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12 common errors of night photography (and how to fix them)

12 common errors of night photography (and how to fix them)
The days may be getting longer, but (hopefully) they will also be getting warmer. Spring and summer are perfect times of the year to explore the world of night photography, but as you can imagine, there are many challenges when working with long exposures. Below we’ve identified 12 of the most common problems you’ll encounter when shooting night photography and offered our tips for overcoming them. Do you have your own night photography tips, or perhaps problems you’ve encountered in your own night photography endeavours that we haven’t covered here? Why not share them in the comments! Night Photography Tips: Painting with light Painting with light is one of the easiest ways to transform your night photography scenes from ordinary to extraordinary. 1. 2. 3. PAGE 1: Common errors when painting with lightPAGE 2: Common errors with moonlit landscapesPAGE 3: Common errors shooting star trailsPAGE 4: Common errors shooting the Northern LightsPAGE 5: Common errors with astrophotography

The Best Online Sources For Images Check out The “All-Time” Best Sources Of Online Images Jeez, there are sure a ton of ways to find images on the Web, as well as many places where you can find lengthy link lists to image collections. I’d lay odds that most people, including myself, just use Google Image Search when they need to find an image. However, there might be instances when you want to use another tool — perhaps you’re a language teacher searching for just the right clip art or photography to illustrate a verb, maybe you have very young students and are concerned about what they might find on Google, possibly you’re particularly teaching about copyright issues, or you want your students to easily connect an image to a writing exercise and have them send an E-Card. (Google has recently added an option in their advanced image search feature — go to the bottom left under “license” and choose “labeled for reuse”) I thought a “The Best…” list might be helpful in one of those, or other particular, instances. Behold Wow!

10 Free Photography Marketing Ideas That Work Like Crazy You’ve started your business, now how do you find clients to hire you? Traditional advertising, such as an ad in a magazine or newspaper, is mostly worthless. Don’t waste your money. Instead, imagine having people love your business so much that they send all their friends your way. It can happen. It may take some time, but here are 10 free photography marketing ideas that work like crazy. 1. When you search on Google and include a location in your keyword, such as “Madison Wedding Photographer,” Google is now putting their Google Local listings BEFORE the organic listings in their rankings. Read this article on how to get started with Google Local. 2. Uploading images to Facebook and tagging your clients in them is a really fantastic way to get the word out about your business as all their “friends” may see the photos tagged of them. I also post links to my blog on my page and send out behind-the-scenes announcements to the people who have liked my page from time to time. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

WPClipart is a collection of high-quality artwork and photos optimized for use with word processors and inkjet printers. Creating Profitable Photography Packages This post is Part 6 of The Modern Tog’s Photographer’s Pricing Guide series. Here’s the link to Part 1 of the Pricing Guide in case you missed it. It’s finally time to pull together all the pieces you’ve been working on so far and decide what kind of packages you are going to offer. Before you do this, I highly suggest taking some time to think about your business model. Thankfully there are resources to help you determine what works best for getting people to book you. It does downplay the value of finding an hourly rate to charge similar to what we’ve done here, but I think there’s a lot of value in using it to make sure you’re making the profit you want. Creating Packages Let’s say that the average amount needed for a portrait shoot is $750. For this example I’m going to create a package completely out of products I offer and not charge an additional session fee. Making it easy with the Photographer’s Pricing Guide Workbook Next, enter a session fee in row 8 if you wish to use one.

Images pour la classe nos photos, gravures et cartes à usage pédagogique Coccinelle communePhoto Pierre Kessler, mai 2011 Coordination Mathias Treffot Les documents qui vous sont proposés ici sont regroupés en séries thématiques cohérentes, comportant habituellement de 12 à 48 photos. Contrairement à une banque d'images traditionnelle, ils ne sont donc pas accessibles individuellement. Une large partie des albums figure dans la Base Numérique du patrimoine d'Alsace, que nous vous recommandons de consulter. Nouveaux albums Découvrez sans plus attendre les nouveaux albums mis en ligne ! Sélections thématiques Albums pour la maternelle Découvrir le monde, agir et s'exprimer avec son corps… Albums bilingues Une nouvelle série, aux légendes traduites en langue étrangère… Histoire Préhistoire et Antiquité L'Égypte, la Syrie-Palestine, le monde greco-romain, l'Antiquité en Alsace et dans le Rhin supérieur. Le Moyen Âge Dans les châteaux d'Alsace, à l'ombre des cathédrales, dans les villages et les cités… Les Temps modernes Les XVIe et XVIIe siècles, l'Alsace française… Le monde

Photography Tutorials Learn how to take and edit digital photographs using visual tutorials that emphasize concept over procedure, independent of specific digital camera or lens. This is a complete listing of all tutorials on this site; click the drop-down links in the top menu to see particular topics. Photography is going through an exciting transition period as many film photographers are beginning to explore the new capabilities of digital cameras. These tutorials are rarely influenced by changes in image editing software and camera equipment — due to their unique concept-based approach. View in other languages: Português Русский Deutsch Français Italiano

photos Creative Commons sur Flickr Quand on édite un blog high-tech ou traitant de l’information relative à internet, aux logiciels, aux médias sociaux ou aux gadgets, il n’est pas très difficile de trouver des illustrations ne posant pas de problème de droits : la plupart du temps – c’est le cas sur Presse-citron – les articles sont enrichis avec des Quand on édite un blog high-tech ou traitant de l’information relative à internet, aux logiciels, aux médias sociaux ou aux gadgets, il n’est pas très difficile de trouver des illustrations ne posant pas de problème de droits : la plupart du temps – c’est le cas sur Presse-citron – les articles sont enrichis avec des images de captures d’écran ou des photos des produits en question. Cela devient un peu plus délicat s’il s’agit de trouver des illustrations thématiques, conceptuelles, ou d’actualité. Bien sûr on peut se constituer sa propre banque d’images en faisant ses photos soi-même mais tout le monde n’est pas photographe : La photo, l’autre arme de séduction du blogueur.

