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Telam 5 Great Replacements For Google Reader As you may already know, Google Reader will shutdown as of July 1, so now’s the time to look for a new RSS reader. If you’re a longtime user, you may not be familiar with the other options available to you, but don’t worry — there are plenty out there, so you don’t need to go without your news. We’ve compiled a list of the best cloud-based and local news readers around to help you find the best solution for you. Cloud-Based RSS Readers If you read RSS feeds when you’re on the go, and on multiple devices, you will want a cloud-based RSS Reader — a lot like Google Reader. NetVibes NetVibes allows you to monitor apps, feeds, sentiments, and tweets all in real-time, making it a totally unique RSS reader. There are three different packages available for NetVibes: the first one is the basic package, which is free of charge and allows you to monitor apps in real-time, personalize your layout, and access your RSS feeds on your mobile device. Feed Wrangler NewsBlur Feedly Desktop RSS Readers RSSOwl Líder de información en español Contexto Wavii Diario BAE
