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CDLI - Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative

CDLI - Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative

Bibliothèque de la FMSH Public La bibliothèque est ouverte aux chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs, aux doctorants et étudiants de Master, des universités ou des établissements français et étrangers. FMSH Bibliothèque Réglement intérieur 2014 (pdf) Inscription L'inscription se fait auprès des bibliothécaires à la banque d'accueil en salle de lecture de la bibliothèque au 2ème étage du France. Pour obtenir une carte de lecteur, il est demandé de présenter un justificatif professionnel à jour, ou une carte d'invité de la FMSH ou de l'EHESS, ou une carte d'étudiant en cours de validité, ainsi qu'une photo d'identité. L'inscription est gratuite et obligatoire, renouvelable tous les ans. Les cartes de lecteurs sont strictement personnelles. FMSH Bibliothèque Demande carte de lecteur 2014.pdf FMSH Library card application form 2014.pdf FMSH Biblioteca Solicitud de carné de usuario 2014.pdf Infos pratiques 100 places assises 11 postes informatiques (Imprimer le mémo WiFi) 2 photocopieurs

Digital Corpus for Graeco-Arabic Studies I GUERRA MUNDIAL / ARCHIVO HISTÓRICO / MENU CDI / Casa de la Imagen ver VIDEO EN 3D ver AUDIOVISUAL exposición INSTITUT FRANÇAIS (del 11/11/2014 a 12/12/2014) dossier pedagógico INSTITUT FRANÇAIS ver WEB OFICIAL DEL GOBIERNO FRANCÉS CENTENAIRE 14-18 ver ARTÍCULO EL PAÍS read EL PAÍS IN ENGLISH ver NOTICIAS ANTENA 3 en GOETHE INSTITUT descargar DOSSIER (ESPAÑOL) télécharger DOSSIER (FRANÇAIS) El archivo de la Primera Guerra Mundial narra el periplo de un oficial por el frente dejando constancia de los paisajes de la guerra, de los dirigentes y los dirigidos. El archivo fue encontrado en Tánger en 1999 por la Casa de la Imagen y ha sido completamente catalogado y restaurado. Una exposición sobre los fondos de BÉLICA se organizó en 2007 con una pequeña selección de los más de 500 negativos estereoscópicos tomados por este oficial francés desconocido durante la contienda. Con motivo del centenario de la Gran Guerra en 2014, Casa de la Imagen y el Institut Français de Madrid prepararon una gran exposición y un catálogo con estos fondos.

Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers Machine assisted translation of cuneiform texts The CDLI is delighted to announce that the international research collaboration Machine Translation and Automated Analysis of Cuneiform Languages (MTAAC) has been funded through the Trans-Atlantic Platform Digging into Data Challenge by the American National Endowment for the Humanities, the German Research Foundation, and the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Methods of computer assisted annotation of cuneiform texts are currently rule and dictionary based. To be reliable, these methods are dependent on human intervention. In the case of large corpora with non-homogeneous texts, the time required to verify each line appears to make this approach impracticable. Additionally, current methods are not context-aware, or are implemented in a fashion that is not specialized enough to enable unsupervised text analysis. The MTAAC project’s broad goal is to address the gap in the NLP of cuneiform languages. Principal investigator of the MTAAC research team is Heather D.

OPAC SBN - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico L'OPAC SBN consente l'accesso a 16.792.406 notizie bibliografiche, corredate da 88.893.043 localizzazioni (Aggiornato al 26/02/2018) AVVISO - Si comunica che l'accesso all'Opac SBN verrà interrotto, per motivi di manutenzione, nella giornata di sabato 3 marzo p.v. e sarà riattivato lunedì 5 marzo. OPAC SBN: caratteristiche L'incipit nei manoscritti musicali, già visibile in forma codificata, è ora presentato anche in forma notata. Accesso Z39.50 all'opac SBN. Dati di configurazione essenziali per il target: indirizzo: porte: 2100 o 3950 nome DB: nopac sintassi dei record: SUTRS, UNIMARC o MARC21 (su ambedue le porte)set di attributi: Bib-1 (parte) set di caratteri: UTF-8 - i record in formato UNIMARC e MARC21 possono essere presentati solo uno alla volta - nella query si consiglia di non usare caratteri diacritici (accenti,etc.) Scarica l'app per consultare il Catalogo sul tuo dispositivo mobile

