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Hair tutorials

Hair tutorials

The Beauty Department - Hair Recently I realized that we’ve never really had a specific chat about hair serums. There are so many different formulas from silicone-based, to alcohol free, to natural, to curl enhancing, etc… All of them promise to deliver mega shine on the driest, dullest hair. But there’s more to it than that. I thought it would be fun to break down 8 of my favorites (each being my jam for a different reason), tell you what I’ve experienced with each and tell you who I would recommend them for. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6: L’Oreal EverStyle Smooth + Shine Serum: This is an awesome budget friendly alternative! 7. 8. GET IT TOGETHER! post designed by kristin ess Alright. This is serious. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. Now, I know you guys want product recommendations, but like I’ve said before, you should try and get a recommendation in person from a professional! Xx Kristin Tags: boot, boot camp, bootcamp, camp, conditioner, conditioning, hair bootcamp, hair repair, kristin ess, lauren conrad, moisturize, the beauty department, Related posts:

Hair Tutorials We haven't done a hair tutorial in ages! So, my friend (and hair genius) Caroline, photographer Jamie Beck and I decided to come together to whip up this gorgeous mermaid tail. It's perfect for those lazy summer day (or date nights) when you want to surprise and awe people with your hair. I absolutely love it--in fact, it might be my favorite hair tutorial yet. How gorgeous is that braid, above?! Here are Caroline's steps, if you'd like to try it out... 1. 2-4. 5-6. 7. 8. (Optional step: You can remove the two separate rubber bands at the end, and just use one to combine the two tails together. "That's it!" (Photos by Jamie Beck for Cup of Jo.

25 Super-Easy Everyday Hairstyles for Extremely Long Hair … The hairstyles for long hair I’m about to share with you won’t take more than 20 minutes of your precious time but will score you some major style points and help you style your long tresses like a pro! So, are you ready to experiment with a couple of interesting new hairstyles for your lovely locks? Well, then you absolutely must give these 7 hairstyles for long hair a shot. Amazing, stylish and oh-so-cute, braids are one of my most favorite styles ever! And if you’re one of those lucky ladies whose hair is gorgeous and unbelievably long, you should definitely experiment with braids, starting off with a simple braid. Le blog de bellaunaturel

15 Cool and Creative Tea Infusers Now that we’ve looked at 15 Creative Coffee and Tea Cups it’s time to pick a tea infuser! The tea infuser (often called a teaball or tea maker, and sometimes a tea egg) gained popularity in the first half of the 19th century. By the time of Queen Victoria, no respectable British household would be without one[1]. However, some argue that when you use a tea infuser, tea cannot flow freely as it traps much of the flavor between and in the leaves. So you should only fill an infuser half full leaving some spaces for the leaves to swell. Common shapes for infusers include spherical, conical and cylindrical, but usual things doesn’t interest pandas. Which one do you like most? 1. “Mr. 2. “Use this charming robot stainless steel tea infuser to prepare your favorite loose tea. 3. “Add whimsy and mirth to your teacup with the DCI Tea Duckie Tea Infuser. 4. 5. “The Water Lily serenely floats on the surface while the stainless steel mesh infuser below steeps your tea. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

DIY Fringe Scarf | Lakeland Local Everyone needs a go-to fringe scarf in their fashion repertoire. Here’s an easy way to make your own. What You Will Need: -Old T-Shirt -Good Scissors Step 1: Go through your old T-shirts and find a daring print or color combo. Step 2: Cut horizontally across the shirt, just below the armholes, to create a rectangular tube. Step 3: Working your way around the tube, make a series of vertical cuts that extend from the raw edge upward. Step 4: Tug down on each strand to elongate it. photo credit: Cathy Hayes for Lakeland Local

soins pour le visage - Sérum Jeunesse… - Tonique Tea Tree… - Gel Moussant Peau à… - Tonique "Fleuri" - Lotion Démaquillante - Le blog de Marie-Neige Jeudi 15 août 2013 4 15 /08 /Août /2013 11:15 C'est fait ! Il y a un mois Mon Amie Framboise a posté un article Qui m'a interpelée : Un fluide tenseur visage. Simple, rapide et avec tout ce dont je dispose. J'avais très envie de le préparer mais...... Les vacances font, Que je n'arrive pas à m'isoler pour tambouiller. Ce matin, grand calme à la maison et Papy est au jardin. Tout d'abord il faut trouver mes ingrédients. Je sais je suis un peu "Bordélique" avec mes produits. Comme dit Papy, j'en ai partout. J'ai pourtant une pièce tout à moi. Parfois (souvent) je ne remets pas à leur place Mes flacons, sachets, pots, ....... Pensant les réutiliser très vite. J'ai perdu l'olivem, la gomme adragante, L'HV figuier de barbarie. Pffff !!!!! 2ème essai pour retrouver l'olivem, je sais que j'en ai. Yess ! Par contre pas d'adragante, je vais faire avec de la guar. Quant à l'HV de figuier le flacon est vide ! Je ferai uniquement avec bellis. Ingrédients : 45 ml (50 ml) HA fleur d'oranger 1,25 gr Olivem 1/2 càc HV bellis

Crayon Roll I have been looking for a crayon roll/holder tutorial but can’t seem to find one. I have found plenty of these little holders for sale but no directions. So here is my version. And if anyone finds/has other instructions, let me know and we can link them. **These instructions were created for my daughter’s long erasable crayons that are almost twice as long as a standard crayon. You’ll Need: 2 pieces of fabric – 14 x 21 and 8 x 21 (inches)1 piece of ribbon – 20 inches long, give or take.Matching thread **All seams are to be made at 1/2 inch. First, cut out your pieces of fabric… And then fold them in half, lengthwise. Then on the smaller piece of fabric, make a seam right along the fold, close to the edge. Then open up the larger piece of fabric and lay the smaller one on top, matching the two raw edges of the smaller one with the one raw edge of the bigger piece. Sew along all 3 sides (not the fold) leaving a 4 inch gap at the bottom, so that you can turn it right side out. Related posts:

DIY Tutorials Tutorial: How To Attach Fringe January 24, 2014 Last week I posted a tutorial on how to quickly make a lot of fringe at once and now I’m going to show you how I attach fringe! Insert your hook into the space where you want to put the fringe as shown above. Put the ends of your fringe piece(s) through the loop and pull tight! Tutorial: How To Quickly Make A Lot Of Fringe At Once! January 14, 2014 Sometimes crochet projects require a lot of fringe and it can be really time consuming to cut each piece individually, so here is an easy way to cut a lot of fringe at once! Wrap your yarn around and around that piece of cardboard! When you have enough wraps on there (one wrap = one piece of fringe), cut the end of the yarn and then cut the yarn along the bottom edge of the cardboard. Easy peasy! Tutorial: How To Add Elastic To Crochet Leg Warmers & Hats December 3, 2013 There are a lot of types of elastic threads & cords that you can get at any craft store. It’s really super simple. November 13, 2013

painted glass tabletop I try to get my hands on every material I can think of, and sadly, that means I can never make a quick trip to the hardware store. Even when I plan to rush in and grab a packet of bolts or a can of paint, I always leave three hours later with those things, plus a sample of random plastic tubing and tons of half-formed ideas. But when this project from Kara Paslay landed in my inbox, I ran to the store, bought the supplies, and wasted no time making one of these tabletops myself. This project is so easy to re-create; even the intricate triangle design that Kara has made requires mainly patience and a steady hand. I think this would make a wonderful project for outdoors; since the painting is on the underside of the glass, it can be protected from the elements and easily cleaned. It’s great that you can customize the design however you please, but Kara’s bright, summery geometric pattern was too beautiful for me to pass up. Have a DIY project you’d like to share? Materials Instructions 1.

Les lettres scintillantes de Paper Cup On en a vu beaucoup, sur internet, de ces grandes lettres scintillantes. Mais celles-ci, que nous propose aujourd’hui la talentueuse Minhee de Paper Cup (dont on vous a déjà parlé plusieurs fois) ont un petit quelque chose en plus : elles sont faciles à réaliser. Les feuilles de polystyrène sont très simples à découper, aussi, vous pouvez-même vous lancer, avec ce principe, dans la confection de très grandes lettres, ou de projets plus complexes comme la fabrication d’une phrase complète. La preuve en suivant ces quelques étapes… Pour réaliser la guirlande pailletée, vous avez besoin de…- Peinture en spray dorée- Ruban fin en satin noir (ou une autre couleur de votre choix!) Etape 1 – Des lettres en orDécoupez les lettres et attachez les avec les punaises sur les feuilles en polystyrène. Etape 2 – Le cœur des fleursDécoupez le papier crépon sur 15x5cm, puis prenez le fil de fer et enroulez-le en partant d’une extrémité. Merci Minhee pour cette brillante idée!

Triangles and polka dots I gave some hints last week about 'something' I whipped together for the birthday girl. Since she's officially ten now, and all the presents were unwrapped and all ten candles were blown out last night (the cake we still have plenty off, but that's a story for later), I can finally show you some pictures. As some of you already guessed, I made a flag garland. I used whichever fabric I had available from my failing bag business. Now, if you want to try this, all you need is fabric in a couple of different prints and/or colors, cut to triangles (I used the same size triangle for all flags, but you could vary sizes if you like, or even combine different shapes), some biais tape and thread. For the polka dot garland, just hop over here to find a short description. Wishing you a good week! xo, P.

Apprendre à faire ses vêtements: Les astuces Apprendre à faire ses vêtements est le rêve de beaucoup de gens. Pour y parvenir, il faudra y aller pas à pas, en commençant par la simple personnalisation de tenues traditionnelles, puis par la compréhension de cette phase créative. Pour réussir à concevoir votre propre vêtement, il vous faudra, après avoir été initié aux bases, comprendre la manière, dont sont conçues vos plus belles tenues. Puis, pour apprendre à faire ses vêtements, il faudra alors vous reposer sur cette observation, et cette connaissance acquise au cours du temps. Des vêtements personnalisés S'il n’est pas facile d’apprendre à faire ses vêtements, vous pourrez, avant de franchir le pas, apprendre à personnaliser les vêtements, que vous portez. Faire ses propres vêtements Après avoir commencé par personnaliser vos tenues, vous êtes décidés à devenir le créateur de votre mode.
