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How to Turn Your Classroom into an Idea Factory

How to Turn Your Classroom into an Idea Factory
Culture Design Thinking Teaching Strategies Brightworks School Students building a cafe at Brightworks School in San Francisco. By Suzie Boss The following suggestions for turning K-12 classrooms into innovation spaces come from Bringing Innovation to School: Empowering Students to Thrive in a Changing World, published in July by Solution Tree. How can we prepare today’s students to become tomorrow’s innovators? If we’re serious about preparing students to become innovators, educators have some hard work ahead. How do we fill the gap between saying we must encourage innovation and teaching students how to actually generate and execute original ideas? Across disparate fields, from engineering and technology to the social and environmental sectors, innovators use a common problem-solving process. In the classroom, this same process corresponds neatly with the stages of project-based learning. Good projects start with good questions. Innovators have a tendency to think big. Related

Technology Chatter — technology integration collaboration Comment savoir si un développeur est bon quand on y connait rien ? Fréquentant régulièrement le milieu de l’entrepreneuriat français, on nous pose très souvent cette question. C’est un problème auquel font face les entrepreneurs, les DRH, les cabinets de recrutement… Eric Sheninger: An Idea Whose Time Has Come As we continue to move even further into the 21st century, technology becomes more embedded in all aspects of society. As a father, I see this firsthand with my son, who is in first grade. The gift he wanted the most this past Christmas was an iPod Touch, which Santa was kind enough to bring him. Then there is his younger sister who will regularly ask to use my iPad so she can either care for her virtual horse or dress Barbies in creative ways. As I download all of the apps on these devices, the majority of their time is spent engaged in games that require thought, creativity, and sometimes collaboration. As society continues to move forward in terms of innovation, technology, and global connectivity, schools are being stymied by relentless cuts to education. The world of education is often defined by the "haves" and "have-nots." There are many well-respected educators that I greatly admire who feel that BYOT has no place in schools.

Writing a Thesis A thesis is just a sentence--a carefully constructed sentence that sits at the end of the first paragraph of your essay. And this song defines a "thesis," as well as offering strategies for writing a strong one. A thesis has to argue something, and writers can make that argument strong by keeping the sentence focused and specific. What's a thesis? A sentence that you write for your readers, Tells them what you’re believing, gives them a reason for reading.It’s gonna drive your essay, like it’s in the cockpit, Make it stand out like a nun in the mosh pit. Put at the end of your first paragraph, Treat it like a baby - are you taking care of that? Don’t say, “Apple is a company,” That’s obvious, and sounding kind of dumb to me. Okay, you can test if it’s a thesis, “Is it something that a smart person could disagree with?” But: “The Black Panthers influenced Tupac’s ideology.” Make your thesis tight like skinny jeans, Take your time to scrub it down, Mr. Quite a lot for one sentence! Who me?

Teaching like it's 2999 [Blogger Bus Tour] Les incubateurs de la Silicon Valley, entre coaching, mécénat et big business L’écosystème des startups high-tech ne serait certainement pas grand chose sans les fameux incubateurs, eux-mêmes abondés voire créés par des investisseurs en capital-risques fortunés. Gros plan sur ces éleveurs de startups. L’écosystème des startups high-tech ne serait certainement pas grand chose sans les fameux incubateurs, eux-mêmes abondés voire créés par des investisseurs en capital-risques (Venture Capitalists ou VC pour les intimes) fortunés. Nous avions vu lors d’un précédent voyage d’étude dans une autre « Valley » en Israël où régnait un esprit un peu comparable à celui de la Silicon Valley californienne, l’importance des fonds d’investissement et du réseau universitaire dans l’éclosion des idées et projets de jeunes pousses. Le rôle des incubateurs, que nous connaissons bien aussi en France avec, entre autres, le Camping, qui avait hébergé et co-organisé le Trophée Presse-citron Startup de l’Année se décline en trois volets principaux : infrastructure, financement et réseau :

6 Education SlideShares To Inspire, Improve And Innovate Your School One of the things I love about the modern web is the willingness of talented people to share their amazing content for free. Online communities that encourage individuals to share their work in return for broad exposure and the respect and credibility that this builds. One of the strongest and most vibrant communities fostering this culture is SlideShare. SlideShare is a priceless resource and one that is often overlooked when searching and creating content on the web. For example, I am part of a small group that meets regularly to share ideas. As part of this I often prepare my own slides to present, but before doing so, I will often check SlideShare to see if someone with more credibility, knowledge and experience has done this before me. With this in mind, here are six great educational SlideShares that you may like to share with your school audience. Re-envisioning Modern Pedagogy: Educators As Curators How I Flipped My Classroom The End Of Teaching Using Diigo in the Classroom

