at the Department of Institutions and Society, University of Perugia (Italy). Alessio Cornia (graduate)

Transition Italia | Nodo italiano della rete internazionale di Transizione Writing for (y)EU | Raffaella Vive la France! Florent has already written about the most interesting things we’ve learnt in Paris. I will complement his points, while adding a general consideration: the French web scenario is well ahead in terms of trends, vision and professionalism. This summed to their elegant, sophisticated way of presenting things makes me say “Vive la France!” Who said that good web campaigns have to be “coordinated”? Sometimes it is exactly the opposite. The importance of taking measures Some weeks ago, a little group of us went for a school trip at the European Commission, where our favorite geek-buddies showed us the wonderful tool they got to manage online reputation. It’s not (only) a Mafia Game Last week we wrote several articles on volunteering on the occasion of the II Youth Convention on Volunteering. MEPs Tab: the Birth of an App It’s not new: many things that come to light in our work, come from very far away. Dictators are (also) on Facebook And…if we did it in Strasbourg?

Programmi e bandi. 2014/2020 eForms: Documents to download, support and notices Published eForms Please find here the latest versions of the on-line application forms - "eForms" - that are currently published. These eForms are linked to specific Calls and Programme Guides. If the version of the eForm posted here is newer than one you previously downloaded, please visit the Call webpage or Programme Guide webpage for the programme/action concerned to find an information bulletin on why the new version was released. This will include details of any problems identified, their impact and advice on how to proceed. PLEASE NOTE! In case you encounter an "Error message 26 – failure to submit": this may be related to Adobe settings. You can also and receive updates in real time . Test eForm: This form contains a small number of questions and functions. This Test eForm is suitable for applicants of any programme. Known Issues Submission unsuccessful due to a 'Network Error' Network error during submission Submission successful but submission number not recorded in your form
