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Design tips, tutorials and ispirations

1stWebDesigner - Tutorials WebGL(Web Graphics Library) was released on the Web early last year. Its ability to use HTML5 Canvas elements to generate graphics dynamically made it easy for web designers and developers to create smooth 2D and 3D effects. Here are some WebGL examples and demos you should look at. WebGL is a branch of OpenGL based on OpenGL Embedded Systems (ES). This Javascript API is managed by the consortium of non-profit technology Khronos Group and work together with Mozilla Foundation. Read More As smart phones and tablets have become popular, more and more people are have been reading their emails regularly on their small screen devices. Email clients such as Outlook (Windows), Mail (OSX), etc. use different HTML engines. So, in making an email template, it is highly recommended to use a different approach. Read More Have you tried using the SVG image format? In the past, the only image format that was supported by all browsers was the GIF, an image file developed by CompuServe. Read More

Latest Technology Products InstantShift | Web Designers and Developers Daily Resource. Smashing Magazine | Design dhairya dand dhairya dand Obake SuperShoes flipit The Nostalgia Room Cheers Aura Being There MediumX Augmented Hands RadicalKitchen Urban Rediscovery Toolkit

Inspirationfeed - be inspired! Tutorial Lounge Les maisons du futur seront peut-être entièrement construites avec cette gigantesque imprimante 3D La technologie d’impression 3D est incroyable : grâce à celle-ci, il est désormais possible de bâtir les fondations et les murs d’une maison en 24 heures. On vous présente cette innovation étonnante. Avec toutes les possibilités déjà offertes grâce à l’impression 3D, il n’est pas étonnant de voir que quelqu’un ait commencé à se pencher sur le sujet de construire des maisons grâce à cette technologie. Cette idée ne va pas tarder à être du domaine du possible grâce à cette « imprimante 3D » géante multi-fonction. Contour Crafting, c’est le nom du projet, propose également plusieurs ébauches et concepts de projets d’utilisations pour cette technologie, notamment une qui semble prometteuse : la construction de colonies spatiales sur la Lune ou sur Mars en pilotant à distance la construction des bâtiments.

Cromoart Desktop Calendar – January 2014 2014 begins and we are starting the fourth round of our desktop calendar series. We are looking forward to a successful New Year and wish you all the best. If you want this wallpaper at your desktop feel free to download in different resolutions or tell us if you need something else. [...] Dezember 31, 2013Toni PolkowskiDesign, Photography, Wallpaper Desktop Calendar – December 2013 It's the time of winter and christmas is coming. November 30, 2013Toni PolkowskiDesign, Photography, Wallpaper Desktop Calendar – November 2013 This days it's going to be cold outside and sometimes there is ice, fog and dark clouds. Oktober 31, 2013Toni PolkowskiDesign, Photography, Wallpaper Film Inspiration No. 115 Film Inspiration“ is a serial of short films, trailers, motion graphics and music clips by different artists from across the world introduced here at Cromoart. Oktober 14, 2013Toni PolkowskiFilm Desktop Calendar – October 2013 Desktop Calendar – June 2013

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