100 Websites to Teach Yourself Photography - Photography College So you are thinking of taking up photography as a hobby. Where do you begin? The age of point and shoot is over. Basic Photography Tutorials Photography – Catch up on photog blogs, photography contests, and even learn your camera basics with this thorough page.Learn Photography – This site is aimed at the photography neophyte, and walks you through choosing a camera, learning specialized terms and mastering lighting and – This community of photographers features millions of photos from thousands of photographers, with interactive forums, product reviews, and photo news to make you a better photographer.Photography Articles – These collected articles from the “No BS Photo Success” website offer tips on joining photography forums, shooting tutorials, info on online courses and much – This site is a one-stop shot for photography needs. Advanced Photography Tutorials Digital Photography Tips and Tutorials Photoshop Tutorials

Promenades photographiques Bienvenue Ami(e)s de passage, Vous trouverez sur ce site plus de 5000 photos prises au cours de mes promenades ou voyages en France et en Europe. Ici ou là, un château niché dans son parc, un paysage simple ou grandiose, un animal, une lumière fugitive sur un plan d'eau qui attirent l'oeil et appellent le cliché. Je suis également très attaché à un Internet gratuit et de qualité, aussi ces photos sont présentées en haute définition, pour mieux partager ces moments de plaisir visuel et peut-être vous donner l'envie de suivre certains de mes itinéraires. Pour ceux qui veulent prendre un peu de hauteur, certaines pages photos de châteaux, de villes et de paysages donnent accès à des images satellite fournies par Google Maps ©. Dans la rubrique "Services" vous pourrez également télécharger un économiseur d'écran gratuit et très simple d'emploi, constituer un calendrier personnalisé avec les photos de ce site ou encore consulter des pages d'actualité sur la photo ou les voyages. Bonne balade ...

Basiswissen Fotografie Dieses Video-Training ist konzipiert für Einsteiger und fortgeschrittene Anfänger der Digitalfotografie, die verstehen möchten, was passiert, wenn sie auf den Auslöser drücken. Auch fortgeschrittene Fotografen mit Erfahrung profitieren von dem fachlich fundierten Grundwissen. Das Training ist kameraunabhängig gehalten und für Nutzer aller Arten von Digitalkameras (Sucher, Bridge und Spiegelreflex) geeignet. Charmant moderiert Rebekka Strauß und stellt Fragen, die sich in der Fotopraxis stellen. Einführung Lassen Sie uns zu Beginn Ziel und Inhalt dieses Video-Trainings definieren und klar herausstellen. Die Kamera Dieses Kapitel erläutert das (Haupt-)Handwerkszeug der Fotografie, erläutern die Fachbegriffe und helfen bei der Entscheidung für das richtige Gerät. Das Objektiv Die Optik ist das Entscheidende: Gute Objektive lassen nicht nur das benötigte Licht durch, sondern beugen Bildfehlern vor und geben Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Aufnahmen kreativ zu gestalten. Belichtung Licht

Freemages, banque de photos gratuites et Libres à télécharger Die 5 Goldenen Regeln der Stockfotografie | Magazin für Fotografie 2. Mai 2008 · 13 Kommentare Von Robert Kneschke Es gibt gestalterische Regeln , die ein gutes Foto ausmachen. 1. Werbung will verkaufen und braucht neben einem Foto als Blickfang oft etwas Platz, um Überschrift und Text unterzubringen. 2. Die meisten Zeitschriften, Bücher, broschüren, Plakate und auch Spiegel sind hochkant, unter anderem deshalb, weil Menschen nun mal “hochkant” sind. 3. Als Erweiterung der ersten Regel gilt, dass dem Auge möglichst nur das Hauptmotiv als Reiz geboten werden soll. 4. Auch in der Stockfotografie gibt es Trends. Auch die Motive unterliegen dem Wandel. 5. Wer Fotos verkaufen will, muss professionell arbeiten. Weiterführende Literatur Stockfotografie: Geld verdienen mit eigenen Fotos (Amazon) Der Autor Robert Kneschke arbeitet als Stockfotograf.

Cepolina Free Photo Collection | travel, objects, people nature photos A 15 Minute Exercise To Help You Improve Your Photography in 2012 A Post By: Darren Rowse Here’s a little exercise for you to do today. It will only take 15 minutes. Grab your camera – what ever one you have handy (I used my iPhone last time I did this) and head out into your backyard (or if you’re in the middle of winter you can choose an indoor location – perhaps your living room – really anywhere will do). Now find somewhere to sit – somewhere in the middle of whatever place you’ve selected. Now for the next 10 minutes just sit there. Observe Soak in your location.Look at the light and how it hits your surroundings.Pay attention to what your setting makes you feel.Look at the details that perhaps you’d not have noticed if you’d rushed through the setting. During this ‘observation’ phase you may like to move around your environment to look at it from different angles – but don’t use your camera yet. Plan As you sit there – begin to think about your setting and the elements in it as a photographic subject and how you’ll photograph it. What will you shoot?
