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The Top Educational iPad Apps Every Teacher and Student should Know about ( 100+)

The Top Educational iPad Apps Every Teacher and Student should Know about ( 100+)
When it comes to searching for educational apps to install on your iPad it feels like you get drowned in an avalanche of apps and resources from which you emerge empty-handed. Everyday new apps go viral and to keep up with the updates in this field is really a daunting challenge. Thankfully, there are many trusted educational resources ( this blog is one of them ) where educators and teachers can get to discover and learn about new useful apps to use in education. Another trusted resource is Langwitches whose images I am sharing with you below.

iPad Apps How do I get Apps to this device? Or If you are new to the mobile world, what is an App? App or an application is a program that can be installed on to the device. The app will have an icon associated with it. An app can be purchased through iTunes App Store on your computer or through the App Store app on the iPad (If you need to download iTunes, click here). Notes on Selecting Apps: When selecting an app, there is not one app that is perfect for everyone. An Apple for the teacher: are iPads the future in class? | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional I'm a self-confessed Apple fanatic so I was curious to see how iPads and iPods could be used successfully in a primary school. I was sure they would inspire and encourage the teachers I work with to take a chance and think outside their comfort zone and embrace new technology. But before our school jumped on the iPad bandwagon, I wanted to determine how these devices were going to offer a better learning experience compared to the laptops that we already had in our school. My 'iPad journey' began approximately a year ago, when I bought an iPad 2. Having seen the huge potential of the iPads as an educational tool, I decided to investigate the pros and cons of iPads compared to laptops in the classroom. In my mind these were the pros: • Ease and speed of use and accessibility: The touch interface and app system on the iPad makes it easy to access learning tools. And here are the cons: Initially, five members of staff (head, deputy, phase leaders and ICT co-ordinator) were given an iPad.

Apps for multiple intelligences What makes the iPad brilliant is that it caters to all different intelligences. In fact most apps touch upon all different types of intelligences. I’ve tried to match all of my favorite educational apps with their corresponding intelligences. For those apps that matched with more than one, I’ve used equivalents. Students can use whichever app they chose to study. Take the brilliant app “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. The debate whether Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences really excist or not has been contested quite a few times. Children do differ in their abilities with different modalities, but teaching the child in his best modality doesn‘t affect his educational achievement. So much like the ideas behind TPACK, consider which type of intelligence best serves the content and not just the student. Click on the app icons to see the app in the App Store. Related posts:

Five Tips for Securing Student Data in the Cloud There are a few absolutes when it comes to school. First, lunches will always be terrible. Second, your locker will be too small to fit your oversized textbooks. This student data includes demographic information, test results, transcripts, email exchanges, grades, attendance history, contact information and more. Keeping sensitive data firewalled in your on-premises data center doesn't eliminate the threat of exposure. Here are a few tips to help you secure student data in the cloud or your on-premises datacenter: - If you're storing data in the cloud, make sure you have a copy of the data stored locally or in another cloud. - While not an absolute failsafe, requiring an extra step in the authentication process is a good way to keep password theft from resulting in a full scale attack. - The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act states that any identifiable student data should be properly collected, maintained and safe from improper disclosure.

101 Recommended Educational Web Tools Classrooms are fundamentally changing right now. You may not see it or even feel like it’s happening anytime soon. But the simple amount of web tools out there designed to genuinely improve education is astounding. This presentation from Eric Schreefel at GoEdOnline is one of the most robust and useful lists around. 1. The Top Educational iPad Apps Every Teacher and Student should Know about ( 100+) When it comes to searching for educational apps to install on your iPad it feels like you get drowned in an avalanche of apps and resources from which you emerge empty-handed. Everyday new apps go viral and to keep up with the updates in this field is really a daunting challenge. Thankfully, there are many trusted educational resources ( this blog is one of them ) where educators and teachers can get to discover and learn about new useful apps to use in education. Another trusted resource is Langwitches whose images I am sharing with you below. Langwitches has done a great job in coming up with a list of great educational iPad apps organized into categories with different headings. The only thing that is missing in his work and which if he had paid attention to would have made his work even way greater is to make the app images clickable.

