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50 Smartphone Apps Every Teacher Should Know About

50 Smartphone Apps Every Teacher Should Know About

60 Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom By Category Social media offers some great opportunities for learning in the classroom, bringing together the ability to collaborate, access worldwide resources, and find new and interesting ways to communicate in one easily accessible place. Teachers around the world have found innovative ways to use Twitter as a teaching tool (including TeachThought’s favorite), and we’ve shared many of these great ideas here with you. Read on, and we’ll explore 60 inspiring ways that teachers and students can put Twitter to work in the classroom. Communication Twitter makes staying in touch and sharing announcements super simple and even fun. Organization Twitter’s hashtags and other tools share a great way to organize information for your classroom. Resources Use these ideas to take advantage of the vast resources that Twitter has to offer. Writing Skills

TIC à partager! App Spotlight: Remind101 Jeff sits down with Brett Kopf of Remind101 to discuss how teachers and students are using cell phones and text messaging to keep better organized in their classes. Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Remind101 from remind101 on Vimeo. Links of Interest Featured Guest Brett Kopf is the cofounder of Remind101, a website that makes it safe and easy for teachers to message their students and stay in touch with parents. Remind 101 from remind101 on Vimeo. Arts numériques Les arts numériques, ou pour les initiés, constituent un domaine artistique encore sous-médiatisé, qui présente pourtant des oeuvres fascinantes. L'art numérique graphique s'est construit autour de trois notions-clés : la programmation, l'interaction, et le détournement. Le matériau produit par et sur Internet est évidemment un élément de premier choix pour les net artistes. En l'utilisant, ils questionnent la place des outils et ressources numériques dans nos sociétés, et des nouvelles formes de sociabilité qu'ils provoquent. Les net artistes reprennent donc le flambeau de leurs prédécesseurs, qui agissent comme des vigies et nous permettent de voir un réel bien présent, mais sans doute enfoui sous les représentations banales et les lieux-communs. Fort heureusement, les manifestations autour du net art se multiplient dans les capitales artistiques pour le faire connaître au grand pubic. Et il faut faire vite : la durée de vie des sites est parfois brève. 10 juin 2012 11 juin 2012

Give Your Low Tech Class a Mobile Makeover with 5 Awesome Apps! by @CTuckerEnglish For many teachers the lack of technology in their physical classrooms is the biggest hurdle to engaging students in active learning online. I, like so many public school teachers, do not have any technology in my classroom beyond my ancient Dell desktop and a roll around transparency machine. If I want to get students researching, problem solving and collaborating using technology, I have to leverage the mobile devices they bring into the classroom. The use of mobile devices, especially smart phone, is a new and emerging frontier in education. Some interesting stats to consider: The reality is that more and more students enter classrooms texting, talking or listening to music on their phones. As I begin to think about returning to my own classroom in August, I am identifying the mobile apps I plan to use with students on a weekly basis to integrate technology into our work in the classroom. 1. Ideas for using Evernote in the classroom: 2. 3. 4. 5.

Un peu de tout sur presque rien ! App Spotlight: Socrative (@socrative) - TeacherCast Podcast Jeff sits down with Michael West to discuss how the student response app Socrative is being used in schools and universities today. Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Featured Links Featured Guest Michael West is a co-founder and CTO of Socrative. Sélection de rentrée pour l'enseignant | Les moments à retenir dans votre agenda en éducation about 6 hours ago - 3 commentaires CANOPÉ – Académie d'Amiens – site de Beauvais vous propose les moments à retenir dans le monde de l'éducation. Agir en faveur du développement du livre et de la lecture et de la lutte contre l’illettrisme Guide non exhaustif d’Applications et de ressources pour tablettes IOs ou Android « D-Day, l’Odyssée », un regard inédit… La Grande Bibliothèque Numérique en ligne… about 1 month ago - 4 commentaires Cette sitographie mise à jour régulièrement est composée de trois parties : 1) des livres, BD, encyclopédie, ouvrages scolaires, plans, cartes, revues, etc. 2) Poésie, pièces de Théâtre et dans notre fonds documentaire, 3) des livres à écouter sur tous supports (Web, tablettes…) Des livres que tu peux télécharger, lire, écouter, échanger, utiliser pour tout… Concours scolaires 2014-2015 pour mobiliser vos élèves de primaire, de collège et de lycée. about 1 month ago - 4 commentaires

Podcast #5 "Using GooglePlus in the Classroom Jeff sits down with Dennis Freitas from GooglePlusToday Podcast to discuss how teachers can use GooglePlus in their classrooms. Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Topics Covered: What is Google+… Why do I need it in the classroom?Interface and ways to customize it for classroom safetyWhat can GooglePlus be used for in the classroom? Featured Guest: I was first introduced to personal computers in 1983 my first year of college. In Late 2009 I entered to world of Podcasting Creating Mac Daily Quick Tips and YourMacShow the Podcast. We have several plans for the future with the next major project to be release this Fall. Now where we will differ from the many of other Tech networks online today is ours is tutorial based. Dennis Freitas
