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Twitter as a Metacognitive Support Device by Alan Reid

Twitter as a Metacognitive Support Device by Alan Reid
“If student satisfaction, engagement, and metacognitive awareness are all part of your definition of a successful course, then Twitter may be an option for you.” Integrating social media into academia is not a novel idea. And since you are reading this, chances are you probably have been utilizing some feature of social media in the classroom for years. Some learners are effective at self-regulation; that is, they guide their learning through metacognition – thinking about their own learning – and through strategic action and evaluation of their own progress. Increasing metacognitive awareness (knowing what you know, and what you don’t know) is critical for better self-regulation. What is a metacognitive support device? In a paper written in 2000, Ward Cates delineates two types of metacognitive support: static/directive support and dynamic/interactive support. Four types of tweets Over the course of the 2012 spring semester, I collected and analyzed 547 tweets from my English students.

Twitter, PLEs and PLNs Thought I would share some bits of my thesis on Twitter, PLN’s and PLE’s as others might find it useful. What is a PLN? For all of the conversation occurring among educators about PLNs, there has been surprisingly little academic research on PLNs (Couros, 2010, p. 123). With many educators using this term to describe their own informal learning habits, it is important for educational researchers to investigate exactly what this concept means to those who are using it as a term to describe a learning activity A Personal Learning Network (PLN) is a network of people you connect with for the specific purpose of learning (Tobin, 1998). These people may assist you in your learning by acting as a guide, direct you to learning opportunities, and assist you with finding answers to questions (Tobin, 1998). Digenti (1999) defines a PLN as: Couros (2010) echoes Digentis notion that a PLN is defined by the relationships among the individuals when he states that: References Lalonde, C. (2011). Tobin, D.

Towards alternative lifelong learning(s): what Freire can still teach us Judith Walker, Doctoral Candidate [1] Educational Studies, University of British Columbia I am hopeful, not out of mere stubbornness, but out of an existential, concrete imperative (Freire, 1999, p.8) Introduction In the first edition of the Rizoma Freireano, McLaren and Jaramillo (2008) contributed an article calling for ‘alternative globalizations’. In this paper, the authors firmly reject the inevitability of a global neoliberal capitalism, which has come to dominate our understandings of the nature of globalization, and instead put forward the alternative ideals of ‘critical globalization studies’ and ‘critical globalization pedagogy’. Lifelong learning, like globalization, has become a hegemonic discourse (Fairclough, 2006). In what follows, I discuss what I call ‘the dominant lifelong learning imperative’ and its link to the ‘dominant globalization thesis’. The Dominant Lifelong Learning Imperative The Development of Lifelong Learning… Neo-liberal Meets Third Way Capitalism

20 Innovative Ways High Schools Are Using Twitter – Technology in Education Chinese students abroad: why they choose the UK and how they see their future <a href=" students abroad: why they choose the UK and how they see their future.</a> Introduction Against the background of a recent and substantial rise in the number of Chinese coming to the UK for their higher education, this article reports the results of a survey of 188 Chinese students studying in the UK at Lancashire Business School, University of Central Lancashire in 2009. This research adds to a somewhat limited number of studies that have attempted to develop an appreciation of why Chinese students decide to study abroad and in particular, the UK. recent research has indentified countries that Chinese students may find attractive as potential destinations for expatriation, this article explores the thinking behind such choices and specifically why some destinations are seen as more attractive than others. The Literature Career Optimism Research Method

Please tell me about your PKM I had the pleasure of a visit from Jon Husband this week, only the second time that we’ve been together. Jon and his wirearchy framework have been an integral part of my views on the network era workplace since 2004. I even have a separate category for wirearchy on this website. During one of our conversations at a local café, Jon suggested that in wirearchies, personal knowledge management (PKM) could become the new resumé. I think that asking, “What can you do for the organization today?” How do you keep your learning up to date? Describing how we stay actively engaged in our learning might be a better indicator of future performance, in a world where many answers do not lie in the past, but in how we manage to make connections with the present.

International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) The iJIM journal aims to focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and testing elements of interactive mobile technologies. The objective of the journal is to publish and discuss fundamentals, applications and experiences in the field of interactive mobile technologies in learning and teaching as well as in industrial and other applications. iJIM is an Open Access Journal. Readers don't have to pay any fee. Only registration is necessary. Vol 8, No 1 (2014) Table of Contents Papers Reports

5 redenen waarom Twitter in het onderwijs werkt! Bij de combinatie tussen onderwijs en Twitter krimpen de meeste mensen ineen. Wat maak het nu uit dat kinderen weten wat Kanye West eet, hoelaat Lil Wayne het toilet bezoekt en hoeveel paar pumps Beyonce in de kast heeft staan? Twitter, andere sociale media en internet in het algemeen leiden kinderen alleen maar af van de kern van onderwijs. Namelijk het onderwijs ontvangen op scholen. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat Twitter in het onderwijs werkt! 1. Verder zijn er de vele derden die het mogelijk maken om door afbeeldingen, video’s, petities, etc de teksten te versterken. Zelf ben ik absoluut nog niet overtuigd van het onderwijs via Twitter.

