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The White Goddess - Pagan Portal

The White Goddess - Pagan Portal
Related:  Spiritual Anarchy

Alexander Jacob, "The Origins of Indo-European Religion" 7,320 words Horned god in quasi-lotus position with animals from Gundestrup Cauldron, Celtic, 100 B.C.E. Editor’s Note: The following text is a lecture delivered by Dr. In the thirties of the last century, National Socialism sought to combat the economic regimes of Capitalism and Communism with doctrines of the primacy of race, and of the Germanic race in particular. Horned god in lotus position with animals, Indus Valley Civilization, steatite seal, 2500-1500 B.C.E The recent comparative linguistic and mythological studies of scholars such as Giovanni Semerano[1] and M.L. Indus Valley horned god/yogi seal As regards the original home of the people who developed the cosmological insights shared by the most ancient religions of the region, the major evidence we have is that of the so-called “Flood” story. Since the earliest centres of high culture are those of the Canaanites, Hatti, Elamites, Sumerians, and Egyptians, it is possible that the region around Mt. Indus Valley elephant

The Wicca Series Proto-Indo-European Religion Your source for Wiccan, Pagan, Occult, Ritual and Spiritual supplies THE DRUZE AND VEDIC ORIGINS Abstract by Dr. David Wolf A serendipitous, though intensive, case study of Israeli Druze reveals striking similarities between Vedic and Druze philosophy and culture. This article uses these congruities as a springboard for researching Druze origins. In 1988 I went to northern Israel, not as a student of religious history, but as a book distributor. On several occasions we met with the late Sheik Tarif Amin, former world spiritual leader of the Druze. Salman Falach, Druze Minister of Education in Israel, purchased hundreds of Srila Prabhupada's books for Druze schools and libraries. We spoke with many Druze sheiks and intellectuals, and they shared deeply with us. Kamal Jumbalat, the late Druze political hero and renowned spiritualist, often extolled Krsna, the Bhagavad-gita, the Ramayana, and other Vedic books and personalities in his writings (Dasa, 1994, p. 219). Even on esoteric points, sheiks would surprise us with parallels between Vedic and Druze understandings. By Dr.

Lofty Thoughts, Pagan Articles, RSS Feed Here is where we place articles on magical and spiritual matters. We hope you enjoy what we have to offer. Unless otherwise noted all of these articles are copyrighted material and may not be reproduced in any form, be it material or electrical, without written permission from Raven Grimassi. Culte à mystères Un phénomène diffus longtemps schématisé[modifier | modifier le code] Néanmoins, les idées de Cumont sont, depuis au moins les années 1990, en « plein réexamen »[6] et la notion même de « culte à mystères » ou de « religion orientale » pose aux chercheurs de sérieux problèmes de méthodologie et de classement, tant les réalités sont diverses dans le temps et dans l'espace. En outre, ces réalités sont mouvantes : ainsi au Ve siècle av. L'approche du XXIe siècle cherche à nuancer les théories des siècles précédents. Étymologie[modifier | modifier le code] Le terme « mystère » dérive du latin mysterium, lui-même dérivant du grec μυστήριον / mustḗrion (généralement au pluriel : μυστήρια / mustḗria), « mystère, cérémonie religieuse secrète »[8]. Caractéristiques[modifier | modifier le code] En général, ces cultes proviennent de l'Orient (à l'instar du Dionysos de la tradition) mais aussi de pays barbares au nord de la Grèce (Orphée est thrace). Cultes[modifier | modifier le code]

WELCOME TO THE DESERT HENGE COVEN WEBSITE Article 'Genius' dans le dictionnaire Daremberg et Saglio (1877) Les premiers témoignages relatifs au culte du Genius dans la religion romaine ne remontent pas au delà de la seconde guerre Punique ; et il n'en est point où l'on ne sente l'influence des idées helléniques sur le Daemon et bientôt celle des doctrines stoïciennes. Il n'en est pas moins incontestable que le genius a fait partie avec les Lares, les Pénates et les Mânes des plus anciennes divinités du Latium. Souvent confondu avec ces esprits d'essence latine et romaine, il semble désigner un genre dont ils sont les espèces, la notion générale dont ils détaillent les aspects divers. Etymologiquement, les anciens ont rattaché le nom de genius à gens, geno ou gigno quelquefois, par une erreur de linguistique qui n'est pas sans intérêt pour l'explication du rôle de genius, à gero. Il est la force qui engendre au point de départ et qui conserve dans leur individualité propre jusqu'à leur destruction et l'être de l'homme et les êtres de raison que l'homme s'est forgés à sa propre image.

amberandjet : Amber and Jet Amber and Jet was created and designed specifically for exploring British Traditional Wicca paths and traditions. The list is a forum for both sincere seekers to Traditional Wicca and initiates of British Wicca traditions. Amber and Jet is an intermediate-level list -- participants should already have a working knowledge of the basics of Paganism and Witchcraft. Do not expect the revealing of oathbound material here, but rather the sharing of ideas on Wicca from a Traditional point of view, honest and mindful answers to questions, and most importantly, community and fellowship with those of like mind from around the World. All who are sincerely interested in the essence and workings of British Traditional Wicca and its discussion are welcome to join. We would like this list to be an open, intelligent, and topical forum for initiates, elders, and sincere seekers of modern British Traditional Wicca.

Ierogamia La ierogamia o hieròs gámos (dal greco ιερογαμία, ἱερὸς γάμος, «matrimonio sacro») di cui è sinonimo teogamia (dal greco θεογαμία, composto da θεο-, theo-, e -γαμία, -gamía, cioè «matrimonio divino») indica il matrimonio tra due dei o tra un dio e un mortale. In un'altra accezione del termine, indica un rito sessuale in cui due o più partecipanti umani rappresentano la sacra unione o sizigia (congiunzione) tra un dio e una dea.[2][3][4] «In generale l'orgia corrisponde alla ierogamia. All'unione della coppia divina deve corrispondere, sulla terra, la frenesia generativa illimitata. [...] Gli eccessi rappresentano una parte precisa e salutare nell'economia del sacro. La nozione di hieros gamos non presuppone necessariamente una prestazione effettiva nei rituali, ma è utilizzato anche in un contesto puramente simbolico o mitologico, in particolare in alchimia e quindi nella psicologia analitica junghiana. Induismo[modifica | modifica wikitesto] Ebraismo[modifica | modifica wikitesto]

Beth's Pagan Stuff Welcome to my pagan home on the Web! This page includes my own resources (marked with a * ) as well as links to other people's resources.About Paganism & Witchcraft:Witchy Thoughts:Music and Fun:Gods/ Goddesses/ Deity/ the Divine:*Virtual Altar to Hekate*My thoughts on Pagans and Theology*My Queer Pagan Page - young but growing...*Is Biology Destiny?: Men and Gods, my essay on the masculine divine. You know you love it.Pagan Deism: Three Views: Different beliefs held by pagans and their impact on the community.GodChecker: an irreverent, somewhat goofy guide to the world's mythologies.Recommended Reading:*Pagan Non-Fiction: More than just Wicca 101. Today's Moon Phase (Thanks to the U.S. Questions, comments, suggestions, etc. You're welcome to link to my site if you like. Beth's Pagan Stuff: Online since 1997 Beth's World of Wonders
