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Help me raise money to buy Nikola Tesla's old laboratory

Help me raise money to buy Nikola Tesla's old laboratory

"Ces psys qui désirent leurs patient(e)s" - TROMMENSCHLAGER FRANCK -PSYCHANALYSTE ET PSYCHOSOCIOLOGUE SECTEUR LUXEUIL Que vivent les patients qui ont connu une trop grande intimité avec leurs psys ? Et pourquoi doit-on absolument s’abstenir de passer à l’acte ? << Thérapeutes hommes ou femmes, d'origines et de cursus divers: il arrive parfois que certains d'entre eux cachent derrière leurs statuts des refoulements, des perversions ou des manques affectifs qui provoquent des "passages aux limites" profondément destructeurs lors des thérapies ! >> Certains le font... Après une séance où je lui avais parlé de ma peur des hommes, il m’a pris la main, m’a caressé les cheveux et m’a demandé de me déshabiller, se souvient Sylvie. Dès les débuts de la psychanalyse, Freud instaure l’interdit des relations sexuelles entre psy et patient comme règle de base. Malheureusement, certains thérapeutes confondent parfois leur cabinet et leur chambre à coucher. Susan Bauer, psychiatre et psychothérapeute américaine, a enquêté sur ce thème délicat et publie ses observations dans Relations intimes (Payot). Comme un inceste

This Guy Created His Own Hilarious Book Sections At A Local Bookstore Tired of having to look at boring and often misleading book sections at his local bookstore, one guy decided to create his own alternative sections that would describe the books more accurately. He carefully placed them all around the bookstore, photographed the results and quickly got away before anyone noticed. For example, the culinary section is now called “Meals You Intend To Make, But Never Will” – which we have to agree is a much more accurate description. Also, instead of looking for romance novel section, girls can now ask the store manager to show them where the “Dudes who lost their shirts” section is. Finally there’s some some order in the book world! (h/t: obviousplant) Dudes Who Lost Their Shirts Meals You Intend To Make, But Never Will Great Places To Poop Things That Scare Me Books You’ll Have To Read A Million Times Animals I Want To Wrestle Anxiety – Inducing Books Women With Short, Professional Haircuts

Le zoo en question La fondation Born Free, qui défend la conservation des espèces animales menacées a publié fin avril son étude annuelle (PDF) sur la qualité des zoos et parcs animaliers. Le zoo de Beauval, Marineland d’Antibes, ou encore le parc zoologique de [...] La fondation Born Free, qui défend la conservation des espèces animales menacées a publié fin avril son étude annuelle (PDF) sur la qualité des zoos et parcs animaliers. Le zoo de Beauval, Marineland d’Antibes, ou encore le parc zoologique de Fréjus, et, au total, vingt-cinq zoos français ont été sélectionnés au hasard parmi les 900 parcs français. Selon l’étude, dans un tiers des zoos étudiés, les conditions de vie des animaux ne sont pas satisfaisantes. Si dans l’ensemble les animaux sont bien traités, la fondation a observé «qu’un grand nombre d’enclos n’offraient pas les caractéristiques appropriées pour permettre aux animaux d’exprimer leurs comportements naturels». Etes-vous pour ou contre les zoos? Lire la suite

Cette lettre d’un professeur – “Chers parents, au sujet de CET enfant…” – m’a fait pleurer comme un bébé. “Chers parents : à propos de CET enfant…”, par Amy Murray. Chers parents : Je sais. Vous êtes inquiets. Chaque jour, votre enfant rentre à la maison et vous parle de CET enfant. La maîtresse. Source: Bridoz How Can a Veteran of War in Afghanistan Help Us Understand Good Conscience? (Photo: United States Marine Corps Official Page / Flickr)Below are excerpts of an interview of Nao Rozi, an Afghan National Army veteran, and now a member of the Afghan Peace Volunteers. Excerpts of Video Transcript: Nao Rozi: I was an Afghan soldier for 2 years and had combat roles. Dr. Nao Rozi: If I think about the root issues, philosophy since the time of Plato has tried to bring the minds of the public under government control. I concluded that I should leave the army and after that, I had a crisis. I had almost changed 180 degrees. I tried committing suicide a few times. Dr. Nao Rozi: Veterans who commit suicide are not cowardly…they are victims of the war. Life becomes meaningless. Those US veterans who committed suicide had a conscience. Dr. Nao Rozi: Teacher, how I wish that every human in the world would…just for once, sit down alone and ask, “What are we here for?” How have we been deceived? Afternote by Dr. War related post-traumatic stress is a natural order, not a disorder.

A delicious day at NYC museums with Cookie Monster C is for cookie. A is for art. On a Friday morning in the minutes before the Guggenheim opens to visitors, Cookie Monster loops down the museum’s famous spiral ramp. The sweet-toothed Muppet’s blue fur strikingly contrasts the crisp white backdrop. And as his googly eyes wiggle with each step, the giggles of the gathered museum staff rise through the atrium. Image: Zach Hyman/Sesmae Workshop, Armand Valdes/Mashable The Guggenheim is the first stop for Cookie Monster on his tour of New York City art museums. At the Guggenheim, Cookie Monster is a hit with impossibly hip museum employees in leather pants and retiree tourists from middle America, but no one delights in talking to him like children. Cookie’s knowledge of art is much like his knowledge of everything — cookie-focused. Cookie’s knowledge of art is much like his knowledge of everything — cookie-focused. Image: Zach Hyman/Sesame Workshop With a belly filled by standard printer paper, Cookie Monster moves six blocks south to the Met.

It Is Time to Recognize the National Sovereignty and Human Rights of Native Indians A Native American pow-wow in Taos, New Mexico, July 12, 2009. (Photo: Jim Nix / Flickr)Recently we wrote about the need to transform US foreign policy from one that is dominating and militaristic to one that is based on diplomatic relations. US Empire is not sustainable because of its tremendous cost in dollars and its impacts on the environment and lives of people all over the world. We often think of US Empire acting on the global stage through occupations and wars abroad, but the longest-running manifestation of US imperialism is the illegal occupation of portions of the United States and denial of the sovereignty of Native Indians, which continues today. In the past century, efforts by Native Indian nations to achieve recognition of signed treaties have been thwarted. Charmaine White Face, spokesperson for the Great Sioux Nation Treaty Council, fought for the original declaration written and agreed upon by indigenous nations from around the world after ten years of negotiations.

Renseignement : exercices de styles pour comprendre la loi
