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Moleskine 2

Characters John Kenn’s Website See more art by John Kenn on this site Thanks to OvO for finding this artist! Pencil Drawings I was always wondering why we still see black and white artwork and photography in the age of millions of colors and HD technologies. I tried to answer this question based on my love to black and white photography and apply the answer to any black and white art. The black and white artwork takes you beyond the shapes and colors to give you dramatic effect using shadows even more than lines. Before continuing reading this post did you already join our Twitter and subscribe to our RSS feed? Pencil drawing is one of the oldest forms of art that is using different type of pencil that varies in hardness and softness from H9 to B9. Drawing with pencil implement many methods to create different effect and styles. Roxana1890 Roxana’s work is marked with the wonderful ability to use shades to give the character the depth. Daan Noppen Daan is a great artist that uses different direction of lines drawing. Olga (Olechka) Shvartsur Olga is a really talented artist. T. Osm Liza Corbett Ryan Riegner Theartyst

Pen Drawings (Weekly Story Theme: Romance) There is no other love like an illustrator’s hand and its pen. These two spend hours together everyday, inseparable, and when they are not together, the hand years for the cool grip of its beautiful slender pen. Andrea Joseph hand knows this feeling well, and his hand and its pen have been committed to each other for years now, and now on Creative Tempest they renew their vows. Mattias Adolfsson Nelle pagine del suo taccuinio, Mattias Adolfsson, crea mondi fantastici, tavole imbandite, scrivanie affollate da oggetti, navicelle spaziali piene di comandi e ingranaggi. Le sue illustrazioni sono colme di oggetti rappresentati nel minimo dettaglio. Con un tratto di penna e qualche tocco ad acquerello, riempe l’intero spazio del foglio senza mai appesantire visivamente le sue composizioni. Autore: Delia Barone

Drawing within Photography Home » Drawing » Incredibly Creative Pencil Drawings vs Photography 465K Flares465K Flares × Today we are listing incredibly creative and amazing pencil drawings vs photography work of Ben Heine from Belgian, who is a painter, illustrator, portraitist, caricaturist and photographer. Ben Heine was born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast and currently live and work in Brussels. All the Please support this site by clicking on the button below Written by Waheed Akhtar I am Waheed Akhtar, a freelance web designer from Dubai.

50 Sketches Critic, “I’m an artist myself and” Argument from authority – always a logical fallacy, but even worse when it’s in a subjective field where there arguably can’t be any authorities. “I hate it when people who aren’t artists assume anything someone puts out there is ‘mind-blowing’.” – incredibly condescending, don’t you think? And besides, “assumes” that it is mind-blowing? If the person who posted these pieces had his mind figuratively blown by them, then how can they not be mind-blowing? Who are you to say that they are not, in the face of reality and facts? “There were only a select few that were actually interesting and most of them were considerably unskilled-looking.” “Just because someone draws lines in a girls hair or shows the boobs doesn’t make it amazing.” “No, I am not bias towards any creative expression whatsoever but I don’t agree with just how ‘inspiring’ these are supposed to be.”
