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Paul Stamets: Lion's Mane: A Mushroom That Improves Your Memory and Mood?

Paul Stamets: Lion's Mane: A Mushroom That Improves Your Memory and Mood?
Mushrooms provide a vast array of potential medicinal compounds. Many mushrooms — such as portobello, oyster, reishi and maitake — are well-known for these properties, but the lion’s mane mushroom, in particular, has drawn the attention of researchers for its notable nerve-regenerative properties. Lion’s mane mushrooms are not your classic looking cap-and-stem variety. These globular-shaped mushrooms sport cascading teeth-like spines rather than the more common gills. From these spines, white spores emerge. Lion’s mane mushrooms also have other common names: sheep’s head, bear’s head and the Japanese yamabushitake. Lion’s mane mushrooms are increasingly sold by gourmet food chains. Lion’s mane mushrooms are increasingly studied for their neuroprotective effects. About a dozen studies have been published on the neuroregenerative properties of lion’s mane mushrooms since 1991, when Dr. Is this data conclusive thus far? Is this data suggestive of positive outcomes?

Six Basic Nutrients 1. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates can be grouped into two categories: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are sugars whereas complex carbohydrates consist of starch and dietary fibre. 2. Protein from food is broken down into amino acids by the digestive system. 3. The fat in food includes a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fat. 4. Vitamins help to regulate chemical reactions in the body. 5. Minerals are components of foods that are involved in many body functions. 6. Water is a vital nutrient for good health. Next Previous Return to menu

Resources - Free Tools: Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine Do you know the glycemic load of your daily meals? With this Glycemic Load tool, you can estimate the GL of your own and your patients' diets. Begin by building your own typical day's meals. Drag food items from the food selector on the left to the tray area on the right. Did your daily total exceed the target GL of 100 or less? Glycemic response is a complex interplay of food chemistry and the body's biochemistry. How much sodium is in a typical American diet? Use the drop-down menu below the salt shaker to choose either a normal diet or a restricted-sodium (for hypertensive patient) diet. Drag foods from the food selector at the bottom to the meal timeline. You can remove a food by clicking the red X after the food item.

Carbohydrate A carbohydrate is a biological molecule consisting of carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) atoms, usually with a hydrogen:oxygen atom ratio of 2:1 (as in water); in other words, with the empirical formula Cm(H2O)n (where m could be different from n).[1] Some exceptions exist; for example, deoxyribose, a sugar component of DNA,[2] has the empirical formula C5H10O4.[3] Carbohydrates are technically hydrates of carbon;[4] structurally it is more accurate to view them as polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones.[5] The term is most common in biochemistry, where it is a synonym of saccharide, a group that includes sugars, starch, and cellulose. The saccharides are divided into four chemical groups: monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. Carbohydrates perform numerous roles in living organisms. Polysaccharides serve for the storage of energy (e.g., starch and glycogen) and as structural components (e.g., cellulose in plants and chitin in arthropods). [edit]

Cranial Osteopathy, Craniosacral Therapy - Dr. Weil's Wellness Therapies What is cranial osteopathy? Cranial osteopathy (also called cranial therapy or craniosacral therapy) is one variety of osteopathic manipulative therapies. It stimulates healing by using gentle hand pressure to manipulate the skeleton and connective tissues, especially the skull and sacrum (the large, triangular bone at the base of the spinal column). Cranial osteopathy is based on the controversial theory that the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord, has subtle, rhythmic pulsations that are vital to health and can be detected and modified by a skilled practitioner. About five percent of physicians in the United States are doctors of osteopathy (DOs), and fewer than 10 percent of them rely on manipulation as a main method of treatment. However, some medical doctors and dentists have had training in cranial osteopathy. What conditions is cranial osteopathy used for? What should one expect from a visit to a practitioner of cranial osteopathy therapy? What is Dr.

Protein Once formed, proteins only exist for a certain period of time and are then degraded and recycled by the cell's machinery through the process of protein turnover. A protein's lifespan is measured in terms of its half-life and covers a wide range. They can exist for minutes or years with an average lifespan of 1–2 days in mammalian cells. Abnormal and or misfolded proteins are degraded more rapidly either due to being targeted for destruction or due to being unstable. Biochemistry Chemical structure of the peptide bond (bottom) and the three-dimensional structure of a peptide bond between an alanine and an adjacent amino acid (top/inset) Most proteins consist of linear polymers built from series of up to 20 different L-α-amino acids. Synthesis Biosynthesis A ribosome produces a protein using mRNA as template. Chemical synthesis Structure The crystal structure of the chaperonin. Three possible representations of the three-dimensional structure of the protein triose phosphate isomerase.

David R. Hamilton, Ph.D.: Compassion: The Elixir of Life? New research suggests that compassion might be able to slow the aging process. Gerontologists (scientists who research aging) probing into why we age have found that a major part of the effects of aging may actually be collateral damage in the body due to inflammation. On the whole, inflammation is vital. It is part of the immune response that helps facilitate healing of the body. But the problem is that on the one hand inflammation helps us heal, but on the other it can also cause us harm. It is now known that inflammation plays a significant role in many serious diseases, and especially so in cardiovascular disease -- a major killer in the western world. The human nervous system controls levels of inflammation much like a brake slows a car down. But it turns out that the vagus nerve doesn't have the same fitness in everyone. How can we exercise our vagus nerves? The anti-inflammatory properties of compassion have now begun to be studied. Maybe compassion is the elixir of life.

