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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
JAPAN: Half a century of OECD membership 4 April 2014 Japan joined the OECD in 1964, the same year it hosted the summer Olympic Games in Tokyo. OECD membership signalled Japan’s successful transition into a fully industrialised economy, Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida writes on the 50th anniversary of his country’s accession. Read more DEVELOPMENT: Aid to developing countries rebounds in 2013 to reach an all-time high 8 April 2014 Development aid rose by 6.1% in real terms in 2013 to reach the highest level ever recorded, despite continued pressure on budgets in OECD countries since the global economic crisis.

Penn World Tables 6.3 (189 countries, 1950-2007, 2005 as base year) The Penn World Table provides purchasing power parity and national income accounts converted to international prices for 189 countries for some or all of the years 1950-2007. The European Union or the OECD provide more detailed purchasing power and real product estimates for their countries and the World Bank makes current price estimates for most PWT countries at the GDP level. Please note that CHASS only provides access to the data; we are not involved in the collection or maintenance of the data.

Global Governance Global governance or world governance is a social movement toward political integration of transnational actors aimed at solving problems that affect more than one state or region when there is no power of enforcing compliance. The modern question of world governance exists in the context of globalization. In response to the acceleration of interdependence on a worldwide scale, both between human societies and between humankind and the biosphere, the term "world governance" may also be used to designate laws, rules, or regulations intended for a global scale. Definition[edit] Discarded Food Cans Turn Into Canvas For British Street Artist : The Salt Hide caption A lady face painted on a Lyle's Golden Syrup can. mydogsighs mydogsighs Hide captionCollection of can bodies, awaiting face painting. mydogsighs Hide caption Half of a face, peeping out from a Lyle's Black Treacle can.

Ranking of economies Economy Rankings Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business, from 1–190. A high ease of doing business ranking means the regulatory environment is more conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm. The rankings are determined by sorting the aggregate distance to frontier scores on 10 topics, each consisting of several indicators, giving equal weight to each topic.

Print and Broadcast Media From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Media may refer to: Communications[edit] ited Nations Millennium Development Goals The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – which range from halving extreme poverty rates to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015 – form a blueprint agreed to by all the world’s countries and all the world’s leading development institutions. They have galvanized unprecedented efforts to meet the needs of the world’s poorest. The UN is also working with governments, civil society and other partners to build on the momentum generated by the MDGs and carry on with an ambitious post-2015 development agenda. News on Millennium Development Goals Launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Yellow Drum Machine Audiofile Engineering asked me to make a robot like this for them, to be won in a promotional contest. Yellow Drum Machine II is done now, and it can be found here. .. There is always more fun to do with this robot, but for now I will just mark it "complete" in the current version, hope you enjoy it. Opec Home {*style:<ul>*} {*style:<li>*} {*style:<h3>*}OPEC Secretary General Barkindo pays inaugural visit to IEA{*style:</h3>*} {*style:<br>*}HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, the recently-appointed Secretary General of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), visited Paris on Friday to meet with Dr. Fatih Birol, the International Energy Agency’s Executive Director. {*style:<a href=' more{*style:</a>*} {*style:</li>*} {*style:<li>*} {*style:<h3>*}Iranian President meets with OPEC Secretary General{*style:</h3>*} {*style:<br>*}The Honorable President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, HE Dr.

14 African Countries Forced by France to Pay Colonial Tax For the Benefits of Slavery and Colonization - Did you know many African countries continue to pay colonial tax to France since their independence till today! When Sékou Touré of Guinea decided in 1958 to get out of french colonial empire, and opted for the country independence, the french colonial elite in Paris got so furious, and in a historic act of fury the french administration in Guinea destroyed everything in the country which represented what they called the benefits from french colonization. Three thousand French left the country, taking all their property and destroying anything that which could not be moved: schools, nurseries, public administration buildings were crumbled; cars, books, medicine, research institute instruments, tractors were crushed and sabotaged; horses, cows in the farms were killed, and food in warehouses were burned or poisoned. The purpose of this outrageous act was to send a clear message to all other colonies that the consequences for rejecting France would be very high. #1.

Chaos Theory and Complexity Theory A double rod pendulum animation showing chaotic behavior. Starting the pendulum from a slightly different initial condition would result in a completely different trajectory. The double rod pendulum is one of the simplest dynamical systems that has chaotic solutions. Chaos: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future. Chaotic behavior can be observed in many natural systems, such as weather and climate.[6][7] This behavior can be studied through analysis of a chaotic mathematical model, or through analytical techniques such as recurrence plots and Poincaré maps.

International Monetary Fund The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., of "188 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world."[1] Formed in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference, it came into formal existence in 1945 with 29 member countries and the goal of reconstructing the international payment system. Countries contribute funds to a pool through a quota system from which countries experiencing balance of payments difficulties can borrow money. As of 2010[update], the fund had XDR476.8 billion, about US$755.7 billion at then-current exchange rates.[4] Functions[edit]

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