100 Ways To Use Twitter In Education, By Degree Of Difficulty Twitter may have started off as a fun social media site for keeping up with friends and sharing updates about daily life, but it’s become much more than that for many users over the past few years as the site has evolved and grown. These days, Twitter is a powerhouse for marketing, communication, business, and even education, letting people from around the world work together, share ideas, and gain exposure. It has become a staple at many online colleges and campuses as well, leaving many academics wondering just how and if they should be using Twitter both in the classroom and in their professional lives. So we’ve revised our our original 2009 list to get you started or up to date. Whether you’re an academic or just interested in building your Twitter profile, keep reading to learn some tips and tricks that can help you take the first steps towards using Twitter for coursework, research, building a professional network, and beyond. The Basics Organize your Twitter. Etiquette Connecting

How important is Twitter in your Personal Learning Network? Twitter and the Personal Learning Network (PLN). If you are a connected educator, chances are that you have often seen these two terms used together and, perhaps like me, you have wondered what's the connection? This question formed the basis of my 2011 Masters thesis and while my research showed that you can have a PLN without Twitter (and, indeed, those non-Twitter spaces are important for a well developed PLN), Twitter does play a unique role within a PLN, which makes it a powerful platform for networked learning and professional development [1]. Literature Review Twitter is a free service that is part microblogging platform and part social network, which allows users to send and receive short, 140 character messages [2]. A PLN is an informal learning network of people you connect with for the specific purpose of learning, based on reciprocity and a level of trust that each party is actively seeking value added information for the other [10, 11]. Methodology Results Conclusion References

Les thèses en e-éducation Je vous propose une liste des thèses publiées depuis 2008 dont le sujet est relatif à un aspect de la e-éducation. Je me suis appuyée sur les bases HAL et de l’ATIEF, il en manque sûrement. N’hésitez pas à me signaler les oublis, les omissions et les erreurs. Merci D’avance Abedmouleh Aymen – Approche Domain-Specific Modeling pour l’opérationnalisation des scénarios pédagogiques sur les plateformes de formation à distance. (11/07/2013). Barhoumi Zaara – Étude de l’usage du stylo numérique en recherche en sciences de l’éducation : traitement et représentation des données temps issues de la trace d’écriture avec un stylo numérique. Blanchard Maha Abboud - Les technologies dans l’enseignement des mathématiques. Burns Anne-marie – Pertinence de l’utilisation d’humains virtuels pour l’enseignement de gestes moteurs : études de cas avec des gestes de karaté. Delomier Florent – Jeux Pédagogiques Collaboratifs situés : conception et mise en œuvre dirigée par les modèles. Quentin Isabelle.

100 Of The Best Twitter Tools For Teachers By Category In 2009, we shared our favorite tools for teachers on Twitter, with 100 resources for managing feeds, finding followers, and tackling classroom groups on the social media site. Since then, many tools have been revamped, replaced, or simply aren’t available anymore. Clearly, an update is in order, so we’re proud to present a new list for 2012, featuring the very best tools available to Twittering teachers today. Professionaliseer jezelf als docent via Twitter « Maatschappijleer, ict en meer Twitter? Is dat niet dat gedoe waar mijn leerlingen steeds mee bezig zijn? Ja, misschien wel. Maar dan mis je wel het grote geheel: Twitter is een uitstekend middel om jezelf als docent te professionaliseren. Heel flauw misschien: begin met het maken van een account op Twitter. Volg je leerlingen Een goede docent weet wat er bij zijn leerlingen speelt. Volg collegae Het zal je verbazen hoeveel van je collega’s op Twitter zitten. #dtv Weet je het antwoord niet op een prangend vraagstuk? Externen Er zijn een heleboel mensen bezig op onderwijsgebied die niet meer direct voor de klas staan, maar wel een schat aan ervaring hebben. Organisaties e.d. Het loont de moeite om allerlei organisaties te volgen die je interesse hebben of op jouw vakgebied actief zijn. Inspiratie John Moravec (@moravec), Ken Robinson (@SirKenRobinson), TED, do I need to say more? Kortom: mis de boot niet en stap in.

What is “Personal Knowledge Management”? I’ve been participating in the on-line Social Learning programme these past three weeks, facilitated by Harold Jarche. One of the weekly assignments set by Harold was for the delegates to articulate what we have learnt about Personal Knowledge Management and how we would explain it to others, in the form of a brief “elevator pitch”. This is mine: What is ”Personal Knowledge Management”? About Steve Dale Stephen Dale is both an evangelist and practitioner in the use of Web 2.0 technologies and Social Media applications to support personal development and knowledge sharing.
