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6 different ways of getting student feedback in your iPad lesson.

6 different ways of getting student feedback in your iPad lesson.
Update 14-09-2012: Syncing Notability with Dropbox is possibly the easiest and best way of keeping track of your students’ work. One of the most difficult challenges for the teachers at my school is changing from workbooks and worksheets to get students to work and monitor their answers on the iPad. There are many ways to go about it. Here are 6 of them: 1. This one, is my go to tool form creating questionnaires. 2. In my mentor class last year there were almost no students who did not have a twitter account. 3. Socrative allows you to fire questions at students in a game like setting. 4. iBooks Widgets I’ve previously written a post about making worksheets in iBooks. 5. Nearpod is the most advanced educational app I have used yet. 6. Keynote is often overlooked as a workbook app. Related posts:

Maak je eigen stylus voor €0 – Create a DIY stylus for €0 « Koen Mariën blogs Geplaatst door marienkoen English below Wil je al eens iets schrijven op een iPad, maar kan je dat moeilijk met je vinger? Gebruik dan een stylus! Ikzelf gebruik het bijvoorbeeld om ergens een handtekening onder te plaatsen. Een goeie stylus kost al snel wat geld. Benodigdheden: Een zakje chips (eentje dat blinkt aan de binnenkant)Een pen (best een dikkere)Een elastiekjeEen schaar Werkwijze: Eet het zakje chips leegKnip een stuk uit het zakje van zo’n 4cm x 4cmDraai het stevig rond het uiteinde van je pen met de blinkende zijde zichtbaar.Hou het op z’n plaats met het elastiekje Tip: het moeilijke deel is het goed rond het uiteinde wringen van het blinkend papier. Ever wanted to write with a pen on your iPad? A good stylus will cost you some money. Materials needed: A bag of crisps/chips (with a shiny metallic inside)A pen (a big one)A rubber bandA pair of scissors What to do: TIP: The tricky part is wrapping around the piece of bag firmly.

Back to School – Top 5 iPad Apps for Educators What apps should I use? The number one question when an educator receives an iPad. Whether it is training colleagues with the technology, or educators finding their own way, the ‘best’ apps always find a place in the discussions. With that in mind, these 5 applications may help with integration of the iPad into the classroom. ‘Introduces you to the iPad, exploring the working parts and touchscreen interface. The app is highly effective in showing you how to carry out each task or function via a series of screens that have hot linked regions that must be touched or swiped in order to progress to the next step.’ The most impressive feature of this app is that the user cannot move on unless they tap the right area of the screen that relates directly to iPad functionality. ‘Explain Everything is an easy-to-use design tool that lets you annotate, animate, and narrate explanations and presentations. Put simply, Socrative is a superb ‘assessment for learning’ tool. Like this: Like Loading...

Werken met bestanden uit Smartschool op je iPad Iedereen heeft binnen Smartschool een eigen map ‘Mijn documenten’. De bestanden in deze map kunnen eenvoudig geopend en gewijzigd worden op je iPad. Hoe je dat doet, lees je in dit bericht. De WebDAV-URL Je map ‘Mijn documenten’ kan via de WebDAV-technologie ook buiten de browser geopend worden. De URL ziet er als volgt uit: waarbij dat je schoolnaam vervangt door het subdomein van je eigen school. Je hebt de Smartschool App niet nodig voor het werken met bestanden op je iPad. WebDAV Apps Er zijn tal van Apps waarmee dat je een WebDAV-koppeling kan realiseren: iFiles (3,59 EUR)My WebDAV (gratis)WebDAV Navigator (gratis)iStorage HD (5,49 EUR)… Zoek gerust op WebDAV in de App Store. Als je gebruik maakt van Pages, Keynote of Numbers op je iPad kan je ook vanuit deze Apps een document vanuit Smartschool openen, wijzigen en bewaren. Een concreet voorbeeld (iFiles) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Een bestand bewerken in Pages en terug uploaden naar Mijn documenten

10 Must-Have Apps for Successful High School Students A high school student's plate isn't just filled with classes, but also sports, clubs, SATs and a social life of proms and pep rallies. Don't head into the classroom unarmed — turn to your phone or tablet. There are plenty of apps to help keep your hectic life organized. SEE ALSO: 5 Tools Every Student Needs to Know In high school, your courseload will tip the scales and the pressure of college apps and AP classes will challenge every moment. Use these 10 apps to make sure you're on top of homework assignments, ensuring studying is effortless and efficient rather than stressful and unproductive. Do you use any other apps to make your high school courseload a little lighter? Thumbnail image courtesy of iStockphoto, sjlocke

10 iPad Apps To Record How Students Learn Editor’s Note: TeacherWithApps is proud to announce TeachThought as a partner to help bring you the very best in app resources and reviews for your 21st century classroom! For all of the analyses of academics, learning models, curriculum, 21st century thinking, assessment, project-based learning, self-directed learning, social media integration, iPads and related technology, and other emerging trends, how students learn is why we’re all here, yes? And understanding how something happens requires observation as an early step. What’s developing, when and how? Where are the misunderstandings? What is not clear? Below are 10 iPad apps to get started in that direction. 10 iPad Apps To Record How Students Learn 1. 2. Use a picture from your camera roll and change it up to make the image come to life. Try reading the Emancipation Proclamation using Abraham Lincoln’s picture. Have students replace the face of Susan B. Students can email their videos to you or save them to their camera roll. 3. 4.

