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NetIO Controller

DomotiGa - WikiStart - DomotiGa Virtual Gira HomeServer on ESXi Category: KNX/EIB Published Date Written by Timo Sariwating Hits: 7926 "The Gira HomeServer 3 is the on-board computer for the house. Then I found a great Gira HomeServer DIY website . Install VMware workstation on my laptop Configure a new Virtual Machine (Linux 32bit) Setup a physical serial port to my laptop's comport Download and install a CentOS 5.5 ISO (I used one with a 2.6.18 kernel) Follow the website for partitioning and installing the Gira HomeServer Install the Gira Expert software on my laptop. Using a serial cross cable connect the laptop's RS-232 port (HomeServer) to an USB-Serial converter (Expert) Upload an initial project which contains valid IP and admin settings to the virtual HomeServer. My virtual HomeServer was working and I tried sending the initial project once more. Now it was easy to move the virtual server to ESXi using VMware's vCentre Converter and I had myself a Virtual ESXi Gira HomeServer. One thing to notice is that . Links: Gira HomeServer VMware ESXi

HomeGenie / Wiki / Home Remote Control on iOs and Android SmartHome.pi · mknx/smarthome Wiki Installation and FAQ for Smartvisu/Smarthome on Raspberry PI The Test Case (or for whom this manual is for) I do now that there are many different hardware setups around. In order that you don’t waste your time reading this document here the setup which is the basis for this manual: Some KNX actors (switch, blinds, heating) Some KNX sensors (4/8 sensor) ETS GAs programmed and working KNX IP interface (router) on DHCP Dlink router running DHCP server (not connected to the Internet) , WLAN Raspberry PI type B, headless mode Notebook, iPAD, iPhone for connect to Web services I’ve mounted the hardware into a dedicated suitcase to play around with it without interfering with my production LAN/WAN setup @home Version Control 1.0 Release to Forum 20.Feb. 2014 (Mario)1.1 Important Directories, version control 24.Feb.2014 (Mario)1.5 Converted from PDF to Markdown format 08.Apr. 2014(Mario), (Current Version) Table of Content Pre-requisites Basic Linux knowlegde Basic hardware needed. …. Portable PuTTY

The Ultimate List of Home Automation Software for iPhone | Home Automation DIY Last Updated: September 23, 2012 Would you please raise your hand if you think that iPhone/iPod Touch is an ideal platform for remote control of any kind. Yes, I thought so too. And it seems that industry gets it too. Note: This post is a work in progress, and it will be updated as new software titles are being released or discovered, so swing by often. Most application links below lead directly to the product page in iTunes store, so you should have iTunes installed on your system to open the link. Control Systems for Home Automation - CommandFusion OpenZwave sur votre Synology Home InControl Home Automation (InControl Console) InControl Console is an application that runs on your pc. It allows you to use our iPhone & Android application to control your zwave devices from anywhere you have internet access on your phone. In order to use the app on your phone, you must first download and install the PC companion software. InControl Android App Download the APK directly or search for "InControl" on the Android Market Place: InControl Apple App Search for "InControl" on the Apple AppStore.

Xhome | EIB / KNX / SPS / LCN Visualisierung Xhome Visu S.A.R.A.H. – Architecture S.A.R.A.H. – Architecture WSRMacro Ce programme C# se branche dans les API (Kinect) de Microsoft et envoie une requête HTTP dès qu’il y a une action à effectuer. L’intelligence est déportée sur le serveur NodeJS. Moteur de reconnaissance vocaleMoteur de reconnaissance gestuelleMoteur de reconnaissance facialeMoteur Text to SpeechMoteur QRCodeServeur HTTPServeur WebSocket Le programme charge des grammaires XML pour la reconnaissance vocale et gestuelle. Le programme reconnait les QRCodes à une distance de 80cm (Kinect XBox) et joue les URL Http ou Vocalise le texte. Le serveur HTTP est utilisé pour recevoir des commandes depuis le serveur NodeJS (Text to Speech, Marche/Arrêt, Contexte, …). Le serveur WebSocket (expérimental) stream le flux de la caméra. Détails techniques WSRNodeJS Le serveur NodeJS reçoit des requêtes HTTP pour exécuter des scripts qui seront vocalisés. Plugins Un plugin est un dossier zippé, composé des fichiers de WSRNodeJS et WSRMacro. Big Picture Source Machines WSRMacro

Freedomotic | Open Source Building Automation KNX Server