Fat Examples of edible animal fats are lard, fish oil, butter/ghee and whale blubber. They are obtained from fats in the milk and meat, as well as from under the skin, of an animal. Examples of edible plant fats include peanut, soya bean, sunflower, sesame, coconut and olive oils, and cocoa butter. Vegetable shortening, used mainly for baking, and margarine, used in baking and as a spread, can be derived from the above oils by hydrogenation. These examples of fats can be categorized into saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Chemical structure Example of a natural triglyceride with three different fatty acids. There are many different kinds of fats, but each is a variation on the same chemical structure. The properties of any specific fat molecule depend on the particular fatty acids that constitute it. Saturated and unsaturated fats A fat's constituent fatty acids may also differ in the C/H ratio. Saturated and unsaturated fats differ in their energy content and melting point. Trans fats

Unified Humanity Theory | Unity I am sure that most everyone has heard something to the effect of "We are One" or "we are all connected." Many of us might even agree with this notion. The question is how many among us really grasp how profound a notion this really is? How many stop to think what a true belief in this means for humanity as a whole? I for one do contemplate the meaning behind these words on a regular basis. Although I do agree that each of us is inescapably linked and that a connection exists between everything in the Universe I cannot honestly say that my actions and thoughts are always in line with my belief.

How Fats Work" Between the food commercials you see on TV every day and the many nutrition bulletins and reports you hear about on the news every night, you get a huge amount of information about the fats that you eat. For example, you have probably heard of the following terms: Saturated fatUnsaturated fatPolyunsaturated fatMono-unsaturated fatFatty acidsEssential fatty acidsTrans fatty acidsOmega-3 and omega-6 fatty acidsPartially hydrogenated fat Have you ever wondered what it all means, or why it matters? We see pure fats in three places at the grocery store: In the vegetable oil aisle you see oils created from different seeds and nuts. The rest of the grocery store is, of course, filled with fats and oils, although they are less obvious. So what are these fats and oils really made of?

The Island Where People Forget to Die Photo In 1943, a Greek war veteran named Stamatis Moraitis came to the United States for treatment of a combat-mangled arm. He’d survived a gunshot wound, escaped to Turkey and eventually talked his way onto the Queen Elizabeth, then serving as a troopship, to cross the Atlantic. Moraitis settled in Port Jefferson, N.Y., an enclave of countrymen from his native island, Ikaria. He quickly landed a job doing manual labor. One day in 1976, Moraitis felt short of breath. Moraitis considered staying in America and seeking aggressive cancer treatment at a local hospital. In the ensuing months, something strange happened. Six months came and went. I met Moraitis on Ikaria this past July during one of my visits to explore the extraordinary longevity of the island’s residents. In 2003, I started a consulting firm to see if it was possible to take what we were learning in the field and apply it to American communities. The data collection had to be rigorous. Dr. “It just went away,” he said.

Vitamin A bottle of high potency B-complex vitamin supplement pills. A vitamin (US /ˈvaɪtəmɪn/ or UK /ˈvɪtəmɪn/) is an organic compound required by an organism as a vital nutrient in limited amounts.[1] An organic chemical compound (or related set of compounds) is called a vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from the diet. Thus, the term is conditional both on the circumstances and on the particular organism. For example, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a vitamin for humans, but not for most other animals. By convention, the term vitamin includes neither other essential nutrients, such as dietary minerals, essential fatty acids, or essential amino acids (which are needed in larger amounts than vitamins) nor the large number of other nutrients that promote health but are otherwise required less often.[3] Thirteen vitamins are universally recognized at present. List of vitamins[edit] Health effects[edit] Supplements[edit] History[edit]

Dietary Reference Intake The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) is a system of nutrition recommendations from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. The DRI system is used by both the United States and Canada and is intended for the general public and health professionals. Applications include: Composition of diets for schools, prisons, hospitals or nursing homesIndustries developing new food stuffsHealthcare policy makers and public health officials The DRI was introduced in 1997 in order to broaden the existing guidelines known as Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs). History[edit] The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) was developed during World War II by Lydia J. The Food and Nutrition Board subsequently revised the RDAs every five to ten years. Current recommendations[edit] The current Dietary Reference Intake recommendation is composed of:[2] The RDA is used to determine the Recommended Daily Value (RDV) which is printed on food labels in the U.S. and Canada. See also[edit]

Dietary mineral Dietary elements (commonly known as dietary minerals or mineral nutrients) are the chemical elements required by living organisms, other than the four elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen present in common organic molecules. The term "dietary mineral" is archaic, as it describes chemical elements rather than actual minerals. Chemical elements in order of abundance in the human body include the seven major dietary elements calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. Important "trace" or minor dietary elements, necessary for mammalian life, include iron, cobalt, copper, zinc, molybdenum, iodine, and selenium (see below for detailed discussion). Over twenty dietary elements are necessary for mammals, and several more for various other types of life. Most chemical element that enter into the dietary physiology of organisms are in the form of simple compounds. Essential chemical elements for mammals[edit] Periodic table highlighting dietary elements

Phytoestrogens Phytoestrogens are plant-derived xenoestrogens (see estrogen) not generated within the endocrine system but consumed by eating phytoestrogenic plants. Also called "dietary estrogens", they are a diverse group of naturally occurring nonsteroidal plant compounds that, because of their structural similarity with estradiol (17-β-estradiol), have the ability to cause estrogenic or/and antiestrogenic effects,[1] by sitting in and blocking receptor sites against estrogen.[2] Chemical structures of the most common phytoestrogens found in plants (top and middle) compared with estrogen (bottom) found in animals. Their name comes from the Greek phyto ("plant") and estrogen, the hormone which gives fertility to female mammals. The word "estrus" - Greek οίστρος - means "sexual desire", and "gene" - Greek γόνο - is "to generate". Analytical methods are available to determine phytoestrogen content in plants and food.[9] Structure[edit] Mechanism of action[edit] Ecology[edit] Avian studies[edit] Males[edit]
