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POSTER: 7 Easy Icebreakers You Can Do With Post-It Notes

POSTER: 7 Easy Icebreakers You Can Do With Post-It Notes

250 Conversation Starters Here are some great questions for starting a conversation. There are a lot of random conversation starters to get you started and then conversation questions listed by topic. You can start with the random questions or find a topic that interests you. There’s no right place to start, just scroll down to wherever you want and get started! There are tons of ways to use these questions. The title would have you believe that there are 250 questions, but there are actually more. Random Conversation Starters What was the last funny video you saw? What do you do to get rid of stress? What is something you are obsessed with? Who is your favorite entertainer (comedian, musician, actor, etc.)? What’s your favorite way to waste time? Do you have any pets? Where did you go last weekend? What are you going to do this weekend? What is something that is popular now that annoys you? What did you do on your last vacation? What was the last time you worked incredibly hard? Who is your oldest friend?

Instant folklore - building a spoken story I first came upon this activity in a beginners Gaelic class, but it can be used at any level as the difficulty is set by the students' own knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Get the class to sit or stand in a clear order -- eg in a circle or a line. Start the story off with a simple, short sentence. An example of how this might turn out (/ separates individual contributions):I am tired / because / I went to bed late / last night. / Now / I want / an ice-cream / and / a bath. This is quite effective because it forces the students to retain the English for later repetition (as opposed to translating to their native language). The first few students won't get the benefit of this the first time round. If a student can't remember what came next (this will probably happen several times in a game), let the person who originally said the next line repeat it for him.

Summer Love (lower level) Summer love is a complete set of teaching resources designed around interesting and unusual photographs with activities to activate your students' higher level critical thinking skills. This pack looks at the topics of holidays, love and change, and incorporates a focus on story-writing and speaking skills, as well as listening for gist and specific information. The materials to accompany this pack are designed to be used with lower level students (A2-B1). Each pack in this series includes an audio recording of the photographer talking about their photo, together with a complete lesson plan on how to exploit the image and the audio. In this lesson, students are encouraged to talk about definitions of love and romance. ELTPics image by @mkofab

101 Conversation Starters 101 Conversation Starters (Also see How to Start a Conversation) Ice Breakers Where did you grow up? Childhood Questions What was your favorite children's book? School/Work Topics Where did (do) you go to school? Relationship Questions What is the first think you notice about a guy or girl? Sports Conversation Starters Who is your favorite athlete? Vacation Questions Where was the last place you went on vacation? Food/Drink Topics What is your favorite drink? Entertainment Topics Who is your favorite actor? Personal Questions Who do you look up to? Misc. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

TESOL Lesson Plans for Children - TESOL - Yahoo! News Search Results Teaching English to preschoolers (3 – 5 years old) Theme of the lesson: Learning things that are moving and related subjects to the moving things. Proficiency level: preschoolers (3 – 5 years old) Skill objectives: students’ skills in identifying five things that are moving, and where they are moving on. Methodology: Combination of Total Physical Response and Communicative Approach Key objects of learning: flashcards, books, DVD Warm Up: Circle time and then sing the song “Wheels on the Bus” with a motion. Introduction to teaching objectives: hands out flashcards that have pictures of car, bus, motorcycle, airplane, and ship. Teaching/in-class assignment: Using real miniatures of car, bus, motor-cycle, airplane, and ship, flashcards or books to show the moving things. A car moves on the land (ground) and has 4 wheels, engines, and 1 steering wheel. A bus is bigger than a car. A motorcycle is smaller than a car or a bus. An airplane flies on the sky, up and above. A ship sails on the water.

Summer love (higher level) Summer love is a complete set of teaching resources designed around interesting and unusual photographs with activities to activate your students' higher level critical thinking skills. This pack looks at the topics of holidays, love and change, and incorporates a focus on story-writing and speaking skills, as well as listening for gist and specific information. The materials to accompany this pack are designed to be used with higher level students (B2+). Each pack in this series includes an audio recording of the photographer talking about their photo, together with a complete lesson plan on how to exploit the image and the audio. There are student worksheets and a copy of the image to download. In this lesson students produce a story using a combination of the photograph and a list of questions. ELTPics image by @mkofab

How to Start a Conversation How to Start a Conversation How to Start a Conversation with a Stranger (also see 101 Conversation Starters) 1. Start with a greeting. For most people, breaking the ice is the hardest part in starting a conversation with someone you don't know but after the ice is broken, everything esle should come easier. To start, make eye contact, smile, and make a greeting Hi, how are you? 2. You: I'm Susan, what's your name? 3. Start with small talk by bringing up a topic that both of you have in common. 4. Keep the conversation going by listening to what they have to say and respond appropriately. Here are some follow up questions you can ask someone who says that they enjoy running: How long have you been running for? 5. Tell them it was a pleasure meeting them.

