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Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done
Getting Things Done, in het algemeen afgekort tot GTD, is een actiegebaseerde managementmethode, en de titel van een boek door David Allen. GTD is gebaseerd op het principe dat een persoon door zijn taken vast te leggen zich over die taken geen zorgen hoeft te maken. Het moeten herinneren van alle taken maakt plaats voor het daadwerkelijk uitvoeren van de taken. De essentie van GTD[bewerken] De psychologie van GTD is gebaseerd op het eenvoudig opslaan, bijhouden en terugvinden van alle relevante informatie die nodig is voor de taken die je uit moet voeren. Allen stelt ook dat onze herinnering (memory system) tamelijk inefficiënt werkt en ons zelden helpt te herinneren wat te doen op de tijd en de plaats dat we het kúnnen doen. Een alomvattende beschrijving van GTD uit Allens boek “Ready for Anything”: Basisprincipes[bewerken] De basisprincipes van GTD zijn als volgt: Collect[bewerken] Process[bewerken] Verwerk de gegevens in de bucket en volg hierbij de volgende, strikte, werkwijze: Doe.

Business and Financial News Energy Zappers In today's 24/7 world, where time and energy have literally become precious commodities, the last thing high octane women need are things that reduce both. But a lot of the habits we've developed, some of which we do under the guise of "saving time," actually end up draining our energy and wasting our time. What are these terrible thieves that steal our limited resources? Some of them may actually surprise you. 1) - No doubt, the way we dress can have a powerful impact on how we're viewed by others, and even the way we view ourselves. Wear stylish, yet comfortable clothing, and remind yourself to breathe deeply throughout your day, especially when you're feeling stressed. 2) - There's a reason why women laugh out loud when Robin Williams, in the role of Mrs. Wear comfortable dress shoes on regular days and save the high heels for those special, limited-time engagements. 3) - That's right. At a minimum, take a few minutes each day to straighten up your desk.

How To Concentrate "Concentration is the Most Important Intellectual Habit of Man." Not one person in ten thousand can really concentrate. Some realize that they do not know how—others drift along the line of least resistance and let their minds vegetate, apparently never suspecting their weakness or realizing that they are an utter failure at concentration. To Cori-centre—bringing all your mental force and faculties to bear steadily on a given center with-out deviation from that exact point—whipping into line all wandering fancies—stray ideas or thoughts that go off on a tangent—to hold steadily all your power on the central thing under consideration without an instant of wavering—that is Concentration. This ONE THING I Do A difficult thing to do, and very few minds can do it. These aids will do more than help you to follow a memory course; they deal with your daily work. It may seem paradoxical that the first aid to better concentration refers to relaxation. Six puppies were playing in the barn.

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