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The 60-Second Guide To Smartphones In Education

The 60-Second Guide To Smartphones In Education
Smartphones and apps are the pinnacle of buzzwords when it comes to education. You can’t swing an app without hitting a smartphone…or something. So what’s all the buzz about? - Ownership of smartphones continues to rise at a brisk pace - Smartphone owners download between 50 and 80 apps each - Students studying using smartphones are three times more likely to track their progress - Flashcards and self-quizzes are popular: more than 70% of students use this type of app - Most students use the built-in apps a lot. A new infographic from Online Colleges spells out exactly what schools are using smartphones for, which apps are most popular, and overall statistics you may not (yet) know about.

Science Is As Science Does 5 Things Not To Do During an iPad Rollout 1-to-1 Programs | Feature 5 Things Not To Do During an iPad Rollout K-12 teachers and administrators pinpoint five different areas that schools should be aware of when rolling out iPad initiatives. By Bridget McCrea07/25/12 There's no shortage of iPad rollouts in the K-12 space right now. Here are five things that you shouldn't do during an iPad rollout. 1. Haggard said she uses a similar organizational approach with daily assignments, knowing that her young students will be most productive when given specific tasks to complete on their tablets. 2. Wiecking, HPA's energy lab director, said getting students away from games like Angry Birds and engaged in educational projects on their iPads isn't always easy. "It's about students being engaged and on task," said Wiecking. 3. "This is not a network-friendly device," said Nagler. Nagler said the problem has grown as more devices were distributed and as more teachers recognized the limitation. 4.

Best Practices for Deploying iPads in Schools Digital Tools Teaching Strategies Flickr: Lexie Flickinger By Matt Levinson As schools get ready to deploy iPads this year, each one is scrambling to figure out how to develop an efficient and effective system that works. Without professional development and a set plan in place, educators in individual classes might be stumped by how to set up iPads for different uses. To that end, here are some ideas about how to put a system in place for iPad use in classrooms:

An Apple for the teacher: are iPads the future in class? | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional I'm a self-confessed Apple fanatic so I was curious to see how iPads and iPods could be used successfully in a primary school. I was sure they would inspire and encourage the teachers I work with to take a chance and think outside their comfort zone and embrace new technology. But before our school jumped on the iPad bandwagon, I wanted to determine how these devices were going to offer a better learning experience compared to the laptops that we already had in our school. My 'iPad journey' began approximately a year ago, when I bought an iPad 2. Having seen the huge potential of the iPads as an educational tool, I decided to investigate the pros and cons of iPads compared to laptops in the classroom. In my mind these were the pros: • Ease and speed of use and accessibility: The touch interface and app system on the iPad makes it easy to access learning tools. And here are the cons: Initially, five members of staff (head, deputy, phase leaders and ICT co-ordinator) were given an iPad.

The iPad – What it should and shouldn’t be for Education This blog originally started as a reflection journal as I begun a pilot program for using iPads at my school. My early posts ( check January and February posts ) were discussions of the pros and cons of iPads. As the year has gone by and I have more time to research, read other iPad articles and experiment more with apps and with the students using them more frequently, I’ve had time to reflect on what iPads are offering schools. What you should use iPads for in schools Multimedia content creation I am so sick of the tech press misrepresenting the iPad purely as a content consumption device and complaining that it is not for content creation. What the iPad offers to children is the ability to capture, develop and publish their learning in the creative, engaging, multimedia way they experience the world. Portable, anywhere, interactive collaborative learning The beauty of the iPad is its portability and use anywhere capability. Other What you shouldn’t use iPads for in schools

How The iPad Is Being Used For Mobile Learning 10 Ways To Become A Better Online Learner 9.21K Views 0 Likes There are some quick and easy ways to become a better online learner. Whether you're taking a class or just researching, here are the DOs and DON'Ts.