INNOVATIVE CONNECTIONS Education Dreamer Le nouveau Myspace arrive ! Myspace est mort, vive The new Myspace ! Au fin fond du gouffre et racheté en début d’année à News Corp par Tim et Chris Vanderhook pour la somme de 35 millions de dollars, avec Justin Timberlake parmi les actionnaires, Myspace refait surface. Le réseau social orienté musique, repart de zéro et vient de dévoiler sa nouvelle version (qui n’est pas encore en ligne) via une vidéo de présentation. Le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est que Myspace a travaillé dur, cette nouvelle interface très tendance, épurée, sort vraiment de ce qui se fait actuellement, tout en ayant emprunté des idées qui fonctionnent à droite à gauche chez les concurrents. Mais le résultat final là, surprenant et original. Ce nouveau Myspace (The new Myspace) arrivera-t-il à redresser la barre ? The new Myspace from Myspace on Vimeo.

Three Things to Unlearn About Learning Inquiry Learning Teaching Strategies flickr:CDsessums “If you’re not feeling uncomfortable about the state of education right now, then you’re not paying attention to the pressures and challenges of technology,” said Will Richardson, a veteran educator author and consultant, at a talk at ISTE 2012. “We need to acknowledge that this is a very interesting moment, and even though in a lot of ways this isn’t what we signed up for when we went into teaching… as educators, it’s our job to figure it out.” Seeing the balance move from a place of scarcity of information to over-abundance on the web — and the ability to “carry around the sum of human knowledge on our phones” — Richardson said educators must start thinking of schooling differently. To that end, Richardson proposed a challenge to educators to unlearn three important things that have been taken for granted as immovable, unchangeable ideas. 1. 2. others are doing, other classrooms and other schools. 3. Related

Flipped classrooms: Let’s change the discussion SmartBlogs Since Sal Khan’s 2011 TED Talk, the Khan Academy has been nearly synonymous with “flipped classrooms.” This is because since then, Khan Academy has been promoted by the Gates Foundation as well as major media outlets like CNN and CBS. But, what the media and outsiders (non-educators) fail to recognize is that Khan Academy is “just a tool” and not a methodology or pedagogy on its own. Debates have raged simultaneously in educators’ circles, especially in social media and blogs, about the benefits (or lack thereof) of flipping. We need to change the vocabulary. Students have a voice. Too much of the discussion around flipping has been on the technology. There are thousands of teachers across the country making the same decision. In the end, the decision to flip or not to flip can be made by only one person: You. Brian E.

Présentation - J'ai participé au hackathon "MakeSense" (1/2) Alors que j'étais en train d'essayer de me faire entendre pour créer une série d'évènement pour que des développeurs puissent s'entraider et se motiver mutuellement, j'ai été approché par Arnaud BRETON. Ce dernier est un porteur d'idée, un entrepreneur social selon les termes de MakeSense. Il travaille sur un outil collaboratif pour la formation, et en particulier sur la prise de note. Bref, j'étais motivé pour bosser, et on m'a proposé de bosser pour une vrai cause : j'ai sauté sur l'occaz ! Petit récap de l'évènement : Pour une demi-journée le Samedi 29 Septembre, nous appelons tous les hackers (développeurs), designers, et utilisateurs a venir créer des prototypes de solution venant résoudre des défis technologiques auxquels font fasse des entrepreneurs sociaux. Donc, avec mon humble bagage de développeur, j'espère donc pouvoir résoudre des blocages techniques pour une cause humanitaire ! Le hackaton se déroule dans les locaux d'Epita, au Kremlin-Bicêtre. Présentation des projets :

My 10 Favorite Education Infographics Of 2012 (So Far) We live in a world of quick consumption, bite-size morsels of information, and visualizations of just about everything. All of this has become boiled down into the uber-popular infographic. They pop up from time to time on Edudemic and I often have a tough time determining if I should actually run versus another. I’ve been saving up all of my favorite infographics for a post just like this one. An all-in-one no-extra-clicking-necessary post where you can scroll for miles and have a never-ending stream of visualized goodness. I picked each infographic based on the topic, breadth of information, and overall worth. The phrase ‘sum is greater than its parts’ comes to mind as each of these 10 infographics is useful in its own right… but altogether they’re downright overwhelmingly helpful. The Public Thinks Laptops Shouldn’t Be Allowed in Class Until High School The Internet: A Decade Later The growth of the internet in the last 10 years is staggering. Will Mobile Kill YouTube?
