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Design Tip: Never Use Black by Ian Storm Taylor

Design Tip: Never Use Black by Ian Storm Taylor
One of the most important color tricks I’ve ever learned was to avoid using the color black in my work. Mrs. Zamula, my childhood art teacher, first warned me about black when I was in middle school. Problem is, we see dark things and assume they are black things. Shadows aren’t black. In high school, I spent lots of my free time in the art room with a few other art-loving friends. I probably went through that book ten times. His shadows are some of the most saturated parts of his paintings, and that’s on the screen too. Now you might be thinking, “Yeah, but those are paintings. But I must have been thinking the same thing, because one of those days in art class Mrs. I was amazed. The corner of Chestnut and Polk. The darkest part of that image? Black overpowers everything else. When you put pure black next to a set of meticulously picked colors, the black overpowers everything else. Lots of the apps we use on a daily basis have blacks that aren’t really blacks, but dark grays. Mrs. Related:  Web design

Steve McCurry's Blog Medidas de la pantalla y resolución de teléfonos celulares y tabletas Tamaño de la pantalla, ancho y altura en pixeles, resoluciones, PPI, densidad, sistema operativo que usan y otros datos y especificaciones técnicas de los principales móviles Smartphone y tablets del mercado. Tablas con información de las principales características técnicas de la pantalla de los dispositivos portables más empleados en la actualidad. Las principales especificaciones físicas que nos pueden ayudar a decidirnos antes de comprar un dispositivo, para quedar completamente satisfechos. Datos útiles y necesarios para crear o diseñar las páginas web de forma tal que se muestren correctamente sus elementos en cualquier dispositivo portable. Tamaño y otros datos de las pantallas de los celulares La popularidad de los teléfonos y tabletas está determinada por los que usan los lectores para entrar a nuestro sitio web, no por su uso global. Tamaño y otros datos de las pantallas de las tabletas Términos técnicos usados Ancho/alto = Es la resolución de la pantalla.

Blog › Guidelines pour produire des PSD adaptés au web Je préparais dernièrement un document pour un boulot afin de montrer à des boîtes de créa print comment faire des PSD propres pour le web. Le but inavouable de la démarche était d’éviter de se retrouver avec des charniers inexploitables en intégration, chose qui arrive encore un peu trop souvent. Pas de règles de ninja ou de gimmicks avant-gardistes ici, juste des bonnes bases saines pour faire un boulot clean. J’ai omis sciemment les nouveautés CSS3 et autres gadgets pour me focaliser sur l’essentiel. Dernière modification : le 12 juin 2014. Préparer le fichier Quelques règles de base et rappels simples pour préparer un document web-safe : Travailler en RVB et profil sRVB (pas de CMJN !). Adapter la créa aux contraintes web Quelques règles à garder en tête au moment de la phase de création : Tenir compte de la cible du site lors du dimensionnement du layout. Et voilà. Pour finir, Romy me rappelle très justement son billet sur le même sujet, qui peut être un complément intéressant.

An Easy Guide To HSL Color In CSS3 Cet article est également disponible en français The CSS3 HSL color method is well-supported in modern browsers but somewhat neglected by coders, partly due to the fact that HSL is quite different from alternative CSS color models: It’s easy to translate from hexadecimal to RGB color codes, but difficult to translate from those color models into HSL. Hex and RGB PhotoShop color values can be directly transferred to your CSS, but PhotoShop’s HSB color model is not the same thing as HSL. HSL doesn’t give you a greater gamut: it works in the same color range as hex and RGB. Despite these restrictions, HSL is very much preferred by designers, and I’m about to show you why. First, you need a new mental model for color. Starting at the top of the wheel and moving clockwise, we proceed through the rainbow hues you recall from school: ROY G BIV. So the first component of HSL is easy: it’s a specification of how many degrees around on that wheel a particular color is.

Mind-Bending Single Sheet Origami Japanese artist Yukio Nishimura creates all of these sculptural pieces with a single sheet of creamy white paper– the mind bending origami is comprised of thousands of folds that make beautiful patterns of light and shadow. The medium could not be any simpler, but he has imagined incredible variations for each pattern. There’s something so mesmerizing about each piece, especially the ones the undulate and curve. Only by folding one piece of paper an expressive masterpiece can be created. Even the creamy quality of the paper is marvelous– each piece is something that can be stared into for hours.

Choosing web fonts: 15 expert tips Over the last few years, the possibilities for using type on the web have expanded enormously. In the bad old days of the web, designers were restricted to a few 'web safe' fonts, which meant everything looked pretty much the same, or using images to replace the type – a clunky solution that caused problems for the reader and technical problems in the browser. Nowadays, though, you can access an astonishing array of professional typefaces for use on your sites, bringing the aesthetics of print design to the web. Since around 2010, widespread support of @font-face in all the major browsers, plus a new web open font format, WOFF, has led to a technical revolution and the rise of a number of web font hosting services. Tim Brown is the type manager at Typekit. 01. 02. Once free from traditional 'web safe' fonts like Verdana and Georgia, make design choices based on the typefaces you use. 03. The web may move at lightning speed, but quality typesetting requires lots of patience. 04. 05. 06.

One Page Portfolio Hand-coded HTML and CSS is what I do. It's what I'm good at so why not? Featured Project: Inspect Element My Portfolio About Me Now this is a story all about how my life got twisted upside down and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air. I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and had dice in the mirror, if anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought nah, forget it, yo home to Bel-Air! Book Origami: The Art of Folding In Artist Isaac Salazar recycles old books into surprising works of art by folding in the pages to make words and shapes visible on the edges of the book. He’s posted much of his work on Flickr, although his Etsy page says that he no longer accepts custom orders for these beautiful books. Via Recyclart: “I see my work as a way to display a meaningful piece of art onto a book that would otherwise sit on a shelf and collect dust; it’s also my way of recycling a book that might otherwise end up in a landfill.The words or symbols I use are drawn from anything that invokes inspiration or encouragement, such as “Read”, “Dream” and the Recycle symbol. If my work also makes people look at a book and even art in a new light then the piece has done its job.” I imagine that making this means tracing a flattened version of the image onto the edge of the book, then carefully folding to meet the lines of that tracing (and perhaps cutting when necessary, to fold in the smaller curves).

Google fonts : tests de lisibilité Avant d’utiliser les polices proposées par Google dans le Google font directory, j’ai décidé de les tester une par une, sur OS-X et sur Windows afin d’évaluer leur lisibilité. Cet article propose un récapitulatif des résultats sous forme de pdf téléchargeable gratuitement (Français/Anglais) ainsi qu’une analyse détaillée… Webdesign et typographie 2010 aura incontestablement été l’année de la typographie sur le web. Le nombre de services dédiés (ou non d’ailleurs) à l’usage de polices sur le web (via @font-face) a explosé ces derniers mois (Typekit, FontDeck, Typotheque, FontsLive, Fontspring, TypeFront,, Ascender fonts, Kernest, Webink etc.) c’est un véritable raz-de marée d’outils au service du travail typographique sur le web. Dans ce que je peux comprendre du travail typographique d’un webdesigner, la base d’un caractère de labeur c’est avant tout d’être lisible sur plusieurs résolutions, systèmes d’exploitation, dans différents corps de texte etc. Evaluation de la lisibilité
