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A Force More Powerful People Power is about politics, about strategy and about social change. As a leader of a popular movement you fight against tough adversaries who control the police, the army and bureaucracy, even the media. The only weapon in your hand is your strategic skill and ingenuity. A unique interactive teaching tool in the field of nonviolent conflict, People Power was produced for The International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) by York Zimmerman Inc. People Power is built on nonviolent strategies and tactics used successfully in conflicts around the world. In creating People Power, our development team incorporated the hundreds of ideas and suggestions sent from users around the world who’d played our first game, A Force More Powerful. About the Game Audience – People Power is a learning tool for people who want to use nonviolent action in their own struggles for rights and freedom. This game is recommended for players age 14 and older, and is currently available in English.

Xpeditions @ Xpeditions is now archived in National Geographic Education's new website— If you liked Xpeditions, you'll love the new media-rich Explore the new site now for activities, maps, interactives, videos, homework help, and more! Please note: to search for Xpeditions content, check the “include archive” filter. Nat Geo Education Blog Sarah Lavezzo: Peacebuilding Toolkit 2015-02-10, 04:02 pmSarah Lavezzo, this week’s Educator of the Week, is an enrichment teacher for grades 1-5 at an eleWhere There’s Smoke, There’s . . . Most Popular Giant Traveling Maps Get great resources for introducing geography and map-reading skills to students in Grades K-8.

Debt Ski A game about savings, debt, and its consequences. Commissioned by mtvU, MTV’s college network, and the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. The game is intended to spotlight the dangers of excessive debt, challenge young people to avoid destructive financial behavior, and spur fiscally responsible action. Players of Debt Ski must maneuver the game's central character, Piggy Banks, through a series of obstacles to maximize his savings, limit his debt and maintain his level of happiness – all while making payments for necessities like housing and food. Spending tsunamis are the biggest threat to Piggy Banks' future as they represent unexpected life events – such as medical expenses or increases to the cost of living – and have the potential to significantly dent savings and increase debt. Debt Ski was inspired by Brian Haveri of Milburn, NJ who submitted the winning concept in mtvU's Indebted Digital Challenge.

Lesson Plan on Migration - Lesson Plans from Movies and Film - Nomadism - Dormancy - Science This lesson plan can be used for all or some of the following purposes: (1) introduce students to migration, nomadism, and dormancy, important methods used by living organisms to adapt to their environment; (2) acquaint students with many of the concepts biologists use to describe those behaviors; (3) work with the vocabulary and explore the derivation of some technical terms used to describe migration, nomadism and dormancy; (4) confirm the use of the taxonomy for animal species; (5) discuss the use of ultralight aircraft to reestablish lost migration patterns among birds; and (6) provide an example of the process by which government can act through NEPA (the National Environmental Policy Act). Time: Five to seven 55 minute class periods. Curriculum Standards for the Eleven Most Populous States: Click here. Materials: (Microsoft® Word® versions of the materials marked with an asterisk are provided so that teachers can modify them to suit the needs of their classes.)

Cruel 2 B Kind The History and Geography of Inventions [Home Page][Other Page] [Search Inventions] [Before 10,000 BC][10,000 BC to 4000 BC][4000 BC to 3000 BC][3000 BC to 2000 BC][2000 BC to 1000 BC][1000 BC to 1 BC][1 AD to 1000 AD][1000 to 1500][1500 to 1700][1700 to 1800][1800 to 1850][1850 to 1900][1900 to 1950][Since 1950] [Inventions][Biographies][Religions of the World][Bible Contradictions][Rain][Countries of the World][Cookery][Music][Composers (Opera)] [Readers' Feedback (Religion)] [Language][Travel][Eclipses][London][Astronomy][Mathematics][Physics][Chemistry][Biology][Football][Television][Other] Sponsored Link

Global Conflicts Portal Welcome - The Flow of History Take Back Illinois Sponsored by the Illinois GOP, Take Back Illinois challenged players to explore four issues surrounding the 2004 state elections: Medical Malpractice Reform, Education Reform, Grassroots Activism, and Economic Reform. Take Back Illinois was a 2005 Slamdance Independent Game Festival Finalist. The game was created in four parts, released once a week for the month before the election (Four Issues, Four Games, Four Weeks). Players explored Illinois state legislative policiy positions on Medical Malpractice Reform, Education, Citizen Participation, and Economic Reform. Medical Malpractice Reform – provide health care to a community. Education - concentrating all education resources in one part of the state or share resources across state school districts. Citizen Participation - explore the responsibility of democracy as participation. Key Features: All four games were interrelated and your play in one affected your score in the others.

Organizing Game Activism, The Public Policy Game Sponsored by the DCCC and released during the height of the 2004 general election, players are challenged to balance six public policy issues with limited time and resources. In the game, you manage 10,000 virtual "Activists" allocating them across 6 policy issues. You can play based on your own preferences or load a pre-played scenario from players across the nation. Fatworld Fatworld is a game about the politics of nutrition. It explores the relationships between obesity, nutrition, and socioeconomics in the contemporary U.S. Fit or Fat? In the last two decades, obesity has soared in the United States. Public and private organizations have mounted ongoing efforts to change Americans’ behavior toward nutrition and exercise. More importantly, these efforts assume that our obesity crisis is caused solely by lack of self-control: if only everyone would choose to eat right and exercise, the problem would go away. Fatworld is a videogame about the politics of nutrition. Existing approaches to nutrition advocacy fail to communicate the aggregate effect of everyday health practices. You can choose starting weights and health conditions, including predispositions towards ailments like diabetes, heart disease, or food allergies. Interested in politics?

Killer Flu A game about seasonal and pandemic flu, how they mutate, and how they are spread. Commissioned by the UK Clinical Virology Network and produced in association with Scotland's Traffic Games. In spring 2009, panicked headlines appeared worldwide warning of the dangerous "swine flu." Reading the papers, you'd think that pandemics are like magical epidemiological tidal waves that rise and cover the planet. But the truth is, pandemic flus are rare and unusual strains that are far harder to spread than popular discourse might make it seem. Or consider swine flu again. Given historical facts like these, remarks like WHO director-general Margaret Chan's dire warning that "It really is all of humanity that is under threat" don't do much more than spread panic. Kiler Flu was created as an attempt to explain how flu really mutates and spreads, and how challenging it can be for a deadly strain to affect a large population geographically.