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Digital Library The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Digital Library contains rare books and art works related to Greek history, archaeology and culture which are made available online for the first time. Items of special interest have been chosen from UCL Special Collections' Euclid and Flaxman collections and the Institute of Archaeology's excavation reports and site surveys, complemented by images of UCL Art Museum's Flaxman plasters. You can browse or search the full collection via the collection microsite. The materials in the ICS/JL collection have been kindly provided by the Institute of Classical Studies Library and Joint Library of the Hellenic and Roman Societies, where they may be consulted. Further information on photographic orders and image reproduction for the Euclid, Flaxman or IoA collections is available from UCL Special Collections. Information on reproduction of images of UCL Art Museum's Flaxman collection for publication or broadcast is available from UCL Art Museum.

Collection Les auteurs classiques dans la bibliothèque numérique Les Classiques des sciences sociales Abel-Rémusat, Jean-Pierre [1788-1832] sinologue, titulaire de la 1re chaire de langue et littérature chinoise au Collège de France [ sous-collection "Chine ancienne" ] Adler, Alfred [1870-1937] psychanalyste Alain (Émile Chartier) [1868-1951] philosophe français Alexéiev, Basile [1881-1951] professeur au Collège de France Alexis, Jacques Stephen [1922-1961] Écrivain, homme politique et médecin haïtien [sous-collection "Études haïtiennes"] Alexis, Stephen [1889-1962] Diplomate, enseignant, historien, journaliste et écrivain haïtien né aux Gonaïves, père de Jacques Stephen Alexis. Amyot, Jacques, Prieur de Montfort-Lamaury André, Yves-Marie, jésuite [1902-1954] Professeur de mathématiques à Caen en Normandie Anglès d'Auriac, Jean [1902-1954] Docteur ès Lettres, professeur à la Faculté des Lettres de Rennes Archambault, Paul [1883-1950] Asselin, Olivar [1874-1937] journaliste, pamphlétaire et militant nationaliste canadien-français Auteurs inconnus Aveling, Edouard César, Jules [100 avant J.

Codex Sinaiticus The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature 1-6. Goddess of the fearsome divine powers, clad in terror, riding on the great divine powers, Inana, made perfect by the holy a-an-kar weapon, drenched in blood, rushing around in great battles, with shield resting on the ground (?), covered in storm and flood, great lady Inana, knowing well how to plan conflicts, you destroy mighty lands with arrow and strength and overpower lands. 7-9. In heaven and on earth you roar like a lion and devastate the people. Like a huge wild bull you triumph over lands which are hostile. 10-22. 23-24. 25-32. 33-36. 37-40. 41-44. 45-48. 49-52. 53-58. 59-61. 62-64. 65-69. 70-79. 80-82. 83-88. 89-95. 96-99. 100-103. 104-107. 108-111. 112-115. 116-120. 121-126. 127-130. 131-137. 138-143. 144-151. 152-159. 160-165. 166-170. 171-175. 176-181.

Copac National, Academic and Specialist Library Catalogue E-booksProf. Lawrence H. Schiffman The Jews in Late Antiquity The Hellenistic period begins formally with Alexander’s arrival in the Near East in 334 B.C.E. However, this date should not be seen as the beginning of Hellenistic influence in this region. Click here to download or read online: The Jews in Late Antiquity. Challenge and Transformation: Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism The years of Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine rule in Judea and of Sassanian rule in Babylonia were years of great challenge to the ongoing continuity of Judaism, and, at the same time, years of great accomplishment which resulted in the successful meeting of these challenges. Click here to download or read online: Challenge and Transformation: Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism In the Shadow of Giants: Current Research in Rabbinics (1992) One generation passes and another comes, but does the earth, the study of Rabbinic literature, the foundation of Judaic Studies, really stand still?

