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Stick Man

Stick Man
Hi. This was made by @antimatter15, in other words, me. Because I don't really like writing about myself or at least, I think I nailed narcissism with the last project's about page, so I'll just copy and paste it here. The source code is available on github. A totally irrelevant fact is that at time of writing I'm 15 years old, but that tends to make people treat this as more of an accomplishment than it really is and thus more inclined to share it. If you have you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to send a tweet in my direction @antimatter15 or email me at this app is made with jquery, html, raphael, icons from the crystal project, touchscroll, the jsgif project, based on the as3 gif lib, the raphael color wheel. Help Don't know how to use this app? Shameless Plugs there's tons of awesome things I've done.

KoziKaza 3D Animated GIF Maker: Creador de GIF animados What can I do with this gif maker? You can make high quality animated GIF images online for free, with simple and powerful customization options. What sources can I make gifs from? You can: Make GIFs from Youtube, Vimeo, and many other video websites. Can I save my GIFs online? Yes! Which video formats can I upload? Some of the popular supported video formats are flv, avi, mov, mp4, mpg, mpeg, wmv, 3gp, asf, swf, ogg, h264, rm. Why can't I use a video larger than 35MB? Imgflip Pro lets you use videos up to 200MB! How can I make my GIFs higher quality? Make sure the video resolution is 480P or higher for any videos you upload. Why is my GIF's timing not accurate? Most of the time, this is caused by an old or weird video format. Why is my gif just a still frame and not animating? This can happen if you selected a small portion of the video such that only one frame was used. Why is there an "" watermark on my GIFs?!? The Imgflip watermark helps other people see where the GIF was created.

Création d'une BD Les dessins de "Ma BD Hopper" ont été réalisés à partir des œuvres suivantes : Edward Hopper (1882-1967)Nighthawks (Noctambules), 1942Huile sur toile. 84,1 x 152,4 cmChicago, The Art Institute of Chicago, Friends of American Art Collection Edward Hopper (1882-1967)Gas (Station-service), 1940Huile sur toile. 66,7 x 102,2 cmNew York, The Museum of Modern Art, fonds Mrs Simon Guggenheim © 2011. Digital image, The Museum of Modern Art, New York/Scala, Florence Edward Hopper (1882-1967)House by the Railroad (Maison près de la voie ferrée), 1925Huile sur toile. 61 x 73,7 cmNew York, The Museum of Modern Art, don anonyme de 1930 (3.1930). © 2011. Edward Hopper (1882-1967)D and RG Locomotive, 1925Aquarelle et mine de plomb sur papier, 35,2 x 50,8 cmNew York, The Metropolitain Museum of art, fonds © The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Dist. Edward Hopper (1882-1967)Cowboy, vers 1906-1914Encre et aquarelle sur papier55,1 x 37,8 cmNew York, Whitney Museum of American Art legs de Josephine N.
