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Apps for multiple intelligences

Apps for multiple intelligences
What makes the iPad brilliant is that it caters to all different intelligences. In fact most apps touch upon all different types of intelligences. I’ve tried to match all of my favorite educational apps with their corresponding intelligences. For those apps that matched with more than one, I’ve used equivalents. For example, Showme and Educreations are interactive whiteboard apps that have got the same functions and both fit in the Visual and Aural box. Just like I don’t believe all students fit only in one intelligence box either. Students can use whichever app they chose to study. Take the brilliant app “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. The debate whether Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences really excist or not has been contested quite a few times. Children do differ in their abilities with different modalities, but teaching the child in his best modality doesn‘t affect his educational achievement. Click on the app icons to see the app in the App Store. Related posts:

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