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Brain Teasers, Puzzles, Riddles, Trivia and Games

Brain Teasers, Puzzles, Riddles, Trivia and Games
Brain Teasers, Riddles, Trivia, Brain Exercises, Games, Forums and more... With over 20,000 brain teasers, riddles, logic problems, quizzes and mind puzzles submitted and ranked by users like you, Braingle has the largest collection anywhere on the internet. Our large array of unique online multiplayer games will keep you entertained for hours, and if you want to improve your brain, check out the Mentalrobics section. If you crave a brain teaser, mind puzzle, riddle or game, we are the place to get it. Increase your creativity, boost learning and become a better person at Braingle. Get ready to have your brain tangled!

What I was doing vs. what I did: How verb aspect influences memory and behavior If you want to perform at your peak, you should carefully consider how you discuss your past actions. In a new study in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, psychologists William Hart of the University of Florida and Dolores Albarracín from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign reveal that the way a statement is phrased (and specifically, how the verbs are used), affects our memory of an event being described and may also influence our behavior. In these experiments, a group of volunteers were interrupted prior to finishing a word game and were then asked to describe their behavior using the imperfective (e.g., I was solving word puzzles) or perfective (e.g., I solved word puzzles) aspect.

didattici per la scuola secondaria di primo grado - Index Sussidi didattici per la secondaria di 1° grado (e per le quarte e le quinte) °°° CDD - Contenuti Didattici Digitali (interattivi) per pc, tablet e smartphone. ° Geografia: Il Volga; Monti , curve di livello e profilo altimetrico ° Momenti scolastici Serie di esercitazioni per favorire la conoscenza degli aspetti morfologici della Terra. °°° Visita d'istruzione: luoghi della Prima Guerra Mondiale in Italia - Story Map Journal (mappe Esri)°°° Visita d'istruzione: Pisa e Parco della Maremma Toscana - Story Map Journal (mappe Esri)°°° Visita d'istruzione: Monaco di Baviera - Story Map (mappe Esri)°°° Visita d'istruzione: Campo di concentramento di Dachau - Story Map Journal (mappe Esri)°°° Visita d'istruzione: Campo di concentramento di Mauthausen - Story Map Journal (mappe Esri)

Fatty Foods May Boost Memory April 27, 2009 Feeling forgetful? Munch on a fatty snack. Giochi per la mente Giochi per la mente Social Activity Keeps Elders You... ( Seniors who don't socialize regularly Seniors who don't socialize regularly risk losing motor function, researchers say ,, MONDAY, June 22 (HealthDay News) -- Older people who don't socialize much might be increasing their risk for declining motor function and hastening their death, researchers from Rush University Medical Center report. On the positive side, sociable seniors who keep active physically and mentally tend to stave off the decline in physical ability often associated with aging, the scientists added.

Sebran's ABC - free software for kids It's never too early for your child to become familiar with letters and numbers. Sebran's ABC's colorful pictures, pleasant music, and gentle games teach letters, numbers, simple math, and rudiments of reading. The program teaches using either Afrikaans, Bahasa Indonesian, Breton, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Samoan, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish, Swahili or Swedish (in Swedish, the droll zebra gracing the main screen is called "sebran").

Short stressful events may improve working memory Experiencing chronic stress day after day can produce wear and tear on the body physically and mentally, and can have a detrimental effect on learning and emotion. However, acute stress -- a short stressful incident -- may enhance learning and memory. Researchers at the University at Buffalo have shown, in trials using rodents as an animal model, that acute stress can produce a beneficial effect on learning and memory, through the effect of the stress hormone corticosterone (cortisol in humans) on the brain's prefrontal cortex, a key region that controls learning and emotion. Specifically, they demonstrated that acute stress increases transmission of the neurotransmitter glutamate and improves working memory. "Stress hormones have both protective and damaging effects on the body," said Zhen Yan, professor of physiology and biophysics at UB and senior author on the study.

Bob the Builder Utilizziamo i cookies sui nostri siti e sulle nostre applicazioni per dispositivi mobili per diversi motivi, ad esempio per migliorare l'esperienza degli utenti sul sito, gestire la pubblicità, analizzare i nostri siti e le relative applicazioni. Un cookie è un piccolo file di testo che viene salvato sul computer degli utenti o sui dispositivi mobili quando visitano un sito o utilizzano una app. Clicca qui per saperne di più sui cookie utilizzati e su come configurare le impostazioni del browser dei dispositivi mobili o gestire i cookies. Utilizzando il nostro sito o le nostre app, l'utente accetta l'uso che facciamo dei cookies, salvo il caso in cui disabiliti i cookies. Si prega di notare che disabilitando o non accettando i cookies alcune caratteristiche, servizi o funzionalità potrebbero non essere disponibili. Maggiori informazioni

Build Your Own Brain Gym: 100 Tools, Exercises, and Games Posted by Site Administrator in Health Tools May 28th, 2009 By Meredith Walker Stay on top of your game mentally and slow the effects of aging on your brain by keeping it in excellent shape. It’s easy to do and costs little to no money with all the resources available on the Internet. The following tools, exercises, and games will stimulate your brain and give it the exercise it needs to stay in top form. Mental Exercises

Create Videoquizzes - Educaplay The educational content that exists today on the Internet is extensive. Specifically, YouTube has a significant amount of high-quality educational videos. The Video Quiz activity gives you the ability to intersperse interactive questions throughout a YouTube video. Scuola Channel - Progetto Dalla lotta allo spreco alla buona alimentazione: arriva l’edizione 2015 del progetto con nuove risorse digitali sul nuovo focus tematico, dedicate a insegnanti, bambini, ragazzi e famiglie. Chi ha già partecipato alla precedente edizione, non ha che da sperimentare il menù di quest’anno. Per chi si iscrive ora al progetto, l’esperienza ludico-educativa multimediale è tutta da scoprire, sviluppare e gustare. All’insegna dei valori che nutrono il benessere nostro e del Pianeta.
