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M that learning!

Maria's blog: A Selfie-Epic Adventure How to meet your new students! Some days ago, our teacher guru, Shelly Terrel shared with us a new challenge at the 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers... "Go on a selfie adventure". When I read about it, I thought it was a great idea to meet my new students next year. However, I had a wonderful piece of news at school that same week... I created my own selfie-adventure (though mine was not with selfies and you can see it here) and I also shared Shelly's adventure in our class Facebook group so students could see what they had to do.Students liked the idea and I told them I would give them a mark for the "adventure".

Free Technology for Teachers WEEK 4 The Top 10 Free Web Tools to Curate and Bookmark Online Resources for Teachers Curating, bookmarking and sharing web content is one of the skills every 21stcentury teacher should have. Internet has grown to be, if not the primamry then a great resource of information and knowledge. Students as well as educators are having a free unlimited access to this treasure trove whenever and wherever they are.One of the things we need to pay heed to, howver, is the information load the net exposes us to. This information load if not handled carefully and wisely can have some severe reverse impacts on the way we benefirt from intenet educationally.This is why the need for for using bookmarking and content curating tools has become very important especially for us in the field of education. So after having learned how to clip web content and annotate it using this list of great free web annotating tools, we are going to explore some of the equally important and free tools but this time for bookmarking and curating web content. Here is the list : 1- Evernote 2- Livebinders 6- Diigo

Five apps for building online polls and surveys You don't have to be a genius statistician to create useful, friendly polls and surveys. These online tools make the process a snap. Why do we love polls so much? Note: This list is also available as a photo gallery. 1: Poll Everywhere Poll Everywhere (Figure A) is a fun and easy-to-use polling app that is designed to help you get a quick, live response from your audience, whether they're using their browsers or their smartphones. Figure A Poll Everywhere lets you gather and share instant poll results. You can share your poll results on Facebook or Twitter or send others a link to view the results. Poll Everywhere is available with a basic free account that enables you to create an unlimited number of polls for up to 40 people. 2: EasyPolls EasyPolls was a bit surprising. Figure B EasyPolls is a free survey tool that is simple to use and easy to share. You can choose a design for your poll by clicking the Looks & Feel tab and choosing the style you like (Figure C). Figure C 3: SurveyMonkey
