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Rosetta Stone for Unix

Rosetta Stone for Unix
Footnotes 1. In System V-based Unixes, run level relates to booting, shutdown, and single-user mode. In BSD, it has to do with security. 2. 3. 4. ioscan -funC disk may be helpful here to determine device path. 5. Universal Command Guide is a large book which covers several of the OSs in this table. has a similar table covering fewer Unix versions and a somewhat different set of tasks. Colin Barschel's Unix Toolbox is a wonderfully detailed handbook sorted by task area and giving both commands and config file excerpts for Linux and BSD. coolcommands is a search engine giving one-line command examples: Solaris / HP-UX / FreeBSD / Linux / AIX: Solaris / HP-UX: Unix / DOS: Unix / TSO mainframe: Unix history time line:

Seven Post-Install Tips for Ubuntu 7.04 So, you've just installed Ubuntu 7.04, otherwise known as the "Feisty Fawn" release of everyone's favorite (for now) flavor of Linux. You booted the installation disc, looked around the test environment to discover that your hardware was working, and double-clicked the Install icon on the desktop. The Ubuntu installer helped you make room for Linux on your hard drive, and even copied over some of your documents and settings from Windows. Half an hour ago, you had only Windows on your PC, but now you have a choice at boot time, and a whole new world to explore. Congratulations! But wait--before you dive in too deeply, here are seven steps you can take right away to prevent common headaches and help yourself enjoy your new surroundings. 1. U.S. users may notice before too long that the right-hand Alt key on their keyboard doesn't work in Ubuntu. To get the right Alt key to behave like the left Alt key, select System, Preferences, Keyboard. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list 7.

IT Security News and Security Product Reviews The good, bad and ugly November 01, 2012 While some instances of Stuxnet and Duqu found their way into seemingly unplanned locations, the majority of occurrences were localized to targeted systems. 10 steps toward eliminating insider threats September 27, 2012 If there's one threat in information security that's difficult to prevent, it's the insider threat. Centrify for Best Customer Service September 07, 2012 When it comes to customer service in the industry, Centrify believes they're the best, and hope to prove it with a win at the SC Awards. Axway for Best Email Security Solution Phishing is at an all time high, but Axway believes its email security solution is the answer. Researchers consider threat of car hacking By Danielle WalkerAugust 24, 2012 It's not necessarily new, but researchers are upping their work into discovering weaknesses in on-board automobile computers, which conceivably could allow an hacker to do harm. Why doesn't your VPN work on the road? August 24, 2012 August 15, 2012

Computer Architecture This document is a collection of web pages on computer architecture. The first part is an introduction to digital circuits. We recommend you read the pages in this order: Gates. Here, we introduce the fundamental building blocks of digital computers. Freeware for Solaris Speaking UNIX: More shell scripting techniques Like other UNIX operating systems and Linux, the IBM AIX operating system has several powerful tools that arm systems administrators, developers, and users to tackle day-to-day tasks and to simplify their or their customers' business and life. One such tool in UNIX is the ability to write shell scripts to automate tasks, simplifying difficult or long and tedious jobs. Although some who have worked on UNIX for a couple of years have dabbled in shell scripting, they are still most likely learning the ins and outs of the operating system and haven't yet mastered scripting. This article provides tips to those wanting to learn more about shell scripting and how to begin writing more advanced scripts. It provides basic fundamentals of programming in general, including how to simplify the script, how to keep the script as flexible as possible, how to write a clean script, documenting inside the script, and debugging the script. Keep it simple Listing 1. #! This script looks awful! Listing 2. #! #!

HoneyMap Gems of Python - Die in a Fire - Eric Florenzano&s Blog I've been using Python for a few years now, and continue to love it. But the language is large enough that it seems every project that I look at uses a different subset of the language's features. The nice thing is that by reading different people's code, you can find out about some real gems in the Python programming language. Some of these tips are extremely obvious, and some are more obscure. In any case, here are what I consider to be some real gems: filter This is one of Python's built-in functions, which allows you to remove unwanted items from a list. >>> lst = [ '1' , '2' , '3' , '4' , 'asdf' , '5' ] >>> def is_int_string (i): ... try : ... int (i) ... return True ... except ValueError : ... return False ... >>> int_string_list = filter (is_int_string, lst) >>> int_string_list ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] But there is a really neat filter shortcut, too. >>> lst = [ 0 , 2 , '' , 'asdf' , None , [], (), 'fdsa' ] >>> filter ( None , lst) [2, 'asdf', 'fdsa'] Much better, isn't it?

HP-UX Tuning Guide Das richtige Girokonto für Studenten Posted by admin on May 28, 2013 Der Student achtet traditionell aufs Geld. Das beginnt schon beim Girokonto. Fast jede Bank bietet dieses mittlerweile kostenlos für Studenten an, die Auswahl ist dementsprechend groß. Konto ist trotzdem nicht gleich Konto. 3 Tipps zum Aktienhandel an der Börse Posted by admin on May 21, 2013 Schlechte Zeiten für Sparer: Die Zinsen sind auf historischem Tiefpunkt und eine Änderung ist nicht in Sicht. Onlinekredit oder Filialkredit – Welcher Kredit passt zu mir? Posted by admin on May 16, 2013 Für die meisten Deutschen zählt das Online-Banking ebenso zum Tagesgeschäft wie das Verfassen von Mails oder auch das Chatten in sozialen Netzwerken wie Facebook, Twitter und Co. Lohnt sich das Festgeldkonto als Geldanlage? Posted by admin on February 1, 2013 Die Finanzkrise hat für Geldanleger zu großer Unsicherheit geführt. Vertrauen ist wichtiger als Rendite Posted by admin on October 23, 2012 Aktuelle Zinsentwicklung beim Festgeld

Book Excerpt: Some Productive Ubuntu Kung Fu If you use KDE, you can easily outdo tip #1 with a simple shell script, a K menu entry, and a keyboard shortcut. Save the following script to a directory in your path as gsearch: #! if ! printf 'klipper must be running to use gsearch\n' >&2 exit 1 fi query=$(dcop —user $USER klipper klipper getClipboardContents | tr ' ' '+') kstart —window '. Then add a K menu entry for it and give it a keyboard shortcut, such as Ctrl+Shift+G. Now you can search Google for any terms you highlight/copy to the clipboard and see the results pop up in a Firefox tab.