EFL / ESOL / ESL Educational Songs and Activities: Song Lyrics for Teaching English as a Second Language These EFL/ESOL/ESL lyrics are available from a variety of albums: Songs that Teach Conversational English and English Vocabulary Action Songs Around the World – Jack Hartmann Can You Move Like Me? – Caroline and Danny Circle of Friends – Ron Brown Family Dance – Dr. – Music with Mar. – Jay Cleveland Jump for Numbers 0-10 – Ron Brown Jump, Jump, Jump – Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marín Stand Up – Skip West We Walk – Music with Mar. Alphabet The ABC Rap – The Gum Rappers Letter Blender – Music Movement & Magination Letter Sounds A to Z – Jack Hartmann Who Knows the Alphabet Sounds? – ABC's & Much More Animals African Safari – Diana Colson Baboon Baby – Diana Colson Do You Know These Sounds? – Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marín Doing the Flamingo Walk – Diana Colson Elephants – Diana Colson Giraffe – Diana Colson Lion Pride – Diana Colson Mosquito – Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marín My Fish – Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marín My Pet Turtle – Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marín Please Say Cheese (Animal Names and Movements) – Dr.

B1 Extra Listening for the classroom – trinitypro1 Start listening in your classes with our simple exercises designed to build confidence in your students ! For each listening there is a student sheet, and teacher’s sheet. The text is printed at the bottom – fold the sheet before you give it to your students so that your students have a chance to listen to the recording without the text. We aim to provide high quality learning materials – but also minimise prep: Print, fold and play! Extra Listening: A famous person (EASY) Famous Person Student Worksheet Famous Person Answer Sheet Questions/Preguntas pincha aquí 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Text/Texto pincha aquí Justin Bieber is a singer and songwriter who was born and grew up in Canada. In 2007 he won second prize in a singing competition in his local area, and soon after this his mum started to put videos of Justin singing on YouTube. Although he is only in his early twenties, worldwide, he has sold around 75 million records. Answers/Respuestas pincha aquí 1. 2. the piano, guitar, drums and the trumpet

Talking to Kids: 100 Conversation Starters & Questions Kids can be shy, its not always easy for them to have conversations with peers or adults. This list of 100 get to know you questions can help. Listen to English conversation with audio. Update: Don’t miss our new website for learning English 123 Bien! – it offers free lessons and audio content for learning basic English. Update: Many school educators have used this free resource to help children learn English (ESL conversations). Questions About The Previous Week What did you do this week? Questions About Their Family How many brothers and sisters do you have? Questions About Them How old are you? Questions About School Where do you go to school? Questions About Their Activities What do you like to do for fun? Questions About Cultural Things What is your favorite TV show? Questions About Spiritual Things Do you like to read your Bible? Questions About Children’s Ministry What is your favorite thing that we do here each week? *This article was originally posted on May 17, 2010. What did you do this week?

Teach Children ESL - Songs, Chants, and Action Rhymes FREE ESL Songs, Chants& Action Rhymes [To download the files, please click right-side mouse button on the "Download!" image and select "Save Target As..."] Get Involved! If you have articles you want published, a related website to promote, worksheets, lesson ideas, or anything else you want to share, please talk to us.

» How To Make Conversation – Improve Your Social Skills Most conversation advice doesn’t help you make conversation. It’s easy to find tips like “Look your partner in the eye” or “Think of conversation topics ahead of time.” These tips are helpful, but they don’t explain how conversation actually works–it’s like saying “Keep your eye on the ball” instead of explaining the rules of baseball. Of course, you can still enjoy baseball even if you don’t understand the rules. The good news? You don’t need to be frustrated anymore. Improve Your Social Skills is a practical, step-by-step guide to social success – and that means it teaches you how conversation actually works. You’ll learn the bedrock principles of conversation, and how to apply those principles to make smooth, engaging conversation. Guess what? The Secret Of Conversation Flow What makes some conversations flow smoothly, and others sputter or feel awkward? Invitation: The Art Of Good Questions Inspiration: The Heartbeat Of Good Conversation Inspiration In Practice
