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Transitional Words & Phrases

Transitional Words & Phrases
Using transitional words and phraseshelps papers read more smoothly, and at the same time allows the reader to flow more smoothly from one point to the next. Transitions enhance logical organization and understandabilityand improve the connections between thoughts. They indicate relations,whether within a sentence, paragraph, or paper. This list illustrates categories of "relationships" between ideas,followed by words and phrases that can make the connections: Addition: also, again, as well as, besides, coupled with, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, similarly When there is a trusting relationship coupled with positive reinforcement, the partners will be able to overcome difficult situations. Consequence:accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, for this purpose, hence, otherwise, so then, subsequently, therefore, thus, thereupon, wherefore Highway traffic came to a stop as a result of an accident that morning. The children were very happy. Related:  Parole, parole, parole

Argument structure Disciplines > Argument > Argument Structure Premise | Conclusion | Inference | See also Arguments are the basis of persuasive communication. They are combinations of statements made that are intended to change the minds of other people. All arguments have structure, which can be either deliberately designed or may be discovered through analysis. Premise A premise (or premiss) of an argument is something that is put forward as a truth, but which is not proven. It is hot in here. This is a beautiful car. The people of this town are angry. If you want to attack another person's argument, you can challenge the truth of their premises. As premises are the building blocks of the argument, there may well be two or more premises in any argument. Conclusion The conclusion (or claim) is the statement with which you want the other person to agree. We need to get out. You should buy this car. The new housing should be sited elsewhere. Inference If we don't do something, the peasants will revolt. See also

Transition Words & Phrases As a "part of speech" transition words are used to link words, phrases or sentences. They help the reader to progress from one idea (expressed by the author) to the next idea. Thus, they help to build up coherent relationships within the text. Transitional Words This structured list of commonly used English transition words — approximately 200, can be considered as quasi complete. There is some overlapping with prepositions and postpositions, but for the purpose of usage and completeness of this concise guide, I did not differentiate. Agreement / Addition / Similarity The transition words like also, in addition, and, likewise, add information, reinforce ideas, and express agreement with preceding material. in the first place not only ... but also as a matter of fact in like manner in addition coupled with in the same fashion / way first, second, third in the light of not to mention to say nothing of equally important by the same token again to and also then equally identically uniquely like as too moreover likewise

GUESS WHAT? 意味はナンですか~ いますぐ利用登録! 現在位置: 知恵袋トップ 教養と学問、サイエンス 言葉、語学 英語 ランダム質問 解決済みのQ&A GUESS WHAT? shampooooohさん GUESS WHAT? 違反報告 質問日時: 2007/6/13 19:15:43 解決日時: 2007/6/18 00:15:42 閲覧数: 13,457 回答数: 5 ベストアンサーに選ばれた回答 naiskongmalamanさん 直訳すると、「何だか当ててみて。」 ナイス! 質問した人からのお礼 みなさん詳しいですね 私ももっと頑張ります英語は難しいですね コメント日時:2007/6/18 00:15:42 知恵コレに追加する Share on Facebook ベストアンサー以外の回答 (4件中1〜4件) 並べ替え:回答日時の 新しい順 古い順 dra_nobiさん 一番最初の人の回答が正しいと思います(笑) ナイス! tentogo55さん 話者がコレを聞いたらびっくりするだろうな、(いいことでも悪いことでも)ということを言う時に使う前置きです。 trickstar248さん わかりづらいかもしれませんが↑であってます。 daitiangongさん ナンだとおもう~~? この質問を見た人はこんな質問も見ています カテゴリQ&Aランキング 戻る 次へ 英語 1May Jさんの、『Let It Go~あ... 2スピードラーニングを半年以上... 3「ファック・ユー」の意味、教... 4カタルシスの意味を馬鹿でもわ... 5アメージングってどういう意味... 6よろしくお願いします。 7I miss you.とはどういった意... 8Mr. 9TOEICとTOEFLと英検の違いをお... 10英語で「おいしい」の意味のデ... ランキングをもっと見る 総合Q&Aランキング ランキングをもっと見る ランキングをもっと見る ランキングをもっと見る ランキングをもっと見る 困った隣人 みんなのアンテナ なんで? Yahoo! 一覧を見る 教養と学問、サイエンス ∟言葉、語学 Yahoo! お得情報 家族でタマホームの住宅展示場に行ってモデルハウスを見学しよう♪マックカード2千円分もらっちゃおう! その他のキャンペーン Yahoo! スマフォアプリで質問・回答・検索がサックサクで快適! Yahoo! かわいい手作り作品のハウツーがいっぱい! Yahoo! お役立ち情報を毎日チェック! アイコンの説明 知恵コイン

Three ways to persuade Disciplines > Argument > Three Ways to Persuade Ethos | Pathos | Logos | See also Aristotle, perhaps the most famous arguer, described three routes to change the mind of the other person. Ethos Ethos uses trust, and focuses first on the speaker. showing the speaker as a person of integrity and good character. Reputation The reputation of a person depends on their past, and what is known and spoken about them. Leveraging reputation often means reminding others of your illustrious past, perhaps through stories of your successes, of how you have helped others and been able to see the truth where others have not. Character Character paints you as a three-dimensional human, even with a few flaws (though these should not be important to the audience). Credibility Credibility, depends both on expertize and how this is portrayed. To use credibility, position yourself as an expert. Pathos Pathos appeals to the emotions of the listener, seeking to excite them or otherwise arouse their interest. Logos

Randomly Awesome Words PIE Paragraphs Body paragraphs are the paragraphs between your introduction and conclusion, the ones in which you demonstrate your points. They are the meat of your essay. Strong body paragraphs do the following things: stay on a single topic open with a topic sentence, a sentence that says the main point of your paragraph give concrete examples with descriptive detail to demonstrate your main idea in the paragraph explain how the examples relate to your main point end with a statement about the main point, not on some detail from the example One common way of explaining body paragraph structure is using the image of a pie, or PIE structure. You might notice that this structure is very similar to the structure of an essay. learn more about essay structure The following paragraph from an essay about kickboxing has been divided into its PIE elements. This page was created by Karin Spirn.

