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Java collections %u2013 Are There Alternatives? 0inShare The built-in collections for Java have good performance and are nice to use – especially with the new for-loop pattern. But are there alternatives? And if so, why should I use them? ) The following collection implementations I found on the web: There are also some older projects, which seem to be abandoned: If you need real big data in memory you should consider a lightweight database (or a real one??) From untitled The Versatile Advection Code (VAC) is a freely available general hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic simulation software that works in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions on Cartesian and logically Cartesian grids. VAC runs on any Unix/Linux system with a Fortran 90 (or 77) compiler and Perl interpreter. VAC can run on parallel machines using either the Message Passing Interface (MPI) library or a High Performance Fortran (HPF) compiler. The original code has been developed by Gabor Toth at the University of Utrecht from 1994 to 1997. VAC Manual Download VAC 4.52 the MPI parallel version of VAC.

Sebastian K The Myth Of Version 2.0 Have you ever observer two developers standing near the coffee machine and having the following conversation: Developer 1: It took me the whole week to find out what XXX does. Do you know what I could have achieved in that time?Developer 2: And it's all so messy. Now imagine you ask those developers which version they are working on. Developer: Version 2.xx.yy why do you ask? The Reality So what are the chances that a rewrite does not end in a disaster? If you fail with the current version the next will be a disaster. It is again confirmed in Uncle Bob Martin's recent post "The Big Redesign In The Sky" [1] and it seems to be one of the few things the software industry agrees upon (see the references). Replacing "Off The Shelf" Software I personally never had the chance to completely mess up with a reimplementation. Is There No Hope? If software for which you do not have the source code is the problem, there is usually no alternative to replace it. Cleaning Up References

Simplenote Otis' Chichimichi Friday September 11, 2009 Hadoop Land: Hive vs. Pig Pros, Cons, Difference I may really have to go attend one of the Hadoop trainings (hi Cloudera people) or find a week of free time (ha ha) because after seeing a number of different blog posts, articles, etc. mentioning Hive and Pig, I am still not sure if there are some fundamental differences between them, and which of them I should choose if I wanted to, say, process log files and run reports on that data. Here is how Hive describes itself: Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop that provides tools to enable easy data summarization, adhoc querying and analysis of large datasets data stored in Hadoop files. And Pig's home page states: Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs. These two descriptions sound super similar to me!

Zygote | 3D Human Anatomy for Animation, Illustration, CAD and Software Development Pressure, Expressed in Initial Development Time def Initial Development Time: In software development projects, initial development time (IDT) is the length of time it takes from the project's first line of code until the business derives notable value from it. I've done plenty of projects in my career, some with an IDT of a few months and some with an IDT of a year or more. Based on those projects I've decided that I like the following equation to express the pressure felt by a team at any given moment during the IDT. pressure = Fibonacci(current month of IDT)note:This equation assumes all other variables are normal. Obviously a team that must finish a project in a month or suffer dire consequences will feel a much different amount of pressure. During the first month, the team feels 0 (which represents almost no) pressure. The following months follow the fibonacci sequence. The sequence isn't meant to be out of 100, 1000, or any other number. Consequences Pressure can be good in moderation. Between (unclean? Lies Options

Cloud Office Support Mes premiers pas sur un androphone, rival de l'iPhone Ce vendredi, Motorola a annoncé la sortie de son propre « androphone » , un portable utilisant le système Android, proposé par Google. En un an, une vingtaine de modèles de ce type sont sortis dans le monde . Avec une cible clairement désignée : l'iPhone. Mais contrairement à Apple, Google promet à ses utilisateurs une totale liberté. C'est quoi un androphone ? Tout le monde ou presque connait l'iPhone, qui a su créer l'événement mi-2007. Bien que certains utilisent les termes « gPhone » ou « Google Phone », il ne s'agit pas de terminaux conçus par Google, mais équipés du système d'exploitation Android, développé par une startup que Google a racheté. Android est un OS « open source », c'est à dire que le code informatique qui le compose est diffusé librement : toute personne avec les compétences nécessaires peut donc le corriger ou le faire évoluer. Comment j'y suis venu… Voilà maintenant plus d'un an que j'avais laissé tomber le téléphone portable. Va pour un androphone, donc !
