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Don't Confuse Technology With Teaching - Commentary

Don't Confuse Technology With Teaching - Commentary
By Pamela Hieronymi This spring, Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced a $60-million venture to offer free classes online. Just last month the University of California at Berkeley said it would also join the effort. As we think about the future of education, we need to sharpen our understanding of what education is and what educators do. Education is not the transmission of information or ideas. Educators are coaches, personal trainers in intellectual fitness. Just as coaching requires individual attention, education, at its core, requires one mind engaging with another, in real time: listening, understanding, correcting, modeling, suggesting, prodding, denying, affirming, and critiquing thoughts and their expression. A set of podcasts is the 21st-century equivalent of a textbook, not the 21st-century equivalent of a teacher. Of course, computers do much more than deliver podcasts. These capacities should be celebrated.

European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning – EURODL is an electronic, multi-media journal on distance and e-learning distributed on the Internet. It publishes the accounts of research, development and teaching for Europe in its most inclusive definition, exploring the potential of electronic publishing. EURODL presents scholarly work and solid information about open, distance and e-learning, education through telematics, multimedia, on-line learning and co-operation. We are delighted to inform that the EDEN Executive Committee assigned Dr. Ulrich Bernath, Chair of the "Foundation for Research in Open and Distance Learning", Senior Fellow of EDEN, as Chief Editor of EURODL. Dr. EDEN is pleased to inform that, an Agreement is now signed between EDEN, as owner of EURODL and the Versita/De Gruyter Open company, providing publishing services for over 400 journals. Current issue.

Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0 (EDUCAUSE Review © 2008 John Seely Brown and Richard P. Adler. Text illustrations © 2008 Susan E. Haviland. EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 43, no. 1 (January/February 2008): 16–32 John Seely Brown and Richard P. John Seely Brown is a Visiting Scholar and Advisor to the Provost at the University of Southern California (USC) and Independent Co-Chairman of a New Deloitte Research Center. Comments on this article can be posted to the web via the link at the bottom of this page. More than one-third of the world’s population is under 20. —Sir John Daniel, 1996 The world has become increasingly “flat,” as Tom Friedman has shown. If access to higher education is a necessary element in expanding economic prosperity and improving the quality of life, then we need to address the problem of the growing global demand for education, as identified by Sir John Daniel.3 Compounding this challenge of demand from college-age students is the fact that the world is changing at an ever-faster pace. Social Learning vs.

Digital Professor Certification - Online Teaching & Learning - Programs - Faculty Development - Valencia Community College This course will explore the Quality Matters project and processes and will prepare the participant to be part of an initiative that impacts the design of online courses and ultimately, student success. Participants should be experienced online instructors. After successfully completing this course, participants will be eligible to serve on a Valencia Quality Matters peer course review. Note: This course is required for Digital Professor Certification

MOOCs Are Finally Being Analyzed by Educators . . . What’s the Verdict? MOOCs (massive open online courses) are difficult to assess when you don’t have hard data. As colleges begin to implement these courses, data is slowly becoming available, and the integrity of the classes can be evaluated. It’s a challenging process, and it requires experienced educators and technologists to find value in the data. For that reason, Duke University’s Randy Riddle has been working with professors and other faculty for the last 13 years, honing his expertise and delivering tools that boost engagement and learning. Riddle is also an energetic blogger. His work helped Duke’s CIT blog earn a spot on this year’s list of must-read higher education tech blogs. EdTech: Can you provide us with some information about your background and current role at Duke University? Riddle: I have a Bachelor of Science degree in public and applied history from Appalachian State University. I've been at Duke University since 2000. EdTech: Why is Duke exploring MOOCs? MOOCs are one example.

Communication, Relationships and Care: A Reader - Martin Robb, Sheila Barrett PROFESSORJOSH.COM Research publications on Massive Open Online Courses and Personal Learning Environments People interested in Massive Open Online Courses will probably be aware of the research by Helene Fournier and me on Personal Learning Environments and MOOCs. We carried out research in the MOOC PLENK2010 (The MOOC Personal Learning Environments Networks and Knowledge that was held in the fall of 2010). The data collected on this distributed course with 1641 participants has been massive as well. Its analysis has kept us and some fellow researchers busy over the past year. Fournier, H., Kop, R., and Durand, G. (2014), Challenges to research in Massive Open Online Courses, Merlot Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, Vol. 10, No.1, March 2014 Fournier, H., and Kop, R. (2014) De nouvelles dimensions à l’auto-apprentisage dans un environment d’apprentisage en réseau, Association canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation des adultes Kop, R., Fournier, H., and Durand, G. (2014, In Press), Challenges to research in Massive Open Online Courses, Journal of Online Learning and Teaching

What's Wrong with Job Interviews, and How to Fix Them About gRSShopper ~ gRSShopper You are not logged in. [] [] gRSShopper is a personal web environment that combines resource aggregation, a personal dataspace, and personal publishing. It allows you to organize your online content any way you want to, to import content - your own or others' - from remote sites, to remix and repurpose it, and to distribute it as RSS, web pages, JSON data, or RSS feeds. gRSShopper incorporates a number of distinct data types. For example, the gRSShopper harvester will harvest a link from a given feed. Content in gRSShopper is created and manipulated through the use of system code that allows administrators to harvest, map, and display data, as well as to link to and create their own content. gRSShopper is also intended to act as a fully-fledged publishing tool.
