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100 Great Tech Talks for Educators

100 Great Tech Talks for Educators
Posted on Monday May 31, 2010 by Staff Writers If you’re an educator, surely you know that technology has and will continue to have an incredible impact on learning. Whether it’s the Internet, innovative learning tools, or teaching technology itself, these two subjects are intertwined. General Learn about making technology work in education and more in these talks. Rethinking the Student Experience in the 21st Century Public Research University: See how a diverse student body and technology can make a difference in the student experience today. Sharing Education These talks explore the idea of open, shared education. Hector Ruiz on Connecting the World: Hector Ruiz lectures on Internet access for everyone. Creativity & Innovation Watch these talks to see how you can foster innovation and the creative spirit. Ken Robinson Says Schools Kill Creativity: Ken Robinson’s lecture makes a case for a more creative education system. Internet & New Media Leadership Educational Technology Brain & Psychology

Children taught to be suicide bombers Inside a school for suicide bombers Children are being trained in Pakistan as suicide bombers, says Sharmeen Obaid-ChinoyShe says they are isolated from families and fed a diet of propagandaShe says children are trained to have no faith in earthly future, to believe in rewards in afterlifeTaliban promises compensation for families of suicide bombers, she says Editor's note: Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and journalist who has been working in Pakistan and Afghanistan documenting the rise of the Taliban and other radical factions since 2001. (CNN) -- The Taliban are running suicide schools inside Pakistan, preparing a generation of boys for atrocities against civilians. In my documentary on the subject, "Children of the Taliban," I came across the cases of many young men who were committed to giving up their lives for what they believed to be the glory of Islam. Find out more about Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Then, lengthy discussions ensue about their future.
