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Three Kinds of MOOCs « Lisa's

Three Kinds of MOOCs « Lisa's
By Lisa, on August 15th, 2012 We are so into MOOCs now that it’s too much for me. Gotta apply Ockham’s Razor 2.0 to this stuff. At the Ed-Media conference, I attended a session by Sarah Schrire of Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel Aviv. In her discussion of Troubleshooting MOOCs, she noted the dificulties in determining her own direction in offering a MOOC in the “Stanford model” MOOCs versus the “connectivism” MOOCs. Each type of MOOC has all three elements (networks, tasks and content), but each has a goal that is dominant. Network-based MOOCs are the original MOOCs, taught by Alec Couros, George Siemens, Stephen Downes, Dave Cormier. Task-based MOOCs emphasize skills in the sense that they ask the learner to complete certain types of work. Content-based MOOCs are the ones with huge enrollments, commercial prospects, big university professors, automated testing, and exposure in the popular press.

The Death and Life of Higher Education | The John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy (Editor’s note: This article is based on a presentation for a conference sponsored by the Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Orders and directed by John W. Sommer in February 2012. It begins a series of such articles.) We desperately need to equip and inspire our next generation to take on the opportunities and challenges of the twenty-first century. But our traditional universities have become trapped in a bureaucratic death spiral, more interested in preserving and expanding pay and perks for tenured faculty and administrators than serving students. The decline has become so self-evident that students, parents, employers, taxpayers—and even the rabble with Occupy Wall Street—now recognize the problem. Faculty senates at traditional universities seem indifferent to the mounting problems. Those who expect traditional universities to reform on their own are kidding themselves. A Lifelong Adventure 1. 2. 3. 4. A Modest Proposal Portfolios vs. But college degrees also denote status.

MOOC MOOC » Napster, Udacity, and the Academy Clay Shirky Fifteen years ago, a research group called The Fraunhofer Institute announced a new digital format for compressing movie files. This wasn’t a terribly momentous invention, but it did have one interesting side effect: Fraunhofer also had to figure out how to compress the soundtrack. The result was the Motion Picture Experts Group Format 1, Audio Layer III, a format you know and love, though only by its acronym, MP3. The recording industry concluded this new audio format would be no threat, because quality mattered most. Who would listen to an MP3 when they could buy a better-sounding CD at the record store? If Napster had only been about free access, control of legal distribution of music would then have returned the record labels. How did the recording industry win the battle but lose the war? The story the recording industry used to tell us went something like this: “Hey kids, Alanis Morisette just recorded three kickin’ songs! But who faces that choice? But you know what?

La educación digital; Los MOOC (II) « España Digital Continuando la serie de artículos dedicados a los MOOC, en el contexto de mis reflexiones sobre la educación digital, destinaré este a exponer las principales características que diferencian entre sí a los cursos de este tipo, así como algunas de de las varias tipologías existentes. En el breve período de tiempo transcurrido desde que surgieron los MOOC se ha producido tal difusión y evolución que los cursos actuales ya no responden al modelo único que podría deducirse de las siglas. La diversidad de tipos conduce a que hoy en día se establezcan diferencias entre ellos en términos tales como la interacción entre los participantes, la propia estructura de los cursos, las formas de evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos o los objetivos de la enseñanza o aprendizaje. Una de las topologías más conocidas, y más tradicionales, que se proponen para clasificar los MOOC los cataloga de acuerdo con la teoría pedagógica a la que responden en su esencia, diferenciándolos entre los cMOOC y los xMOOC.

15 Fascinating Ways to Track Twitter Trends One of the great things about TwitterTwitter reviews is that it is a great place to track emerging trends. When major events or big stories occur, people tweet about it and it inevitably ends up at the top of Twitter Search as a top trend. But this only scratches the surface of tracking Twitter trends. There are a wide variety of web applications, Twitter accounts, and even iPhone apps that can help people do everything from track popular hashtags to graph out recent Twitter trends. Web-based Applications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Twitter Accounts 8. twithority: Twithority is an easy way to have the most recent Twitter trends tweeted to you. 9. 10. 11. gtrend: gtrend is short for "Google Trend." iPhone Apps 12. 13.

What is a connectivist MOOC? | Connectivist MOOCs “MOOCs” are massive open online courses. Dave Cormier introduces the MOOC: There’s a great written explanation of MOOCs in the introduction to the PLENK2010 MOOC Stephen Downes explains: This longer interview with George Siemens and Howard Rheingold is also a very helpful introduction to connectivism: August 2012′s MOOCMOOC was a one-week course led by Hybrid Pedagogy which examined the MOOC medium. As a springboard for more on MOOCs, check out the readings from Sunday and Monday and have a look at this piece on the MOOC Misnomer which does a nice job of dismantling lazy use of the term. A shorthand has emerged which distinguishes between connectivist courses – cMOOCs – and ones that are more broadcast-focused and reliant upon certification and peer testing. I’ve made my own attempt at distinguishing between xMOOCs and cMOOCs. This site exists to point people towards connectivist courses. xMOOCs are already excellently served by Class Central.

MOOC: lancement de la plate-forme nationale, ça va être FUN Coup de théâtre dans le milieu académique français. Mme Fioraso, Ministre de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, annonçait mercredi matin le lancement de la plate-forme nationale pour MOOC dans le cadre du programme France Université Numérique (ouverture courant octobre, site de présentation à cette adresse). Ce nouveau site dédié aux établissements français est destiné à héberger dès janvier prochain ses premiers cours. Retour sur l’histoire récente du phénomène… Les MOOC, pour Massive Open Online Courses (aucune traduction française ne fait consensus), sont des cours gratuits organisés entièrement en ligne et pouvant accueillir un nombre non limité de participants ; l’audience des cours américains se compte en général en dizaines de milliers, parfois en centaines de milliers pour les plus populaires. Le choix de la plate-forme américaine de la part de Polytechnique est on-ne-peut-plus logique compte tenu de la visibilité qu’elle apporte.

MOOC: taxonomía de 8 tipos de MOOCs We're not payin' because this guy... ...this guy's a fuckin' mooc. But I didn't say nothin'. And we don't pay moocs. A mook? Yeah. What's a mooc? I don't know. You can't call me a mooc. I can't? No! Scorcese's Mean Streets (1973) What are MOOCs? “The future is already here, it’s just not very evenly distributed” said William Gibson, that is certainly true of MOOCs. Taxonomy based on pedagogy To this end, it is important to define a taxonomy of MOOCs not from the institutional but the pedagogic perspective, by their learning functionality, not by their origins. transferMOOCs madeMOOCs synchMOOCs asynchMOOCs adaptiveMOOCs groupMOOCs connectivistMOOCS miniMOOCSs 1. transferMOOCs Transfer MOOCs literally take existing courses and decant them into a MOOC platform, on the pedagogic assumption that they are teacher-led and many rely on a ‘name’ of the institution or academic to attract learners. 2. madeMOOCs 3. synchMOOCs 4. asynchMOOCs 5. adaptiveMOOCs 6. groupMOOCs 7. connectivistMOOCS 8. miniMOOCSs Conclusion

Lisa Lane clasifica los MOOCs en tres tipos según estén centrados en: la red de relaciones, la tarea, el contenido. Aunque la autora aclara que en los tres tipos se encuentran esos elementos, pero en cada uno predomina alguno de ellos. by ceciliatrincado Dec 21
