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Medieval and Renaissance Instruments

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Germanic History ROLL Reunion Ancient Customs of the Germans - Victory feast after a battle. Germanic Tribes. Nowadays a less simplistic view is taken. Much of what is known about the Germanic people comes from historical accounts written by two Roman authors: Commentaries (51 BC) by Julius Caesar and Germania (98 AD) by Cornelius Tacitus. The first clash between the Germanic peoples and the neighboring Romans was in the 2nd century BC, when the Cimbri and Teutons invaded Gaul and were defeated in present-day Provence, France. Historic German trivia: In the year 402 the Roman Emperor fled to Ravenna, which was a sea-port and strongly fortified, and there, in the year 475, Odoacer, commander of a regiment of the German mercenaries, who wanted the farms of Italy to be divided among themselves, gently but effectively pushed Romulus Augustulus, the last of the emperors who ruled the western division, from his throne, and proclaimed himself Patriarch or ruler of Rome. Germany on-line map High Middle Ages.

Western Music History Western Music History can be traced back to Medieval times, with the Introduction of Chanting (later termed Gregorian Chanting) into the Catholic church services. Western Music then started becoming more of an art form with the advances in music notation and more focus on secular themes that occurred in the Renaissance period. We then have expansions of range and complexity as we move into the Baroque era. The Classical era gives us the emotional power associated with such composers as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Table of contents[edit] Medieval Music (476 A.D. to 1400 A.D.)Renaissance Music (1400 A.D. to 1600 A.D.)Baroque Music (1600 A.D. to 1750 A.D.)Classical Music (1750 A.D. to 1820 A.D.)Romantic Music (1820 A.D. to 1900 A.D.)Modern Music (1900 A.D. to 1960 A.D.)Contemporary Music (1945 A.D. to present) A Note Time Periods[edit] There is no clear line when the Renaissance began and the Middle Ages ended. About this book[edit] Authors

Educación musical y YouTube | Educa con TIC Las TIC abren nuevas posibilidades para la Educación Musical, tanto en su vertiente creativa como en el plano histórico. YouTube puede ser nuestro aliado para presentar a nuestros estudiantes algunos estilos de música contemporánea: jazz, blues, rock y pop. Sigue leyendo esta entrada y te sorprenderás de lo que llega a esconder ese servicio de alojamiento de vídeos. Todos conocemos el portal de vídeos más famoso de la red, YouTube. A partir de estas grabaciones podemos mostrar a nuestros estudiantes compositores y artistas musicales que muy probablemente no conozcan aunque, en algunos casos, sean los predecesores de sus grupos favoritos. Nuestro paseo por la historia de la música podría comenzar por el jazz. Esta última grabación puede, además, ser comparada con la interpretación "original" de Miles Davis y John Coltrane de So what, del insuperable Kind of Blues. Tras conocer a Chet Baker podríamos pasar del cool al swing con Ben Webster u Oscar Peterson: Saludos Valoración media

Tobias Hume Music Tobias Hume wanted to offer something special, to set himself off from others: He wanted to publish his own work and not arrangements of foreign pieces. This is indicated in the preface of the first part of Ayres where he writes: my studies are far from servile imitations, I robbe no other inventions... Hume's main innovations lay in the fact that he transferred known lute and bandora repetory to the viola da gamba and that he was the first to publish music for solo viola da gamba (lyra viol) as well as for several violas da gamba. In the second volume Hume publishes a hunting song for a bass viol in alternation with a solo voice, which according to Hume was sung before two Kings, to the admiring of all brave Huntsmen. Two more pieces are dedicated to this visit in this same work: The King of Denmarkes delight and King of Denmarkes health. References William V. Hume has written his music almost entirely in tablature. (source: Groves Dictionary of Music) Citations

EyeWitness To The Middle Ages and Renaissance Life in a Christian Monastery, ca. 585"When he was dead his body was not placed with the bodies of the brethren, but a grave was dug in the dung pit, and his body was flung down into it. . . " Crime and punishment in a medieval monastery: the monastery's Abbott provides insight into the monastic life. The Vikings Discover America, ca. 1000"There was no want of salmon either in the river or in the lake." Five hundred years before Columbus, the Vikings discover a New World. Invasion of England, 1066The Norman conquest of Anglo-Saxon England described through the images of the 900 year-old Bayeux Tapestry. Anarchy in 12th Century EnglandThe Anglo-Saxon Chronicle paints a sobering picture of life in 12th century England that contrasts strikingly with Hollywood's image of the Middle Ages. The Murder Of Thomas Becket, 1170The killing of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Crusaders Capture Jerusalem, 1099The assault and capture of the Christian "Navel of the World"