Transitions Quiz | ENG 135 | UVic | Oxford University Press Canada Complete each paragraph by selecting the transition (word or phrase) that best fits in each blank. Do not use the same transition more than once. Once you have made your selections, carefully review your choices before you press the button labelled "Submit my answers"—some transition words may seem similar in meaning, but your goal is to choose the ones that create the most effective paragraph. (Javascript must be enabled for this exercise.) A vegetarian can be defined as someone who does not eat meat, fish, or other animal products, such as eggs or cheese; 1) _____, he or she eats vegetables, fruits, grains, and seeds. 2) _____ this diet consists of non-meat food sources, a vegetarian typically consumes less fat and cholesterol than an individual who consumes meat. 3) _____, raising animals for food uses valuable land, water, and energy. 4) _____, adopting a vegetarian diet helps conserve the valuable resources that our future depends on. 1. Answers: d Answer: b Answer: c Answer: a Answer: a

にやける(ニヤニヤ笑う)を英語でなんといいますか! いますぐ利用登録! 現在位置: 知恵袋トップ 教養と学問、サイエンス 言葉、語学 英語 ランダム質問 解決済みのQ&A にやける(ニヤニヤ笑う)を英語でなんといいますか!? ahhhh_sucksさん にやける(ニヤニヤ笑う)を英語でなんといいますか!? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 例として、「好きな人を見るとにやけてしまう」 を英語の文に訳するとどうなりますか? 違反報告 質問日時: 2010/11/4 21:32:06 解決日時: 2010/11/7 18:37:20 閲覧数: 2,629 回答数: 2 ベストアンサーに選ばれた回答 betaroudoragonさん When I see my favorite ones, I smirk. ナイス! 知恵コレに追加する Share on Facebook ベストアンサー以外の回答 (1件中1〜1件) opusbc0417さん to smirk to smile を使います。 ナイス! 「英語、snip-snap」に関する質問 この質問を見た人はこんな質問も見ています この質問につけられたタグ タグランキングを見る カテゴリQ&Aランキング 戻る 次へ 英語 1May Jさんの、『Let It Go~あ... 2スピードラーニングを半年以上... 3「ファック・ユー」の意味、教... 4カタルシスの意味を馬鹿でもわ... 5アメージングってどういう意味... 6よろしくお願いします。 7I miss you.とはどういった意... 8Mr. 9TOEICとTOEFLと英検の違いをお... 10英語で「おいしい」の意味のデ... ランキングをもっと見る 総合Q&Aランキング ランキングをもっと見る ランキングをもっと見る ランキングをもっと見る ランキングをもっと見る 招かれざる客 みんなのアンテナ アレとコレの関係 Yahoo! 一覧を見る 教養と学問、サイエンス ∟言葉、語学 Yahoo! お得情報 家族でタマホームの住宅展示場に行ってモデルハウスを見学しよう♪マックカード2千円分もらっちゃおう! その他のキャンペーン Yahoo! スマフォアプリで質問・回答・検索がサックサクで快適! Yahoo! かわいい手作り作品のハウツーがいっぱい! Yahoo! お役立ち情報を毎日チェック! アイコンの説明 知恵コイン ライフ 画像投稿 Yahoo! 質問総数:122,370,249件 回答総数:278,872,319件 Yahoo! 閉じる

Freewriting: A Way Around Writer's Block Freewriting: A Way Around Writer's Block (printable version here) Freewriting is one of our Consultants' favorite techniques for helping writers who cannot get started. Freewriting is analogous to the warm up you might do before exercising. There is no "correct" way to freewrite, so try a variation of these steps: Begin with a blank computer screen and a watch (or the clock on the computer). Focused freewriting follows the same process but begins with a topic: Put a topic of your choice, or even the topic of your next paper, at the top of a blank page. Back to 'Getting Started' Writer's Web | Writing Center | Make an Appointment | Library Copyright Info

50 Most Challenging Words Back in 2010 The New York Times published a list of 50 fancy words that most frequently stump their readership. The New York Times 50 Fancy Words (defined and used) 1. I am glad your inchoate proposals for integrating the company were not accepted this time, thus saving us face. 2. Anderson’s profligacy cost him his job and its better you tighten up your belt before you go the same way. 3. Mr. 4. Every major war on this planet were followed by many years of austerity. 5. The firm’s profligate spending only hastened its downfall. 6. Humpty Dumpty’s antics remain a constant source of baldenfreude for children and adults alike. 7. His ludicrous attempts at mimicry in the office only earned him the opprobrium of his colleagues. 8. The millionaire technocrat and his cronies were publicly derided for being apostates, after they were exposed of polluting the environment while purporting to have spent large sums for water conservation. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
