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Photoshop CS5

Photoshop CS5

CD and DVD Artwork Case Booklet Templates HOME > CD and DVD Artwork Case Booklet Templates Media Templates CD Style Packaging Templates DVD Style Templates Posters See also: >> how to send your artwork to us << What Our Templates Are For We have created CD templates for the major design applications available. How to use the templates Click on the links on the right of the tables to download the relevant templates from the table below and then move / develop your designs in them. We have presented our templates in compressed file formats, so that download times are quicker and files are protected in transit. * (for Illustrator) We support Illustrator for Mac directly, but not for PC. << Back to Top We have presented our templates in compressed file formats, so that download times are quicker and files are protected in transit. Use of bleed and positioning of text Other applications You may still be able to successfully submit your designs even if we do not provide templates for the applications above.

Crear Poster constructivista en Photoshop Veremos a continuación la creación de un poster en Photoshop aplicando diseño gráfico constructivista usando colores vivos, jugando con la ligereza, perspectiva, y las formas geométricas combinadas con técnicas de fotomontaje y el collage digital. Lo primero que haremos es abrir Photoshop y crear un nuevo documento de 1200px de ancho por 1600px de alto en RGB y 72dpi. Seleccionando la capa de ajuste en la paleta Capas, seleccionamos Degradado y establecemos colores 7D0000 a 480000, con un angulo de 16 a 20 grados Ahora vamos a agregar una textura al fondo, para esto tomamos una imagen que usaremos de textura y la pegamos en una nueva capa llamada textura por encima del fondo degradado. Seguimos con la capa textura y vamos a Capa, mascara de capa, ocultar todas. Vamos a aumentar ahora el contraste de la textura de la capa, para esto con CTRL + L vamos a los ajustes de niveles y seteamos como muestra la imagen A esa capa duplicada le aplicamos modo de fusión Superposición (Overlay)

How to Make a Badass WordPress Logo -- - Imagine, D tagged Photoshop by Jon I was in a store the other day and walked by a sign with a logo that had an amazing shiny/metallic look to it. So, I whipped out my cellphone and took a picture of it. Step 1 Before I start pretty much any Photoshop project, I drop a couple of guides on the canvas. Create a new layer and name it something like ‘Circle’.With the ellipse tool [U], draw a circle. With the ‘Circle’ layer and the ellipse tool still selected, choose ’subtract from the shape layer’ or [-]. Step 2 Double click on the ‘Circle’ layer to add a gradient overlay. There is nothing scientific here. Step 3 Create a new layer and name it ‘Circle Top’. Give this circle a gradient. Step 4 Now to give this layer a bit of shine. Make sure you have the ‘Circle Top Shine’ layer selected and grab the gradient tool [G]. Step 5 Create a new layer underneath the ‘Circle’ Layer and call it ‘Background Circle’. Create a new layer above the ‘Background Circle’ layer and name it ‘Background Circle Highlight’. Step 6

Fuentes Tutorial: Web 2.0 Logo Reflection in Vector format with Illustra If our freebies have benefited you personally or have helped you earn a profit please consider donating via paypal. Donate Now You will probably find dozens, if not hundreds of tutorials on how to do this in Photoshop, but I’m going to show you how to do it in Illustrator (vector). The advantage? You can scale it up for a roadside billboard if you like. That’s the power of vector graphics. This tutorial was actually requested by a BittBox reader, Mr.Byte, and his idea instantly caught my attention. To get started, Open your vector logo in Illustrator. This is what it looks like selected: First, make a duplicate of your logo by holding the “option/alt” AND “shift” keys, drag down, and release. Reflect the duplicated logo by right clicking (control + click: Mac) and selceting Transform > Reflect. When reflecting, choose the “Horizontal” axis. You should see your reflected logo similar to this: Now move your reflected logo up to meet the bottom of the original. And here is the final result:

45 Elegant and Creative Typography Tutorials Don't Forget to participate in a contest where you can win an amazing e-Commerce template from TemplateMonster. In this post we have featured 45 tutorials for creating beautiful typography design. The tutorials shown here will teach an extensive variety of techniques and will work towards end results of all kinds. These typography tutorials will help you in learning how you can create nice and attractive typographic design. You can make use of different editing software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Cinema4D etc. Here we’ve compiled a list of most mazing typography tutorials that would amaze you! Add Fantastic Color to 3D Text In this tutorial, you will learn how to bring a simple text to life and place everything in fantastic, colored and glowing 3D space. Create Elegant, Glassy, 3D Typography in Photoshop and Illustrator In today’s tutorial, we will demonstrate how to create elegant, glassy, 3D typography using Photoshop and Illustrator. Create a Delicious Type Treat

Las Mejores 50 paginas webs del mundo de Diseño Grafico 42 inusuales Tarjetas de presentacion (imaginate si te presentas en tu laburo con esto) Organizado por categoría, son 42 creativos diseños para tarjetas presentacion. Algunos son viejitos, algunos nuevos, pero todos siguen siendo tremendos ejemplares, aca van… 20 tremendas imagenes en HDR Aca Hay algunas técnicas de fotografía que realmente son muy buenas. 30 Brillantes logotipos, algo desestructurados Ahora nos fijamos en 30 ejemplos de logotipos 50 Losgos para Inspirarse Mira más de 2000 logotipos en diversos sitios, para alimentar tu inspiración de diseñor 33 empresas que cambiaron sus excelentes logos por otros todabia mas extraordinarios Esta lista no es larga es muy extensa, pero les prometo que cuando se empieza a ver en detalle, le va parecer una increible web 40 Creativos Botones de diseños Ahora, nos fijamos en los botónes de más de 40 diseños sacados de una variedad de fuentes: los ilustradores modernos, antiguos dibujos animados, insignias políticas, etc Mejor Diseño de CSS

CSS Zen Garden: The Beauty of CSS Design