29 iPad Resources, Tutorials, and Guides Every Teacher Should Know about iPad is gaining momentum in the educational sphere and might , in the near future, be integrated as a leading learning method. iPad is part of the gesture-based technology that is widely embraced by teens and which has pushed some school districts especially here in Canada and also in the States to start using the BYOD approach, for the costs of iPad and their apps is still relatively high. As a teacher who has not yet tried mobile technology in his teaching, you might be wondering where and how to start. What resources to use ? 1- Teacher's Guide to The Use of iPads in Education 2- 8 Free Resources on The Use of iPads in Education 3- A Free Comprehensive Guide to iPad Apps Evaluation 4- A Quick Guide on Bloom's Taxonomy Apps for iPad 5- Teacher's Guide to The Use of Google Docs in The iPad 6- A Simple Guide on how to Create eBooks on iPads Using iBook Author 7- Using iPads to Enhance Students Reading Skills 8- Professional Development Apps for iPad

iPad As.... iPads have exploded throughout schools and classrooms. Their flexibility, versatility, and mobility make them a phenomenal learning tool. As teachers seek ways to integrate these devices, we recommend focusing on specific learning goals that promote critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the creation of student-centric learning environments. In other words, begin with..... Futurist's Cheat Sheet: Human Augmentation As long as there have been humans, there have been dreams of super humans. Eyeglasses started sharpening vision in the 1200s, pacemakers have been implanted to extend lifespans since the late 1950s, and the first strength-amplifying robotic exoskeletons shipped earlier this year. But those innovations are only the beginning. With advances in technology, the ability to vastly enhance human capabilities is right around the corner. What Is It? Human augmentation is the ability to supplement human brains and bodies with technological improvements. But it's already well underway. How It Works There are many paths to human-machine augmentation: wearable technology such as Google Glasses, sensor implants, using DNA and chemical processes to enhance brain function and muscle functions, nanorobotics, performance enhancing surgery. Potential Impact The idea is to enhance the human notion of “normal.” The Challenge In the short term, researchers are working with the tools already available.

20 Great Websites For Elementary Educators 6 Time-Saving Writing Apps For Students 10.00K Views 0 Likes For anyone who has ever had to write a paper, you know that getting the ideas down when they come to you is important. These mobile apps will get you started and keep you going. The 12 Technologies Forever Changing School Libraries

A Parent's Guide to Educational iPad Games Partially excerpted from the new book, "iPads in Education for Dummies" by Sam Gliksman In between repeatedly imploring my youngest son to turn off the XBox, iPad, his mother's iPhone and every other device we have around the house, I get the occasional flashback to when I was his age. In my flashback, it's a weekday and the time is somewhere around 5pm. I've just come home from school and I'm glued to the 17th repeat of an episode of Get Smart or Gilligan's Island. Even though I've already seen it 16 times, I still get frustrated that the castaways can't manage to get off that ridiculous island. And how on earth did the Professor manage to build that car and ham radio anyway? My point is simple. In that spirit, I've started a list of educational iPad game apps for parents. The link to my initial choices is below. Parent's Guide to Educational iPad Games

Ant's ICT By far the highlight for many of us at the NAACE Hot House event earlier this week was the presentation by Torsten Stauch from Torsten put a good deal of effort into his presentation and made every attempt to show linkage between his online tool for making free web apps and the new NAACE Framework. Though his talk was interesting and a good attempt at linking curricula with product, it was the tool itself that excited us. It slowly dawned that this was a powerful and easy to use application that allowed users to drag and drop elements to form a usable and very credible web app. While Torsten spoke I tried this out and within ten minutes had made a daft but credible app that displayed a Youtube video in one tab, some news in another and a flickr photo set in another. All done by dragging and amending existing modules/ extensions from Appshed’s growing library of web building blocks. Preview screen of first app – made in about ten minutes during Hothouse Like this:
