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7 tools to monitor your competitors’ traffic

7 tools to monitor your competitors’ traffic
TweetTweet “Heavy Traffic” by Masakazu “Matto” Matsumoto on Flickr Just how accurate are Alexa, Compete, Quantcast & the others? This is part of our ongoing series on website optimization and traffic analysis. Guest post by Sam CrockerSEOmoz Today we’re going to examine a number of tools and resources for getting insights into competitors’ traffic data. We’ve had clients asking us for a better view of overall market size and what kind of traffic their competitors are getting, since it can be tricky to find meaningful predictive data even when you know who your competitors are or should be. It is worth pointing out that a number of these services suggest they can provide better data if you claim the sites by entering your ownership credentials. We tested 25 sites for which we had reliable internal data, giving us insight into just how accurate these tools really are — or aren’t. Alexa: Too often, dubious numbers Weaknesses: Not so great for the smaller sites. Cost: Free. Cost: Free. Cost: Free.

Everyday tips for making every fan feel special via social media You already know that your social media fans are responsible for much of your success. They spread the word, earn you revenue through referrals, and often become paying customers and lifelong fans of your brand. Rewarding your fans is a great way to show how much you appreciate their role in your success. Though it might seem obvious that you should reward them, some people just don’t know how or when to do it. Here are some ideas for rewarding your fans to make sure they feel appreciated. Special offers: When you release a new product or you’re running out of stock, offer your social media fans first dibs on the goods. Brands that do it right: If you need more inspiration to figure out how you can thank your customers, look at what other businesses are doing. Nobody likes to feel that they’re just a number on your social network. Guest post contributed by Peter Nevis, on behalf of OrangeLine SEO .

Pay Bloggers - How Much Should Businesses Pay Bloggers If you want to hire a blogger to write content for your business' blog, then you need to be prepared to pay that blogger. The amount that you pay the blogger can vary significantly depending on your requirements as well as the blogger's experience and abilities (check out 5 skills to look for when hiring a blogger). Blogger Pay Based on Business Requirements The more you expect a blogger to do, the more you can expect to pay that blogger to charge you to write for your business blog. The following requirements can increase the amount you can expect to pay a blogger to write your business blog: Bottom-line, any activities related to writing, publishing, and managing posts on your business blog take time, and you'll need to pay more for them. Blogger Pay Based on the Blogger's Experience and Skills As you might expect, a blogger with years of experience and a deep skill set will charge a higher rate than a blogger with few skills and little experience. Common Blogger Pay Rates

The Essential Guide To Creating Viral Content It's the dream for all marketers, to create a piece of content that will be seen by the world. Unfortunately, even if you come up with the greatest piece of content ever made, there's no guarantee that something will go viral and for the most part, most content that has gone viral has been online for quite a while, or has been created by a popular person or group. That doesn't mean that it's impossible, however. With a little bit of work and some advanced preparation, you can improve the chances of your content getting shared across the web. Content 1) What makes content go viral? What makes content go viral? So while there isn't a magic formula for success (let alone instantaneous success), there are measures you can take to increase its chances of going viral. If you want a simplified version of how content goes viral, Kevin Alloca, the trends manager for YouTube, gives three reasons behind the success of viral videos: Tastemakers, participation and unexpectedness. Video Distribution

How Much Do Bloggers Really Earn? | Get Off My Internets Internets The big buzzword among fashion bloggers is “monetize.” They’re always looking for a way to monetize their blog, their outfit posts, their shopping suggestions. No one can deny that a few bloggers have basically lucked into a viewership that affords them a decent income per month, but what about the little guys? Let’s start with a few case studies: What I Wore: Although Messica used to command thousands per monthly sponsorship, she now uses to sell sponsorship slots. I posted harsh words about popular blogger perceptions a few days ago and I stand by what I said. Here’s the bottom line: You absolutely may luck into making some cash from your blog. What does this mean for you if you’re a blogger?

[Interview] Contenu et réseaux sociaux au coeur de votre stratégie Internet Benjamin Marchand-Lenoir. Technophile et diplômé de l’école de communication de publicité et de marketing Sup de Pub, Benjamin a acquis une double expérience de stratège, chez l’annonceur comme en agence. Rigoureux et polyvalent, il a fait de la gestion de la e–réputation sa spécialité. Responsable du pôle « Communication et e-réputation » d’Ezalys, il a pour objectif de consolider la notoriété des clients et le développement de leur image de marque. Quels sont les enjeux des réseaux sociaux dans la stratégie d’un site internet aujourd’hui ? A l’heure actuelle, les réseaux sociaux sont un formidable lieu de concentration des internautes. Avoir un site Internet solide, ergonomique, efficace reste donc la base d’une stratégie internet. Qu’est-ce que le SMO et en quoi contribue-t-il aux objectifs que vous décrivez ? Le SMO, ou Social Media Optimisation, est le fait d’optimiser son site Internet pour les réseaux sociaux. Le contenu est primordial ! Like this: J'aime chargement…

Day 5: Twitter, Global Impact and the Future Of Blogging - SOTB 2009 On this, our final day of the study, we’ll examine two of the leading blogosphere trends for 2009. The use of Twitter, and the impact that bloggers had on political events in the US and around the world. Twitter Bloggers use Twitter much more than does the general population. 52% syndicate their blog posts to their Twitter Account, and 41% do so while also posting tweets that are not associated with their blogs. 26% of bloggers who also use Twitter say that the service has eaten into the time they spend updating their traditional blogs – though 65% say it has had no effect. Even among the technologically sophisticated audience of bloggers, 35% of those who do not use Twitter say it’s because they do not understand the point .

Comment contacter des bloggers pour faire le buzz ? Voici pour commencer le mail à ne pas faire : Bonjour,Nous souhaiterions vous faire part d'un communiqué au sujet de la nouvelle version du site pour que vous découvriez notre site et si vous le souhaitez publier un ar-ticle sur votre blog.Votre blog contenant de nombreux articles qualitatifs et sérieux nous aimerions appa-raître dessus.Nous vous remercions par avance pour votre réponse et le temps accordé à la lecture de notre communiqué.Cordialement,(...)Anne XXX.Assistante Responsable Marketing Alors, des recettes ? Identifiez les bloggeurs réellement influents dans votre secteur d'activité. Vous pouvez utiliser le classement de Wikio en prenant gare au fait que ce classement ne qualifie l'audience ni en qualité ni en quantité, mais simplement les liens qui pointent vers les blogs, un peu comme le PageRank sur Google. Il est bon de compléter ce classement par quelques recherches et analyses d'audience. Trois catégories de bloggeurs

4 Top Tools to Measure Your Blog Traffic | Intechnically Savvy Blog Okay, you’ve got the blog up and running. You’re posting regularly. Maybe you’ve even received a comment or two. But how can you tell if you are doing well? Here are a few of the best tools available to help you start keeping track. Technorati One way to gauge the popularity of your blog is to see how many others are linking to it. Google Analytics To get started, all you need to do is copy/paste tracking code provided by Google into the HTML of your blog’s template. QuantCast This website measures traffic, demographics, business, lifestyle, interests, and more. Alexa Click on “Site Info” at the top of the page, and then search for your site. The best way to see how your blog is doing is to measure trends.

10 règles d’or pour créer une expérience sociale réussie Cet article a été publié il y a 2 ans 2 mois 21 jours, il est possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. Comment recruter plus de fans ? Voici les 10 points qui me semblent essentiels dans la création d’une véritable WOW expérience sur les réseaux sociaux : Soyez Customer Centric. Soyez réactif. J’espère que ces conseils vous aideront à proposer une meilleure expérience utilisateur sur vos espaces communautaires.

The AdSense revenue share Today, in the spirit of greater transparency with AdSense publishers, we’re sharing the revenue shares for our two main AdSense products — AdSense for content and AdSense for search. As you may already know, AdSense is comprised of several products. The most popular are AdSense for content, which allows publishers to generate revenue from ads placed alongside web content, and AdSense for search, which allows publishers to place a custom Google search engine on their site and generate revenue from ads shown next to search results. Since AdSense for content and AdSense for search offer publishers different services, the revenue shared with publishers differs for each of these products. AdSense for content publishers, who make up the vast majority of our AdSense publishers, earn a 68% revenue share worldwide. This means we pay 68% of the revenue that we collect from advertisers for AdSense for content ads that appear on your sites.

[Infographie] Comment optimiser son taux de viralité sur les réseaux sociaux ?  Lorsqu’elles s’engagent sur les réseaux sociaux, les entreprises se posent toujours la même question : quel type de contenu fonctionne réellement ? Pour répondre à ce problème, l’agence vi knallgrau a publié une infographie analysant les types de contenus et les stratégies de marque les plus efficaces sur Facebook. Son étude s’appuie sur près d’une centaine de marques en Allemagne, en Autriche et en Suisse. Voici les principales informations à retenir de cette enquête : les marques dont la fréquence des messages est peu élevée ont un taux de viralité plus important.Les heures de publication les plus propices sur les médias sociaux se situent entre 10h et 11h puis entre 19h et 20h.Les marques peuvent attirer plus d’audience en postant le week-end, en particulier le dimanche.Postez des messages courts et utilisez des visuels chaque fois que possible.En effet, les posts complétés de photos attireraient 69% d’audience en plus.
