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Color Psychology in Logo Design

Color Psychology in Logo Design
COLOUR PSYCHOLOGY IN LOGO DESIGN Our minds are inherently programmed to respond to colour. They shape our thoughts and emotions. And according to studies, colour affects more than mood — it has the ability to change our buying habits. Colour can invoke as much as an 80 per cent change in motivation when it comes to online shopping, advertising, and marketing campaigns. While perceptions of color are somewhat subjective, some color effects have universal meaning. ->white The universal colour of peace and purity. Cleanliness Innocence Peace Purity Refined Sterile Simplicity Surrender Truthfulness ->yellow Can have conflicting messages Bright and highly visible, it’s often used in logo design to get attention, create happiness and warmth. Caution Cheerful Cowardice Curiosity Happiness Joy Playful Positivity Sunshine Warmth McDonald’s -> red An intense colour that can summon strong emotions from blood and warfare to love and passion. Red Bull ENERGY DRINK -> pink Barbie Hallmark ups

Honey Hunters : Eric Valli Cart - 0 items High Himalaya Share Louis Vuitton Caravans L'Occitane Jungle Nomads Hermes Honey Hunters Voyage d'Hermès Yarsakumbu Off the Grid Tharu Shadow Hunters On the Road Children of the Dust High Himalaya — view — Louis Vuitton Caravans L'Occitane Jungle Nomads Hermes Honey Hunters Voyage d'Hermès Yarsakumbu Off the Grid Tharu Shadow Hunters On the Road Children of the Dust Opinions on Corporate and Brand Identity Work UnderConsideration is a graphic design firm generating its own projects, initiatives, and content while taking on limited client work. Run by Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit in Austin, TX. More… products we sell Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work. Brand New Conference videos / Individual, downloadable videos of every presentation since 2010. Prints / A variety of posters, the majority from our AIforGA series. Other: Various one-off products. writing Graphic Design, Referenced: A Visual Guide to the Language, Applications, and History of Graphic DesignRockport: 2009 Women of Design: Influence and Inspiration from the Original Trailblazers to the New Groundbreakers HOW Books: 2008 The Word It Book: Speak Up Presents a Gallery of Interpreted WordsHOW Books: 2007

34 Photoshop Tutorials That Will Leave You Looking Like A Pro Design This time we are bringing you a lot of Photoshop tutorials on all sorts of topics. It's meant to be a good collection for those who aren't quite pro yet, but want to be. These tutorials are some of the best and varied out there. Great and Interesting Photoshop Tutorials Photo Strip The warp tool is used to create a twisting effect (you need Photoshop CS2 or above). Create a Hellacious Flaming Skull This tutorial goes through all the steps of creating a flaming skull in Photoshop. Customized Product And Label Pay close attention when you do this tutorial. Print-Ready Business Card Design up a simple business card in Photoshop and get it ready for print with crop marks and bleed. Awesome Digital Bokeh Effect Learn how to create a digital bokeh effect. Retro Cosmic Design Create a retro cosmic rainbow with techniques that can be used in combination with any shape and color. 10 steps in total. Glass Ball This Photoshop tutorial takes you through 9 major steps to create a glass ball.

Confessions 2012 Las Vegas, NV Interactive gallery installation in The Cosmopolitan that invites people to anonymously share their confessions and see the confessions of the people around them in the heart of the Las Vegas strip. Amidst casinos, restaurants and bars, Chang invited passersby to write confessions on wooden plaques in the privacy of confession booths. Chang arranged the anonymous plaques on the gallery walls like a Shinto shrine prayer wall, painted select responses on 4’x4’ canvases, and orchestrated the space with an original score by Oliver Blank. Some of the 1500+ confessions: I still love her two girlfriends and five years later, I’m scared I’ll die alone, I eat too much cheese, Came here married to one girl and left married to two girls, I sold heroin to my friend and it ruined his life, I stole over 15,000 from the company I work for, I like porn more than my husband does, I don’t know what I am doing and I’m running out of time. 2012, Las Vegas, NV.

