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How To Kill A Learner's Curiosity In 10 Easy Steps

How To Kill A Learner's Curiosity In 10 Easy Steps
How To Kill Learner Curiosity In 12 Easy Steps by Terry Heick Ed note: This has been updated from a 2012 post that you may or may not have already read. So, there’s that. Killing a learner’s natural curiosity doesn’t happen overnight. Learning environments focused on standards, assessment, and compliance allow for the implementation of research-based strategies in pursuit of streams of data to prove that learning is happening. And who ever qualified for a job by demonstrating how strong their curiosity is anyway? Below are twelve tips to help stifle learner curiosity and keep the learning nice and tidy in your classroom this school year. Step 1. Whether physical or digital, individual or group, you’re the teacher (or “district curriculum coordinator”). Step 2. Voice and choice sound great in theory, but who knows better what a learner needs than the teacher. Step 3. Right is right. Step 4. Again, see #3. Step 5. Step 6. Collaboration is the stuff of legend. Step 7. Step 8. Step 9. 12.

Kun je creativiteit meten? | vindingrijk Een vraag waar ik vorige week op één dag twee keer mee geconfronteerd werd. Een tweet van @AnoukMulder: “@davidvdkooij weet jij zo of er een betrouwbare test bestaat dat creatief denkvermogen meet bij kinderen? #dtv #hoogbegaafd” En in het zicht van het nieuwe schooljaar sprak ik diezelfde dag een aantal leerkrachten over creatief denken. Op scholen meten we veel. Moeten we creativiteit van kinderen meten? Creativeit is nature & nurture, we worden allemaal geboren met een bepaald potentieel voor creativiteit. Het meten van de ontwikkeling daarvan is verstandig. Kun je creativiteit meten? Er is veel onderzoek gedaan naar creatief denken, heel veel. Andere voorbeelden van dergelijke creativiteitstestjes, die nog steeds veel gebruikt worden, en met enige handigheid allemaal op internet te vinden zijn: UUT – Universal Uses Test (Guilford); “Op hoeveel manieren kun je een baksteen gebruiken?” Naast de testjes werden ook veel experimenten opgezet. Terug naar het beoordelen van creativiteit.

Changing What We Teach Changing What We Teach: Shifting From A Curriculum Of Insecurity To A Curriculum Of Wisdom by Terry Heick Increasingly, the idea of computer coding is being pushed to the forefront of “things.” In movies, on the news, and other digital avatars of ourselves, coders are increasingly here. In Hollywood, computer coders are characterized as aloof and spectacle geniuses in green army jackets who solve (narrative) problems in a kind of deus ex machina fashion. Hack the mainframe, change the school grades, save prom, etc. So we should totally teach it in schools, right? Teaching Skills vs Teaching Content Too often bits and pieces are tacked onto curriculum as yet another perfectly-reasonable-sounding-thing to teach. Yet in the ecology of a school, they behave differently in the classroom where the rubber hits the road. There is nothing wrong with changes in priority. To try to address this problem, let’s consider a more macro question: What is school? When Standards Aren’t Standards Yes, yes, yes.

Pop Quiz! What Type Of Learner Are You? The Current State Of Technology In K-12 7.63K Views 0 Likes What is the next device most students will soon purchase? How many schools have a digital strategy? Find out in the current state of technology in K-12. 5 Reasons We Use Social Media 11.54K Views 0 Likes There are many reasons we use social media. Grant Wiggins, Champion Of Understanding Grant Wiggins, Champion Of Understanding by Terry Heick Modern education icon Grant Wiggins, co-creator of Understanding by Design, has died, as announced on his twitter account by Grant’s wife, Denise. Our colleagues at ASCD have also verified Grant’s death, as has Grant’s professional development company, Authentic Education. His daughter Alexis has also confirmed the news on her account below. The First Time I Saw Grant Grant was tremendously influential on me as an educator. Sometime around 2005 I think, I was walking through the booths at a major conference. After hearing the cliche calls for alignment, data, and rigor as the tools of school improvement in my own district, in Grant I found a voice that–as far as my tiny mind could tell–knew what it was talking about. Authenticity. Understanding. Design. Transfer. This is the blueprint for a modern teacher. Champion Of Understanding The good news? Above all else, as I see it, his legacy is that of champion of understanding.

Meervoudige intelligentie indianen / Suzan Aussems | DigiFemke Het eerste lesidee van een vierdejaars PABO student, Suzan Aussems. Suzan volgt nu ook de minor Digicoach en is druk bezig met het ontwikkelen van een digi kleuter website. Neem hier gerust een kijkje op! Het lesidee van Suzan gaat over meervoudige intelligentie. Inleiding- Verhaal indianennamen vertellenVerkleed je als indiaan en vertel een verhaal. Kern- Uitleg indianennamen Kies nu 4 indianennamen om aan de kinderen uit te leggen. 1. Deze namen leg je uit d.m.v. plaatjes van deze indianen (zie bijlage). Vertel de kinderen dat mensen allerlei verschillende talenten hebben. Slot- Collage maken Nu kiezen de kinderen een definitieve indianennaam. De kinderen kiezen zelf welke naam ze willen. De kinderen met dezelfde indianennamen gaan bij elkaar zitten aan de tafels. Samen maken ze een collage met tekeningen over hun indianennaam op een wit a4-papier. Ze krijgen hiervoor kleurpotloden en wasco. Bedankt Suzan voor dit super leuke idee!

