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An Awesome Book!

100 Great Resources for Design Inspiration Finding inspiration is not always as simple as it sounds, whether you've been designing for years or only weeks. Below is a collection of 100 great web resources to find inspiration and direction on your next project, whether it be online or in print. These range from galleries of graphic and web design to online magazines and a few unconventional sources of inspiration. Keep reading to see our recommendations and then share your favorite sources of inspiration in the comments. Online Galleries Veer: Ideas - A huge idea gallery from stock photography company Veer formatted as a blog and including news and updates from the company itself. Delicious CSS - A CSS web design gallery that was founded because of the lack of features for tracking design ideas on traditional social bookmarking sites. Raster - A regularly-updated gallery of photography and art with collections broken into “chapters.” CSS Uber Clean - A gallery of exceptional CSS-based designs. Blogs Online Magazines

APP | Create animated GIFs with your iPhone/iTouch or Webcam GIFYO iPhone & iTouch App Login or Register 1 Gifs 0 Likes Gonzalo-Del-Cant 11hr ago suidgasdsa Gonzalo-Del-Cant Follow Message Statistics Recent Gifs About me Followers Following About|Guidelines|Contact|Terms Of Service|Privacy Policy|Online Safety|Advertise Gifyo © 2014 Nutritional Therapy MSc This course aims to develop scholar practitioners of nutritional therapy who can work with individuals and groups in autonomous clinical and community settings. Grounded in functional medicine principles, nutritional therapy draws on current and emerging research to inform assessment methods and prescriptions for diet, nutraceuticals and lifestyle change to manage patients’ health concerns and promote optimal health through all life stages. In addition, the course enables you to develop professionally and personally as a leader in research, clinical governance and policy within the nutritional therapy profession, while developing and advancing your own professional practice. You will be able to present clinical and theoretical concepts in an inter-professional forum that fosters critical debate, original and independent thinking, peer mentoring and supervision and reflexivity. The course offers two routes: and Course leader: Jane Nodder E: Course content Location

Poetas políticos y ejecutivos bohemios Luis García Montero [En José M. Mariscal & Carlos Prado (eds.), Hace falta estar ciego (Poéticas del compromiso para el siglo XXI), Madrid, Visor, 2003, pp. 11-23.] Una vez más un libro sobre literatura y compromiso. Por eso se ha repetido, y con razón, que los poetas puros son tan sociales como los poetas comprometidos. Después de los fracasos de la acción política directa, de la degradación de las esperanzas republicanas y de la farsa de la Restauración, los intelectuales buscaron un marco diferente, más sincero y más útil que las declaraciones huecas de la España oficial. Juan Ramón toma decisiones estilísticas a partir de su situación histórica, una situación que comparte con otros jóvenes escritores de su época. Juan Ramón iba a mantener durante toda su vida la identificación del arte por el arte y el trabajo por el trabajo. No olvidemos, pues, lo que hay de compromiso histórico en la pureza.

60 segundos que cambiarán tu vida 60 segundos que cambiarán tu vida Escoge una industria y entra en la vida de un animal por solo un minuto: 1. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on google_plusone_share Share on email 2. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on google_plusone_share Share on email 3. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on google_plusone_share Share on email 4. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on google_plusone_share Share on email 5. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on google_plusone_share Share on email 6. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on google_plusone_share Share on email Ahora que sabes la verdad detrás de estas industrias, ¿qué harás y con quién compartirás esto? Entradas relacionadas Publicar un Comentario Tu dirección de correo electrónico no será publicada. Al llenar este formulario, usted acepta la recopilación, almacenamiento, uso y divulgación de su información personal de acuerdo a nuestra política de privacidad, así como recibir nuestros correos electrónicos.

UKPASS - Search & apply for postgraduate masters degrees, PhD, MSc | UKPASS Education for a green society There is a strong connection between the business world and the modern institution of schooling. Historians of education have explained how schools as we know them were profoundly shaped by the influence of business leaders and by educators who adopted theories and techniques from the economic realm of society. Many major turning points, new initiatives, and efforts to reform public education have come in response to demands for better trained workers or more efficient management of human resources. For example, in the 1840s Horace Mann and his peers justified their efforts to organize state school systems, in large part, on the basis of economic productivity and prosperity; they promised factory managers that educated workers would demonstrate more “docility” and “punctuality,” among other virtues. Yet overall, the public and political leaders accept the role of schools in serving the needs of industry and commerce. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Manga en PDF Un excelente Manga, sin nada de gore ni peleas, en donde la trama gira en la vida de dos jóvenes chicas que se llaman "Nana", que es "siete" en japones, y es el número de la buena suerte. Ambas compartirán experiencias, amores, y desamores. Sus personalidades son como la noche y la luna, una es extrovertida y la otra introvertida, pero en este manga que es una especie de culebrón-cómico-dramón, pasaran muchas situaciones para salir adelante. Ha sido todo un fenómeno este manga hace unos años en Japón, sobre todo en el publico femenino ( y masculino también). Han sacado su correspondiente versión anime y una película live action (con actores reales).

Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease -- Health & Wellness © n/a We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact. I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labelled "opinion makers." The only accepted therapy was prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely restricted fat intake. It Is Not Working! These recommendations are no longer scientifically or morally defensible. The long-established dietary recommendations have created epidemics of obesity and diabetes, the consequences of which dwarf any historical plague in terms of mortality, human suffering and dire economic consequences. What are the biggest culprits of chronic inflammation? What does all this have to do with inflammation?

"10 años de vivencias en educación virtual" - Net-Learning - Libro de descarga gratuita Libro de descarga gratuita: “10 años de vivencias en educación virtual” – Net-Learning 10 años de vivencias en educación virtual / Susana Trabaldo … []. – 1a ed. – Buenos Aires : Net-Learning, 2012. Descarga gratis “10 años de vivencias en educación virtual” – Net-Learning aquí Net-Learning festeja su 10mo aniversario de trabajo en Educación a distancia y lo hace entregando este libro a todos los que estén interesados en conocer más de esta metodología educativa. Algunos artículos incluidos en el libro: Ampliando el horizonte del aula, nuevas modalidades de Tutoría – Beatriz AquinoUna revisión de la taxonomía del aprendizaje y apps educativas en el contexto del Mobile-Learning – Raúl Santiago CampiónFormación Continua Online para Profesores de Idiomas – Liliana Beatriz LunaE-portfolios ¿por qué las dudas? Comparte este artículo! Tema: 07.

35 Surprisingly Useful Websites You Never Knew You Needed
