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15-Day Free Trials on over 100,000 eTextbooks

Downloebables Loeb Classical Library Books Available Online Things just keep growing. This list was initially a subset of my G'Oogle list, which itself had grown out of a post I originally made at textkit. Anyway, this is hoped to be a more-convenient way for us to track all of the freely-available LCL books out there. Thanks: Many of you have emailed me additional links or posted them to textkit. Note: For some reason, Google does not make all of its pdf books available to computers from outside of the US and Canada. Final Note: These are just links, I don't have any of the actual files here. DownLOEBables -- Loeb Books Available Free Online Click on the catalog number or title to see the official Loeb description.

Encouraging Collaboration in an Online Course | I Love Instructional Design Petabytes on a budget: How to build cheap cloud storage | Backblaze Blog At Backblaze, we provide unlimited storage to our customers for only $5 per month, so we had to figure out how to store hundreds of petabytes of customer data in a reliable, scalable way—and keep our costs low. After looking at several overpriced commercial solutions, we decided to build our own custom Backblaze Storage Pods: 67 terabyte 4U servers for $7,867. What we actually provide for our customers is online backup for home and business online backup for work. However, in this post, we’ll share how to make one of these storage pods, and you’re welcome to use this design. Our hope is that by sharing, others can benefit and, ultimately, refine this concept and send improvements back to us. Evolving and lowering costs is critical to our continuing success at Backblaze. Below is a video that shows a 3-D model of the Backblaze Storage Pod. You can download the full 3-D model of the Backblaze Storage Pod here. Backblaze Needs Plenty of Reliable, Cheap Storage

EbooksFactory download ebook in PDF and epub formats. Digital Learning Day :: Toolkits | Best Practices in Instructional Design & Use of Learning Technologies Five Reasons Willow Garage is Going to Succeed We just watched Willow Garage launch the beginning of their PR2 Beta Program, sending 11 advanced robots to live with research teams all over the globe in the hopes of fostering innovation. This is a big investment, $4.4 million in robots alone, not to mention the extensive support the company will provide. Not only that, but every aspect of this project is open source, hardware and software, meaning that Willow Garage doesn’t have proprietary rights to any of the advancements that will arise from ongoing research. Are they crazy? Like a robotic fox. Willow Garage is going to use the PR2 Beta Program to try and jump start the robot revolution. We’ve seen many impressive robots here at the Hub. 1. 2. 3. Recipients of the PR2 Beta Program met this week at Willow Garage to get to know their new robots. 4. 5. For these reasons and more, Willow Garage is poised to make a huge impact in the robotics research community, to transform it into a personal robotics industry.

كتاب أخبار سيبويه المصرى علم وأدب وتاريخ - الحسن بن زولاق كتاب أخبار سيبويه المصرى علم وأدب وتاريخ تأليف الحسن بن زولاق قام بنقله ونشره وكتابة تراجمه محمد إبراهيم سعد و حسين الديب مكتبة الأبحاث العلمية عدد الصفحات : ٩٦ حجم الكتاب : ١٫٢١ م ب -------------- المصدر : درة الغواص - المقوقس Flippin’ heck –is the whole of education doing things backwards? The TES has just published an article on ’flipped learning’ with views from myself, Salman Khan and others. My first point was that flipped learning is not new. The Open University has been doing it for over 40 years. “They let you learn in your time through the materials they provide and the tutors are there to help and close the knowledge gaps”. However, “we have only just started to explore this. Out of the box that is the classroom Additionally I stated that, “we should be taking technology out of classrooms so they can be used for their intended purpose – learning”. Trapped in fossilised pedagogies The problem is that teachers and lecturers have become trapped in fossilised pedagogies – quite simply, huge dollops of talking at people in the classroom and lecture hall. Don’t talk – teach Flip and force them to teach To be honest, ‘flipped learning’ is merely a species of ‘blended learning’, just one of many possible blends.

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