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Java Tutorial

RESTful Web Service tutorial in PHP & Java. REST in Java, PHP By Viral Patel on June 24, 2009 REST is a term coined by Roy Fielding in his Ph.D. dissertation to describe an architecture style of networked systems. REST is an acronym standing for Representational State Transfer. Representational State Transfer(REST), a software architecture style used in developing stateless web services. While this style may be used to describe any distributed framework that uses a simple protocol for data transmission and no other additional data transfer rules, the most common use of REST is on on the Web with HTTP being the only protocol used here. In REST each service (called “resource” in REST) is viewed as resource identified by a URL, and the only operations allowed are the HTTP – GET (Read), PUT (Update), POST(Create) and DELETE (Delete). Client-Server: A clear separation concerns is the reason behind this constraint. Given that every resource in a RESTful service is represented by a URL, it is easy to write a client for such a web service. REST in PHP

The Phlegmatic Personality: Everybody Needs To Know One - New Mexico News and Views | New Mexico News and Views We’re here . . . we’re HERE . . . WE’RE HERE!!! These are the unforgettable pleas from the “Who” in the heart-warming story of Horton Hears a Who, by Dr. Suess. No one but the kind-hearted and stalwart elephant, Horton, notices the almost imperceptible cries from the people living on a speck of dust. Fortunately, the sometimes easy-to-miss phlegmatic personality is not threatened in real life by Sour Kangaroo and the Wickersham bothers like the tiny Who. Of all the four personality types, phlegmatic people are the most difficult to identify. Phlegmatic personalities are generally well liked because they are low-keyed, good listeners, and they make everyone feel comfortable. As a phlegmatic personality, I grew up watching others occupy the spotlight. My friend and I fidgeted in front of our project as we prepared to bask in the “oohs and aahs” of our adoring fans as they paraded by our display. As an adult, I still don’t seek the spotlight. ©2011 Shona Neff

com - chNqf - Online Java Compiler LyogcGFja2FnZSB3aGF0ZXZlcjsgLy8gZG9uJ3QgcGxhY2UgcGFja2FnZSBuYW1lISAqLwoKLyogVGhlIGNsYXNzIG5hbWUgZG9lc24ndCBoYXZlIHRvIGJlIE1haW4sIGFzIGxvbmcgYXMgdGhlIGNsYXNzIGlzIG5vdCBwdWJsaWMuICovCmNsYXNzIE1haW4KewogIHB1YmxpYyBzdGF0aWMgdm9pZCBtYWluIChTdHJpbmdbXSBhcmdzKSB0aHJvd3MgamF2YS5sYW5nLkV4Y2VwdGlvbgogIHsKICAgICAJamF2YS5pby5CdWZmZXJlZFJlYWRlciByID0gbmV3IGphdmEuaW8uQnVmZmVyZWRSZWFkZXIgKG5ldyBqYXZhLmlvLklucHV0U3RyZWFtUmVhZGVyIChTeXN0ZW0uaW4pKTsKICAgICAgICBTdHJpbmcgZmlyc3RTdHJpbmcgPSByLnJlYWRMaW5lKCk7CglTeXN0ZW0ub3V0LnByaW50bG4oIkZpcnN0IFN0cmluZyA6ICIgKyBmaXJzdFN0cmluZyk7CglTdHJpbmcgc2Vjb25kU3RyaW5nID0gInRleHRcXCI7CiAgICAgICAgU3lzdGVtLm91dC5wcmludGxuKCJTZWNvbmQgU3RyaW5nIDogIiArIHNlY29uZFN0cmluZyk7CgogIH0KfQ==

The Phlegmatic Personality Type Whether you’re at work, in the local community, or at home, you won’t be misunderstood especially if you know that you have the Phlegmatic personality. It’s very important that other people understand your behavior and personality in order to foster effective communication. Among the emotions that you constantly display are relaxed, easy going, consistent, kind, sympathetic, witty, and quiet, collected, cool, and calm. However, you also should be aware that negative emotions can also dominate you like being unenthusiastic, worried, fearful, indecisive, selfish, avoids responsibility, reticent, too shy, too compromising, and self righteous. Once you have a family of your own, you can be a good parent. As a person with this kind of personality, you are steady and competent in the workplace. Since you’re pleasant, enjoyable, and inoffensive, you can make a lot of friends in a short time. Like other personalities, a Phlegmatic person has strengths and weaknesses.

Things I miss from Java while programming in C# » Cameron McKay One of the perks of being a freelance programmer is that I get to program in a lot of different languages, either because the client has dictated a certain language, has left the choice up to me, or limited me by what is supported by a host (Hi PHP!). As fate would have it, I have had the good fortune to have extensive experience with both C# and Java. While many articles will list things a programmer misses from C# while coding in Java (properties, LINQ, reified generics, type inference, named and optional parameters, closures, continuations), this post intends to look at things a Java programmer might miss while coding in C#. 1. Method return type covariance Covariant method return types are one of the lesser known Java features (see Section 8.4.5 in the JLS). Although situations where this is needed are seldom, it is a nice feature to have when you need it. To me this is preferable to adding another method called getFooSession(). There is no equivalent in C#, short of adding a method.

The Art of Manliness | Men’s Interests and Lifestyle How to create XML file in Java – (DOM Parser) DOM provides many handy classes to create XML file easily. Firstly, you have to create a Document with DocumentBuilder class, define all the XML content – node, attribute with Element class. In last, use Transformer class to output the entire XML content to stream output, typically a File. In this tutorial, we show you how to use DOM XML parser to create a XML file. DOM Parser Example At the end of the example, following XML file named “file.xml” will be created. <? File : – Java class to create a XML file. A new XML file is created in “C:\\file.xml“, with default UTF-8 encoded. Note For debugging, you can change the StreamResult to output the XML content to your console. StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out); transformer.transform(source, result);

The seven essential relationship skills « Psychologies Renowned American psychologist Dr Robert Epstein’s research, which was conducted with University of California San Diego colleagues Regina Warfel and James Johnson, shows that seven basic skills are essential for building happiness in long-term love relationships. ‘No matter what your personality, or the state of your relationship, improving these skills will help your relationship work better,’ he says. 1. Communication This category involves critically important skills: knowing how to listen, sharing your thoughts and feelings honestly, refraining from criticising and encouraging your partner to share his or her feelings. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Related Posts