Emblemetric » Data-Driven Design Insight Dane Shitagi — Ballerina Project Oggi voglio proporvi un nuovo progetto artistico che coinvolge ballo e fotografia. Dopo Dancers Among Us di Jordan Matter, è la volta di Ballerina Project: una vasta raccolta di immagini in bianco e nero create da Dane Shitagi. Una decina di anni or sono, un giovane fotografo, camminava per le vie di Broadway alla ricerca di una ballerina che potesse aiutarlo a realizzare un progetto fotografico: catturare immagini di danza in contesti urbani. Oggi Ballerina Project celebra la forma, la fisicità e le emozioni dei soggetti ritratti da Shitagi, assicurandosi – anche grazie agli oltre 200.000 fan raggiunti su Facebook – un posto di tutto rispetto nel mondo del balletto e della fotografia. The New York City Ballerina Project grew from the idea of New York City as a magnet for creativity; each photograph is a collaborative work of dance, fashion design and photography played out against the city’s landscape. — Dane Shitagi Autore: Mauro Caramella

10 Cool Style Guides for Inspiration Style guides are the foundation behind a great user interface. They display the beautiful colors, typography choices, and layout in an organized manner. Basically they are like a reference guide for the developers, designers, and other people to refer to when working on a specific project. Check out this inspiring list of style guides! 10 of the Greatest Unsolved Mysteries The last hundred years have borne witness to humankind’s extraordinary technological advancements. Man has walked on the moon, ventured deeper into the oceans than ever before and even uncovered the building blocks of life, DNA. But even with our inexorable progress as a species there are still mysteries and enigmas the solutions to which elude us. Below is a selection of 10 of the most puzzling mysteries in history. 10) The SS Ourang Medan In June 1947, a chilling SOS message was picked up: “All officers including captain are dead lying in chartroom and bridge. It was picked up by nearby ships and listening posts, who identified the vessel as the Dutch freighter SS Ourang Medan and located it within the Strait of Malacca that separates Indonesia from Malaysia. The decision was made to tow the mysterious ship back to port, but before they could get underway, smoke began emanating from the decks below. 9) The Aluminum Wedge of Aiud 8) Dulce Base 7) BEKs One man did let the children in.

Haunting, black-and-white self-portraits by young Hungarian artist mesmerize Flickr fans by Dan Havlik posted Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at 7:36 PM EDT Noell S. After Oszvald's Flickr page attracted thousands of fans, her haunting images, which recall a Bergman film mixed with a Salvador Dali painting, have been featured on photo blogs and art sites around the world. While we weren't able to get Oszvald to explain her process for creating her striking work -- a message to her via her Flickr page about what camera and technique she uses went unanswered -- that could be in keeping with her philosophy about her photos. "I don't want to tell people what to see in my images," Oszvald told My Modern Metropolis. Oszvald notes that she only shoots in black and white because she finds colors to be a distraction. Check out her work below, which is being featured here with her permission. (Via Bored Panda) Prejudice (photo by Noell S. Cage (photo by Noell S. Caught (photo by Noell S. Destiny (photo by Noell S. Nightmare (photo by Noell S. Prisoner of My Soul (photo by Noell S.

Outline of basic music theory | Oscar van Dillen Professional music theory: an outline of basic music theory. Preface and Chapter 1 of the Outline of basic music theory – by Oscar van Dillen ©2011-2014 The beginner’s learning book can be found at Basic elements of music theory. Overview of chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Sound and hearing Chapter 3: Musical notation Chapter 4: Basic building blocks of melody and harmony Chapter 5: Consonance and dissonance Chapter 6: Circle of fifths and transposition Chapter 7: Concerning rhythm, melody, harmony and form Chapter 8: Further study Preface This outline offers a concise and complete overview of basic music theory. In order to speed up consulting this online book, its chapters can as of now be found on separate pages; unfortunately the original one-page version exceeded acceptable download times, because of the length of the total materials presented. © Oscar van Dillen 2011-2014 Chapter 1: Introduction integrating hearing-reading-singing-writing

Print - 110 Predictions For the Next 110 Years · People will be fluent in every language. With DARPA and Google racing to perfect instant translation, it won't be long until your cellphone speaks Swahili on your behalf. · Software will predict traffic jams before they occur. Using archived data, roadside sensors, and GPS, IBM has come up with a modeling program that anticipates bumper-to-bumper congestion a full hour before it begins. Better yet, the idea proved successful in early tests—even on the Jersey Turnpike. · Climate-controlled jackets will protect soldiers from extreme heat and cold. · Nanoparticles will make chemotherapy far more effective. · Electric cars will roam (some) highways. · Athletes will employ robotic trainers. · Bridges will repair themselves with self-healing concrete. · Digital "ants" will protect the U.S. power grid from cyber attacks. · Scrolls will replace tablets. Your Car Will Be Truly Connected · Your genome will be sequenced before you are born. 10 Things That Will Remain the Same