5 Top Augmented Reality Apps for Education The concept of augmented reality has been in existence for a few years now despite the fact that many users of mobile devices are under the impression that it is a new phenomenon. New technologies such as Google’s augmented reality glasses which are the first computing eyewear are still in the testing phase. This leads mobile device users to believe augmented reality is new on the horizon. Pin it Even though Google Glasses have yet to be officially released, there are hundreds of augmented reality apps that you can get for your smartphone which work just as well. 1. This is an augmented reality app which makes learning about astronomy interesting and fun. Simply hold your smartphone up in the direction of the sky to receive automatic identification of stars and constellations. Google Sky Map is a free augmented reality app and works with Android 1.6 and higher. Download Google Sky Map (Android) 2. Recently released by PBS KIDS, FETCH! FETCH! Download FETCH! 3. Download GeoGoggle (Android)

Create an interactive eBook for the iPad using iBook Author: THE COMPLETE GUIDE | EasyTechSite Want to create your own interactive eBook for the iPad? It’s actually really simple using the iBooks Author program that Apple provides for free! Writing eBooks has so many awesome business applications and benefits. Books on iPads are the where books are headed. Even our classrooms are reading their text books on an iPad. To make this easy on you I have put together the complete guide to help walk you through the entire creation and publishing process. I have created two eBooks using this method and I loved how easy the creation portion was; however, the uploading, publishing and approval process can be sort of tricky. Never fear! Creating your eBook The creation part is really easy especially if you already have the text written out on a word document or similar format. First, you will need to open iBook Author. The first option you have is to choose your template. Now that you have you template chosen you can start creating your book. Adding Video to your iBook Editing your iBook

Appealing Apps for Educators: The Back to School Edition - iPhone app article - Lucy Gray According to Apple, in January of this year, at least 1.5 million iPads were adopted by educational institutions and an astounding 20,000+ education-related apps were found in the App Store. Those numbers continue to explode, and more recently, the company announced that 1 million more iPads were purchased by the education market in the third quarter alone in 2012. So, given this plethora of devices infiltrating schools, where do busy educators find the best apps and effective strategies for using iOS devices in the classroom? Evaluating and choosing apps can be daunting and my goal in this column is to provide a few suggestions to guide and inspire teachers. When contemplating the world of mobile learning, you may want to consider two excellent resources: Common Sense Media’s ratings on the learning potential of apps, and Kathy Schrock’s app evaluation rubric. Labor Day is now upon us and that means most schools are back in session. Communicate with students via Remind 101 (Free)

(media)wijs met de iPad | iPad in de klas Dominicus College (Media)wijs omgaan met de iPadIn deze rubriek aandacht voor het (media)wijs omgaan met de iPad. Sinds de introductie van de iPad in onze klassen werden de docenten, ouders en leerlingen naast vele leuke verrassende zaken, ook met de nodige vragen en problemen geconfronteerd, zoals bijvoorbeeld: Hoe voorkom je dat je de hele dag met dat apparaat zit: op school en thuis. Hoe zorg je voor evenwicht en verstandig gebruik en dat het geen “verslavende” trekken krijgt.Hoe ga je om met de afleiding en de verleiding van games en social media; hoe zorg je ervoor dat je je kunt blijven concentreren en focussen op wat je moet doen.Hoe ga je om met online pesten; het cyberpesten? Het vraagt aandacht van schoolleiding, docenten, mentoren en ouders. Dit betekent overigens niet dat leerlingen overal en ten alletijde hun smartphone (of iPad) in de les mogen gebruiken. Tips en adviezen In deze rubriek tips en verwijzingen naar hulp en advies. Reguleer (vanaf het begin) het iPad-gebruik.

SIGML Recommends 25 Educator Vetted Apps for iPad and iPhone With more than half a million apps available in the Apple app store and hundreds of thousands of apps available for Android devices, it can be difficult for educators to dig through the clutter and find apps to facilitate meaningful learning experiences. ISTE’s Special Interest Group for Mobile Learning (SIGML) hosted a forum at ISTE 2012 to share educational apps vetted by actual educators. “We planned this event because educators do not have a clue how much these apps can do,” said Robbie Melton from the Tennessee Board of Regents who led the SIGML forum. During the fast-paced session, panelist and attendees described their favorite apps in brief five-minute presentations. InClass: This app has a built in mic for note taking and a simple organizer for student schedules and assignments. Frog Dissection: Not just for students squeamish about actual dissections, this app provides videos, quizzes, dissection processes, and even a virtual wet lab. Skitch: Want to write or type on a PDF?

Apps for multiple intelligences What makes the iPad brilliant is that it caters to all different intelligences. In fact most apps touch upon all different types of intelligences. I’ve tried to match all of my favorite educational apps with their corresponding intelligences. For those apps that matched with more than one, I’ve used equivalents. For example, Showme and Educreations are interactive whiteboard apps that have got the same functions and both fit in the Visual and Aural box. Just like I don’t believe all students fit only in one intelligence box either. Students can use whichever app they chose to study. Take the brilliant app “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. The debate whether Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences really excist or not has been contested quite a few times. Children do differ in their abilities with different modalities, but teaching the child in his best modality doesn‘t affect his educational achievement. Click on the app icons to see the app in the App Store. Related posts:

10 New Ways Twitter Is Changing The College Lecture Continuing our theme of using Twitter in education this week , we bring you a look at the ways Twitter is causing the current lecture model to evolve. The following analysis is brought to you by our content partners over at Online Universities . Gone is the time when PowerPoint was the most impressive communication technology in the lecture hall. These days, students and professors enjoy the power of Twitter, a tool that allows for digital discussions to supplement and even guide lecture sessions. So how exactly is Twitter changing the college lecture as we know it? Mobile devices are welcome in the lecture hall once again : Not long ago, cell phones were met with intense hatred in the lecture hall, villainized as noisy distractions. Lectures become a conversation : Without Twitter, lectures are often a one-way street, with professors lecturing for about an hour, mostly uninterrupted. Bashful students are speaking up : More students get connected in large lectures :
