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Garance Doré

Garance Doré
I don’t know at what point in history shopping became its own activity entirely — yesterday I tried to watch The Paradise*, which takes place during the Victorian era in London, and even back then, we see young women swooning over fancy lace and spending all their money** on perfumes, and some are even able to use their clothes to up their social status. This doesn’t surprise me. There’s a particular pleasure in shopping — it’s both intimate and social. It’s a way to enjoy yourself and communicate something at the same time. That’s especially true today, and it even goes far beyond that… Today, you can build an entire career based on shopping. Don’t take my word for it.

Blogging 101: How to Start Your Own Personal Style Blog Photo credit Over the last few months, we’ve been interviewing some of the most fabulous girls in the blogging community for our Blogger Inspiration series. We’ve learned about their styles, as well as who they are and what they do, but so far, we haven’t looked at what it takes to be a style blogger yourself. Judging from your comments, many of you have already started your own style blogs, or have at least considered it. And for good reason – fashion blogging is growing so fast, and for the first time ever, bloggers are being noticed and taken seriously in the fashion industry.

How Photography in Australia Got from Gilded Copper to Ubiquitous Selfies in partnership with Given the effects of extreme heat, it's remarkable we took any photos at all. From heavy equipment to smart phones, darkrooms to USB sticks and hour-long to instantaneous exposure, photography has come a long way in a few short centuries. The Photograph and Australia at the Art Gallery of NSW traces the origins of photography in this country. Parallel to the evolution of photographic technology is the story of a burgeoning national identity. The exhibition features iconic images such as Max Dupain’s bronzed Sunbaker and Mervyn Bishop’s photograph of the symbolic soil pour from Gough Whitlam to Vincent Lingiari in 1975.

Batman, Oeil de Sauron… – 24 lentilles de contact geek Batman, Oeil de Sauron… – 24 lentilles de contact geek Le logo Batman affiché dans vos yeux ? Une sélection de 25 paires de lentilles de contact plus geek les unes que les autres : Batman, l’Oeil de Sauron, Zombie, Saw, Naruto, X-Men, Terminator, Twilight, Blade, l’Exorciste… Des gadgets bien kitsch, mais je serai curieux d’essayer ! via Dead Trendy – Bones: A Fashion Statement? « The Model Management Blog Leer en espanol> This is a post about ‘skellingtons’ and fashion. Yup, it’s time to start chewing on yer bones, or so it seems, as skeletons -and death- are ‘dead’ trendy. They are seen all over the haute couture catwalks, as we saw them at Gaultier and Givenchy with even burlesque star Dita von Teese playing the lovely bones as you can see here in my post forThe Wam Bam Blog. Calaveras (that’s skeletons in Spanish fer ya English folks) remind me of Frida Kahlo – Riccardo Tisci’s inspiration for Givenchy’s fab haute couture collection – you can see it here in my review of Paris Couture Fashion Week for The Model Management Blog. One of Tisci’s dresses looks exactly like one of my favourite Frida paintings, called: ‘The Broken Column’.

The 5 Best Plagiarism Detection Tools for Educators In a perfect world students would understand that education is for their benefit and put their all into every assignment. Unfortunately, every educator working today knows how far off the reality is from that ideal. Cheating isn’t just something that a few bad apples do every now and then, it proliferates. Vis ma vie de stagiaire Quand une sieste aux toilettes s’impose Quand je vomis dans le RER en allant en stage Quand j’arrive en stage en gueule de bois après une soirée imprévue Quand il est 21h30 vendredi soir et que j’attends un appel de mon boss Quand le tumblr L’enfer du stagiaire reprend Comprenez notre faible activité.Source Quand j’aimerais être récompensé après une dure journée de labeur. Quand je suis le seul de la boite à qui s’adresser pour faire des photocopies. Quand je repense à ma première journée de stage. Pas que ma première d’ailleurs.

Ciao Bella HANNELI MUSTAPARTA Singapore Fashion Blog