`7 Tips For Getting Started With Mindfulness In The Classroom 7 Tips For Getting Started With Mindfulness In The Classroom by Kelly April Tyrrell and TeachThought Staff While the scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Investigating Healthy Minds (CIHM) at the Waisman Center aren’t yet ready to issue evidence-based kindfulness curriculum practices, Flook and CIHM outreach specialists Lisa Thomas Prince and Lori Gustafson offer the following tips for families wishing to engage in mindfulness practices. 1. Find a time and/or place where you and your students can pause for a few moments and develop a sense of familiarity with quiet. This can work for you as a teacher as you design instruction or respond to student work, or the spaces students work themselves. 2. Have students try to notice sounds, textures, colors, shapes, and other characteristics of their environments. Being in the moment is both a cause and an effect of mindfulness. 3. 4. 5. 7. These ideas will take patience to develop as a capacity in students.

Leerstijlen & e-Learning Leerstijlen zijn niet onomstreden. Toch worden ze binnen het onderwijs en in mindere mate binnen het bedrijfsleven en overheid veelvuldig gebruikt. Ook binnen e-Learning. Wie heeft er niet gehoord van lerenden die vooral auditief zijn ingesteld, een dromer zijn of met name kinesthetisch leren? Maar wat is nu de waarde en betekenis van Kolb, meervoudige intelligentie, whole brain thinking en vele andere modellen voor e-Learning? Manier van inzetten leerstijlen Wikipedia geeft als definitie: Leerstijlen zijn redelijk eenvoudig in kaart te brengen. Leerstijlen(tests) kunnen op meerdere manieren worden ingezet. Om lerenden inzicht te geven in de eigen voorkeuren. Leerstijlen zijn in te delen in verschillende categorieën. Zintuiglijke leerstijlpreferentieDVC surveyLeerstijl gekoppeld aan motivatieApters’ MSPLeerpreferentiesKolb LSI (erg bekend en veelgebruikt)Honey & Mumford LSQ (erg bekend en veelgebruikt)Herrmann HBDIRiding CSALeerstrategieënVermunt ILS Onderzoek over leerstijlen Conclusie

How Mindfulness Changes Your Life - Left Brain Buddha Mindfulness is not a silver bullet. It’s not a magic trick that allofasudden eliminates stress and gives you the life of your dreams. But here’s something I’ve noticed: whenever I speak with people who have integrated a mindfulness practice into their lives, the phrase they almost always use to describe it is this: It’s the phrase I’ve repeatedly used to explain the impact of mindfulness in my life, too. I have a few theories about why mindfulness is so transformative, so powerful, so life-altering. You realize you are not your thoughts. This is probably one of the most powerful insights from my personal mindfulness practice. As you can imagine, this was not a very productive way to begin my day. Mindfulness taught me that my thoughts are not reality. Mindfulness taught me that instead of getting caught up in the thought vortex, I can recognize, “I’m thinking I’m a terrible mother right now.” This simple change in perspective is TRULY LIBERATING. You don’t sweat the small stuff. Like this:

What Type of Learner Are You? (And Why It Doesn't Matter) As an educator, I often come across the concept of "learning styles." Briefly, this refers to the idea that different people learn in different ways. Concerned students will often remark that they didn't do well on a given exam because they are "visual learners," while parents will often note that their child is a "motor learner," an "aural learner," or perhaps an "intuitive learner." The implicit message behind these labels is that educators need to match their method of instruction to the style of the student, so as to maximize the student's learning and performance. The flip side of this argument, of course, is that if the student learns or performs poorly, some of it may have to do with a between the student's style and the method of instruction. source: Wikimedia Commons (author: krgarts) The pull to understand what "type" of learner we are, much like the pull to understand what "type" of person we are, is very strong.

Schools Rethink Health Class, Incorporate Mindfulness Training On a recent afternoon, Riverdale Country School students stretched in the dark, streaks of sunlight illuminating yoga mats and bowed heads. In gym class at the elite Bronx private school, monitors strapped to students’ chests beamed their heart rates to display screens suspended from the ceiling. In a course on study habits, the class closed their eyes for a moment of guided meditation. More independent schools are pushing to redefine what it means to teach health, shattering the stereotype of awkward classes and squirming students. Many New York schools are incorporating mindfulness training to help students handle stress and replacing lectures on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases with interactive sessions on life skills, such as communication and decision-making. The National Association of Independent Schools conducted its first-ever survey this spring on health education among its members. In the eight years since Dominic A.A. “People are not happy about that,” Mr. Ms.
