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JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching

JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching
Related:  Learning & teaching for academic librarians

Blog | Curatr First Friday Bring Social Learning to Retail with Kaboodle A version of this post first appeared on the HT2 Blog. Earlier this year we launched a new digital learning and social collaboration platform built specifically with retailers in mind with our Partner, First Friday. 6-months post-launch and Kaboodle is starting to... read more How to Handle Your First Curatr Implementation: Advice from A Project Manager This post first appeared on the HT2 Blog. Future Tech: Proximity Beacons in Learning This post first appeared on the HT2 Blog. Popular ‘Introduction to the xAPI’ MOOC Returns to the Curatr Free Course Line-up As part of a lineup of free courses, Curatr’s parent company, HT2, have announced a revised version of the highly successful “Introduction to the xAPI” MOOC, which first ran in Summer 2015, and saw over 800 people from across the globe taking part in a 4-week... read more Curation, Copyright and the Law This post first appeared on the HT2 blog. How to Gamify your MOOCs

MOOC, 8 tipologies | ladislau girona Recentment he llegit un article al blog de Donald Clark parlant dels MOOCS i les seves diferents tipologies des d’una perspectiva pedagògica, des del punt de vista dels instruments d’aprenentatge que incorporen . En primer lloc ens parla dels TransferMOOCs, la oferta de Coursera entraria dins aquesta categoria. Es tracta de traslladar a una plataforma MOOC els cursos existents; estan conduits pel professor, el supòsit pedagògic és el de la transferència de continguts, molts imiten els cursos tradicionals amb l’ús de conferències, proves curtes, avaluacions. És la opció mes moderna dels cursos tradicionals. En segon lloc, els MadeMOOCs, Udacity es qui representa millor aquesta categoria. Més innovadors en l’ús del vídeo, defugint els “talking heads”. En tercer lloc, els SynchMOOCs, cursos amb data d’inici i d’avaluació fixes. En quart lloc, els AsynchMOOCs, cursos totalment oberts, sense dates fixes d’inici o avaluació. En cinquè lloc, els AdaptativeMOOCs.

Cutucando o paradigma… Neste meu nono artigo no blog vou dialogar, de forma talvez um pouco provocadora, com três artigos que me vieram parar nas mãos nos últimos dias. Há, a meu ver, um tema comum a perpassar os três. E esse tema me faz lembrar de Ivan Illich e Sociedade Sem Escolas (1971 – a tradução literal do título do livro de Ivan Illich seria Desescolarização da Sociedade)… E me sugere algo do tipo: “The school is dead! Long live learning”. (O artigo é longo. O primeiro dos três artigos é um instigante texto de Rosa María Torres, educadora equatoriana, diretora do Instituto Fronesis. O texto discute sutis diferenças de ênfase entre dois movimentos iniciados pela UNESCO nos últimos anos, Educação para Todos e Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida. Educação para Todos foi (na verdade, ainda é) um movimento iniciado pela UNESCO em 1990, na Conferência Mundial da Educação de Jomtien, na Tailândia. Entre essas metas estavam: Em primeiro lugar, fala-se agora em aprendizagem, não em educação. Concluindo…

Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started - University of Leeds This course is designed to help anyone teaching in the vocational education and training (VET) sector understand the benefits of blended learning. You will find out how to use technology more effectively to support your learners, and understand how to better embed it in your classroom. Supported by industry experts, you’ll connect with teaching and training professionals who understand the practical challenges of using blended learning. You’ll discover the importance of being able to blend digital learning methods into your teaching, to help your learners become familiar with the digital workplaces they’ll be joining. Prepare to embed blended learning in your teaching practice You’ll learn the principles of blended learning and will review a number of case studies to see how it can be applied in different environments. Consider how your VLE can support blending learning Design blended learning options that suit your learners

Educacao&Tics Digital Literacies ANZ – Connecting digital learning with digital fluency EBOOKS | Free Ebooks & Software - Part 2 Every year, network marketing companies and teams spend thousands on marketing plan training because many people simply find marketing plans today too confusing or people just don’t take network marketing serious enough to be well equipped.Isn’t this alarming? Consider this:· Would you be in a profession if you don’t know your career path?· Would you work in a job if you don’t know how much you are getting paid?· Would you give away money for free?We all know the answers to these questions, BUT, in network marketing, proper understanding of the marketing plan (not only yours but others in the industry) will not only save you lots of time, but will also determine the rest of your network marketing career! Why organic gardening… the dependence on chemicals is removed. Looking for a way to build muscle? Do you or someone you know the true secrets body to try to build? There ‘has finally created a new book just for people like you! (more…) (more…) (more…) I empathize with you, my friend.

5 Powerful Questions Teachers Can Ask Students My first year teaching a literacy coach came to observe my classroom. After the students left, she commented on how I asked the whole class a question, would wait just a few seconds, and then answer it myself. "It's cute," she added. So that day, I learned about wait/think time. Many would agree that for inquiry to be alive and well in a classroom that, amongst other things, the teacher needs to be expert at asking strategic questions, and not only asking well-designed ones, but ones that will also lead students to questions of their own. Keeping It Simple I also learned over the years that asking straightforward, simply-worded questions can be just as effective as those intricate ones. #1. This question interrupts us from telling too much. #2. After students share what they think, this follow-up question pushes them to provide reasoning for their thinking. #3. #4. This question can inspire students to extend their thinking and share further evidence for their ideas. #5.
