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Think by Numbers » Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Subsidies than Social Welfare Programs

Think by Numbers » Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Subsidies than Social Welfare Programs
Time Magazine, Vol. 152 No. 19 About $59 billion is spent on traditional social welfare programs. $92 billion is spent on corporate subsidies. So, the government spent 50% more on corporate welfare than it did on food stamps and housing assistance in 2006. Before we look at the details, a heartfelt plea from the Save the CEO’s Charitable Trust: There’s so much suffering in the world. “It felt like a slap in the face. It doesn’t have to be this way. For just $93 billion a year the federal government is able to provide a better life for these CEO’s and their families. Definition: social welfare n. When one thinks about government welfare, the first thing that comes to mind is the proverbial welfare queen sitting atop her majestic throne of government cheese issuing a royal decree to her clamoring throngs of illegitimate babies that they may shut the hell up while she tries to watch Judge Judy. TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families) Graph Source: n.

This Chart Shows The Bilderberg Group's Connection To Everything In The World Getting Straight on Small Business Job Creation: Firms vs. Establishments I like small businesses. I like medium size and large ones too. I like ‘em all, and while size matters — small firms face different, and often more challenging, hurdles than large ones — I fear we risk systemic distortions if our policies are too dependent on firm size. But aren’t small firms the job creators? As I’ve stressed before, not especially, despite the fact that you hear this mantra hourly from policymakers of both parties. Some new data on private sector employment by firm size from the Bureau of Labor Statistics is especially revealing. [This is from a new, experimental data series from the BLS, i.e., not yet part of their normal data production — for now, the data only go through March of 2011.] The first figure, from the BLS link above, just shows the time series in jobs by firm size, with the three size classes in the new series, 1-49, 50-499, and 500+, so small, medium, and large. That may surprise you if you’re used to hearing the opposite, which you hear a lot.

Should the government intervene in the economy? One of the main issues in economics is the extent to which the government should intervene in the economy. Free market economists argue that government intervention should be strictly limited as government intervention tends to cause an inefficient allocation of resources. However, others argue there is a strong case for government intervention in different fields. Hoover Dam built in the 1930s with government funds Summary of whether should the government intervene in the economy. Arguments for Government Intervention Greater Equality – redistribute income and wealth to improve equality of opportunity and equality of outcomeMarket Failure – Markets fail to take into account externalities and are likely to under-produce public / merit goods. Arguments against Government Intervention Governments liable to make the wrong decisions – influence by political pressure groups, they spend on inefficient projects which lead to inefficient outcome.Personal Freedom. Fairness. Inherited wealth. 1. 2.

Can Electing Enforcer of Our Plutocracy Stop Wealthy From Getting Richer off Pilfering The Middle Class? The economy is in the toilet? The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan index of consumer sentiment is at this year’s low. Today, jobless claims are up sharply. The question is why we are in this non-ending cycle. Bill Moyer in the video below speaks about the American Plutocracy that Citigroup in its internal memos coined with the new term “Plutonomy”. When I wrote my book “As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom” I took a lot of flak for the less than civil name. Jared Bernstein’s published an important article yesterday (Getting Straight on Small Business Job Creation: Firms vs. The only advantage to having the above imbalance is that a privileged few get to monopolize on the services and innovation of the many. Only an informed electorate that elects politicians willing to change policies beneficial to the many, the middle class, will we be able to make a change.

Salaries of Government Officials – Current Annual Salaries of Top US Government Officials Shown below are the current annual salaries for the top elected and appointed US government officials, along with the annual salaries for these officials in 2000 or 2001. Executive Branch President of the United States 2014: $400,000 2000: $200,000Note: The president's salary was increased from $200,000 to $400,000 in 2001. The president's current salary of $400,000 includes a $50,000 expense allowance.Also See: Presidential Pay, Compensation and BenefitsVice President of the United States 2014: $230,700 2000: $181,400Legislative Branch - US Congress Rank-and-File Senators and Representatives 2014: $174,000 2000: $141,300Also See: The 10 Wealthiest Members of CongressSpeaker of the House 2014: $223,500 2000: $181,400House and Senate Majority and Minority Leaders 2014: $193,400 2000: $156,900Note: Last salary increase for Members of Congress came in 2009.Also See: Salaries and Benefits of US Congress Members Judicial Branch

How to Get Our Citizens Actually United IMAGINE you’re the closest living relative of a child who just inherited $100 million after her parents died in a car crash. You’re a distant cousin, but if something happened to her, you’d be next in line. She has juvenile . So you “adjust” her insulin prescription a bit yourself, doubling the dose. When that doesn’t work, you tell her a different drug works just as well, and when she’s reluctant, you offer her a trip to World. What would happen if you got caught? Earlier this month, the Justice Department announced a settlement with the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline. These two fact patterns have a lot in common, except that instead of endangering the life of one child, the company endangered the lives of many, and instead of anyone receiving prison time, the company agreed to pay a fine — which it will no doubt pass on to its customers and shareholders — that is, to us. This isn’t an exception. So why has no one been criminally prosecuted?

Fortune 500 2013: Annual ranking of America's largest corporations from Fortune Magazine Companies are ranked by total revenues for their respective fiscal years. Included in the survey are companies that are incorporated in the U.S. and operate in the U.S. and file financial statements with a government agency. This includes private companies and cooperatives that file a 10-K or a comparable financial statement with a government agency, and mutual insurance companies that file with state regulators. It also includes companies that file with a government agency but are owned by private companies, domestic or foreign, that do not file such financial statements. Excluded are private companies not filing with a government agency; companies incorporated outside the U.S.; and U.S. companies consolidated by other companies, domestic or foreign, that file with a government agency. Revenues Revenues are as reported, including revenues from discontinued operations when published. Profits Balance Sheet Assets are the company’s year-end total. Employees Earnings Per Share Medians Credits

The Ryan Choice Reich writes: "Paul Ryan is the reverse of Sarah Palin. She was all right-wing flash without much substance. He's all right-wing substance without much flash." By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog 12 August 12 aul Ryan is the reverse of Sarah Palin. Ryan is not a firebrand. It's here - in Ryan's views and policy judgments - we find the true ideologue. Ryan's views are crystallized in the budget he produced for House Republicans last March as chairman of the House Budget committee. Ryan's budget would also reduce food stamps for poor families by 17 percent ($135 billion) over the decade, leading to a significant increase in hunger - particularly among children. In all, 62 percent of the budget cuts proposed by Ryan would come from low-income programs. The Ryan plan would also turn Medicare into vouchers whose value won't possibly keep up with rising health-care costs - thereby shifting those costs on to seniors. Ryan's views are pure social Darwinism. Is this Mitt Romney's view as well?

US Debt Ceiling Visualized: Stacked in $100 dollar bills @ $16.394 Trillion Dollars $122,100,000,000,000. - US unfunded liabilities by Dec 31, 2012. Abovet you can see the pillar of cold hard $100 bills that dwarfs the WTC & Empire State Building - both at one point world's tallest buildings. If you look carefully you can see the Statue of Liberty. The 122.1 Trillion dollar super-skyscraper wall is the amount of money the U.S. Government knows it does not have to fully fund the Medicare, Medicare Prescription Drug Program, Social Security, Military and civil servant pensions. It is the money USA knows it will not have to pay all its bills. The unfunded liability is calculated on current tax and funding inputs, and future demographic shifts in US Population. Note: On the above 122.1T image the size of the bases of the money stacks are $10 billion, and 400 stories @ $4 trillion "It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. Everyone needs to see this.