El contrapunto - La Textura Musical Contrapunto Lee el siguiente texto, y contesta a las preguntas: ¿Qué es el contrapunto?¿Cuándo se desarrolló?¿Qué relación hay entre contrapunto y armonía? Dentro del contrapunto, es decir, las distintas formas que tienen las líneas melódicas de interactuar, encontramos dos casos: Contrapunto Imitativo Se da cuando las melodías o líneas melódicas se van imitando entre sí. Contrapunto Libre Tipo de polifonía contrapuntística, donde las diferentes líneas melódicas se van sucediendo una detrás de otra, sin ninguna relación entre sí. Actividades ¿Qué tipos de contrapunto conoces? Como ves el efecto final que crea estos tipos de textura, es bastante confuso, con dificultad podemos distinguir las líneas melódicas que se escuchan. Si ves solo la partitura, verás que todas las líneas melódicas parecen que cada una va por su lado, pero si lo escuchas te das cuenta, que parecen que todas van a la vez.

Musique du haut-baroque italien MUSIQUEDUHAUT-BAROQUE(PREMIERE PARTIE DU XVII° siècle)A.CIMAG.FRESCOBALDIG.GABRIELICesario GUSSAGOG. LEGRENZIT.MASSAINOG.B. RICCIOG.ROGNONI TAEGGIOS.SCHEIDTJ.H. SCHMELZERA.SODERINOL.VIADANA Afin de laisser une plus grande part à l'interprétation,j'ai volontairement laissé ces pièces sans ornementation etsans réalisation de la basse continue pour celles qui en ont une. All the Midi files available here are Copyright © 1998-2004 by Christian Brassy.They are licensed for personal use at no cost. Andrea CIMA Girolamo FRESCOBALDI(1583-1643) Giovanni GABRIELI Cesario GUSSAGO(autour de 1600) Giovanni LEGRENZI(1625-1690) Tiburtio MASSAINO(1550-1609) Giovanni Battista RICCIO(actif entre 1609 et 1612) G.ROGNONI TAEGGIO(autour de 1600)

Maps The section of the Sourcebook is devoted to copy-permitted maps and images. These images can be used in teaching, and in web page creation. The source of images is indicated for each image. © This text is copyright. The specific electronic form, and any notes and questions are copyright. If any copyright has been infringed, this was unintentional.

UNIDAD IV: RENACIMIENTO - El blog de Marta Flores Este es el mapa de Europa en el Siglo XV. Fijate cómo, luego de la Guerra de los Cien Años, Francia ha logrado unificarse y casi tiene el aspecto actual.En tanto, España, a partir de la expulsión de los moros, en 1492, y de la unión de Aragón y Castilla, logra la unificación en lo que se llamó la "monarquía pactista". Alemania e Italia permanecen aún divididas, pero los estados más poderosos de esta última serán los protagonistas del Renacimiento. En el Mediterráneo oriental,dos grandes imperios rivalizan: el Mameluco y el otomano. Con los comienzos de la ciencia moderna, durante los siglos XV y XVI, comienza el cuestionamiento de los saberes tradicionales. Andreäs Vesalio – 1514, 1564 – y sus colegas comienzan en esta época a diseccionar cadáveres humanos, elaborando una anatomía basada en la observación directa y no en las escandalosamente inexactas obras de Galeno. Históricamente, el Renacimiento fue contemporáneo de la Era de los Descubrimientos y las conquistas ultramarinas.

MusiXTeX MusiXTeX Library [ to Japanese page ] This is the library of MusiXTeX, a set of TeX mactos to typeset orchestral or polyphonic music. You can obtain some scores in MusiXTeX source files, PostScript graphic image and MIDI file. The files in this library are free to use personally, but if you change the source or use them commercially, you have to take care about the copyright rule. Score Library Old Score Library including MusicTeX Scores Old score library for MusicTeX and older versions of MusiXTeX. MusiXTeX Guide What is MusiXTeX How to Get the Files How to Install MusiXTeX MusiXTeX Related Files Link Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) : The network of servers with TeX related archives. Score Library You need TeX system, MusiXTeX Package, MusiXLyr Package ( from MusiXTeX add-on), MusiXExp package, MAB_Stlx.tex and MXTX2mml.tex to compile the source files in this library. Any qustions or suggestions, please e-mail to

A Medieval Atlas By Melissa Snell Nothing helps bring the past into focus quite like a well-executed map. Here at the Medieval History site, I've provided some maps depicting parts of the world as it was during the Middle Ages. There are also many more maps available on the web. Our atlas is designed to help you find the map you need in the manner you find most convenient, and to offer you some intriguing documents of the past to explore. The time frame for the Medieval Atlas is from the late fifth century to the year 1700. For everything you could possibly want to know about geography and maps in general, don't miss Matt Rosenberg's super Geography site here at Types of Map There are several different types of medieval map available on the Internet. continue reading below our video Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% A period or antique map is one that was drawn during the middle ages of the world as it was at that time. In addition to maps that depict political boundaries, some topic maps are available.

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